Notes and Fevers

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Author's Note: Hey, I'm your writer, Erin. This is not my first book, and the pregnancy part will be accurate. I do my research. Please feel free to correct grammer or spelling if you see any errors, which I promise not to do often. I do edit as I publish.  Also, if you have any plot ideas, I would absolutely love to hear them!!! I will try for one chapter a week!
Original characters and some plot lines belong to Suzanne Collins! Also, I know how common of a story plot this is, but I will make it so incredibly unique, and awesome, so without further adu....

I splash water in my face, afraid to look in the mirror. I'm terrified to see the face that plagues my dreams. Her name makes a shiver go down my spine.
Rue. She has been the epicenter of my nightmares since she was killed. Every time I look at myself, I can see her reflection in my eyes, so helpless and fragile. She is killed, and I have let it happen. I should have been quicker, I should have seen it coming. But I didn't, and now she is dead. I look away, grabbing a towel to dry my face and get dressed.
Downstairs, Peeta is waiting for me with coffee and biscotti. He automatically senses something wrong and pulls me in for a hug.
We stay like this until I decide that I need to stop pitying myself.
He kisses me softly, and goes to pour me some coffee. I take the mug from his hands, reminiscing in the warmth seeping into my palms and warming my entire body. Pulling up a chair next to him, I start to wonder how our lives would have been had we escaped the moment when he and my sister's names were reaped.  I wonder if we would love each other, or if our lives would be completely different then they are now. 
A soft rapping comes from the front door, and I get up to answer it. Outside the door stands my mother and Prim, slightly dusted in the falling snow. I let them in. They say that they have run out of bread, and have stopped by to get some. Ever since I moved in with Peeta after he proposed three months ago, they make all these excuses to come and check up on me. Prim especially. I initially felt bad about leaving her with my mother, but warmed up to the idea of them enjoying quality time together.
My mother hadn't been there for Prim like she was for me after Dad died. Prim barely remembers seeing her compassionate side, and after I won the games with Peeta, she started to liven up. Now, Prim could get to know the mother I had lost so may years ago.
It was about 4:00 when they decided to leave. We had offered to start a fire and we ended up sitting and talking for hours. Before Prim shut the door behind her, she slipped me a note I'm my hand and told me, "Change is coming."
She slipped out the door. I wasn't even sure she had said anything because she was so quiet. I flipped the piece of paper open skimming it's contents. REBELLION IN 8, 4, 6, AND 11.
Rebellion. The word haunted me, played on a loop in my head. The note fluttered to the ground, only to be retrieved by Peeta.
He read it quickly and tossed it into the fire. Coming up behind me, he placed a hand on either of my hips and whispered in my ear, "This is what we have been waiting for! It's finally here!"
I turned around, the widest grin on my face and jumped up on his hips. He kissed me happily, which quickly turned to a feverish kiss, loaded with passion.
Before we knew it, he has us in the bedroom. Our clothes left scattered down the hall. He made a trail of kisses from my neck to my thighs, leaving me starving for more...


Three weeks went by, and my brain started ticking. Would we be able to start an uprising here in 12? How would we know that everybody would show up?
And then, it dawned on me. What if we set up a booth in the Hodge, and had people sign up? It would be perfect. I would be able to explain to those who want to sign up where to meet and when and how the other districts had done it. But first, I needed to talk to Prim.
I invited her over for brunch, and she couldn't wait. I had told her not to bring mom though. She was hesitant, but didn't protest.
The door opened as Prim announced her presence, "Katniss? I'm here!"
"I'm in the kitchen."
"So what's for breakfast?"
"You mean brunch? It's like, 11 o'clock."
"Whatever. So, I'm not stupid, what do you want to know about it"
"How did they do it?"
"Mob style, protests during the games, strike from factories, stuff like that. Why do you need to know?"
"I want to start one here, in 12."
"Katniss! Do you want to get bombed like 8, or massacred like 11? It's not smart. Actually it's incredibly stupid! This is our home, and whether you like it or not, this is the way things are," This was not like her. She normally would side with anything against the capitol. But this is serious buisness.
"So what's for brunch?" Prim questioned, changing the subject.
"French-" I felt something rise in my throat. Before I could get to the bathroom, I was throwing up all over the tile floor. I don't know why this was funny to me, but it may have to do with the fact that the tile was the same color as last night's dinner.
Prim held back my hair and when I was done, she went to get a wet face cloth for my neck.


Weeks went by, and the vomiting only got worse. It felt like my whole body was sore, but I still didn't have a fever. Peeta refused to leave my side. Every time I got sick, he was holding back my hair or bringing me a glass of water. My mom and Prim stopped by even more than before. My mom began to worry that I had a virus worse than the flu.
It was worse around food. I ate fine, but smells like bacon or almonds sent me flying towards the bathroom.
By week two of being sick, I started to wonder if it was a virus at all. My mind wandered back to the books in my mom's house. Looking at the pictures in the medical encyclopedia my dad gave her as a wedding gift was a common thing for me to do as a toddler.
I remembered one thing that made me very nervous. Nausea was a side effect of being pregnant.
Peeta and I only did it one time. We didn't have access to protection, so it didn't even occur to us to use it. One thing was for sure though, I wasn't going to worry anybody if it wasn't true.
I called Effie and asked if she could visit me. I told her it was urgent, and to bring a pregnancy test.
"Oh Katniss, that's wonderful! You will make an amazing mother! I can't wait!" She had responded and I had said I couldn't talk about it now.
She would be here tomorrow morning with the goods and then I could find out for good.

Kind of a short chapter, but that's OK because you guys love this story if you have made it this far! Again, comment, vote, do all that reader stuff you guys do and enjoy!!!

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