3. Examination

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 Disclaimer: What if, I can actually make profit by sitting in front of my laptop all day, and write scripts instead of frictional stories? Yeah, that'd be great. I'll just continue dreaming.

Nothing graphical in here, just purely description. Can't wait to get on the part where they have to entertain clients. Again, if you think that this chapter or story deserves an trigger warning, let me know.


All four girls were carried down a hallway, and up a short flight of stairs. During their unwilling stroll across the hallway, all they heard was screaming, pleading and crying from behind the closed doors that lined up both sides of the narrow corridor. They entered the small room, "Ah, good. New arrivals. Sit one on the table and leave the rest chained on the bench." they heard a voice with strong british accent, with sarcastic prosodic emphasis placed on the words good, and new.

Tori was flipped onto the metallic table, lying on her back. The buff guy who was carrying her did a swift job of cuffing her hands above her head in a pair of metallic handcuff, attached to a pole to prevent any wild movements. He soon use a thick, worn-out leather strap that was connected around the metal table to belt around her neck as well. 

As Tori was strapped down, Jade, Cat and Trina was hurled and forced to sit down on a three seater bench made out of metal that is anchored to the ground. Those man debated for a minute on who is the most dangerous out of these three, and decided that Trina, who knew material arts, will be the one who will have her feet secured to the hooks that were fastened on the ground. They did just that and have Jade's left wrist, and Cat's right wrist, cuffed to the metal arm rests on each side.

From their position, they can clearly analysed the room - pearly white square floor tiles and tawny paint-covered walls were the interior design of the room, an examination table which Tori was fastened on, with adjustable swing-arm holder comprising various pain-inflicting and examining instruments tilted at an easily accessible height on the left, lies in the middle. There is also a table, opposite of where the three girls were seated, containing assorted equipments such as gags, chastity belts, collars, bondage mitts, tubes and flasks containing unknown chemicals, and ropes lying on the surface of it.

There was a man standing next to the metal table where Tori were bound unwillingly against, who the girls presume was named Jeff, from the previous guy who run this twisted place. He lean over slightly, and took a good look of the beautiful brunette. "My, what splendid cheekbones you have, love! And your skin, oh my! So evenly tanned." He commented, smiling as he did so. He wore thick glasses and white lab-coat, looked to be about middle-aged, with short and ruffled black hair. "Hmm. I'd say mid-to-late teens. Very nice. We don't have any teenagers anymore.. not after the incident involving electricity. It's good to have new arrivals, after so long."

Jeff ran his right index and middle finger across Tori's right forearm, causing the bound girl to struggle against her restraints unavailingly. He ran his hand along the side of her face, then through her brown hair. Jeff picked up a clipboard which was placed on the instrument-holder and scribble down a few notes. "Nice, very nice. Girl have no scar or whatsoever on any part of her body, and hair is natural as well. Good. Body is maintained in well condition..." after taking several notes of Tori's physical descriptions, "Alright, good. Bring up the next one."

The guys undid Tori's restrains, and carried her towards the other three, while the other two men unchained Cat and brought her to the table as they cuffed Tori's wrist to the metal rail. The same restrains were done on Cat, who was whimpering the whole time. "Ahh, what lovely sight to be feasted upon!" Jeff commented, eyes roaming from the head to the toes of the redhead. "And, what a magnificent head of hair! Such colour, so smooth even. Incredible." He jotted down on the second sheet of paper on the clipboard, pausing to glance at Cat and adding in compliments such as, "Such an adorable specimen, love." and "My goodness, that hair is so silky smooth even though it has been dyed! How'd you do it, girl?"

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