Chapter 2

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337 hours before...

Shaky Wackos Diner

Walking into work, she looked like death played a game of tag all night with her. Dark bags under her eyes and bloodshot eyes from exhaustion made wary glances to be cast her way. Edna, the owner of the diner, walks up to her cautiously and places her hand on her cheeks "Sweetie are you sure you're up to work today? You look dog-tired." she exclaimed.

A small smile quirked on her lips at Edna's vocabulary, but she grabbed her hands from her face and holds on to them,"Of course, you know I can't let down my favorite customers. Besides, I just look tired, doesn't mean that I am." With that, she left her with a reassuring smile as she made her way to the back where her locker was. As she put away her stuff and took out a pair of vans to switch for her flats, she sighed feeling uncomfortable that she couldn't take a proper shower. She stopped at a one toilet bathroom in a McDonalds to take care of her hygiene and change out of her clothes. Not one to smell bad she decided to take the good ol' fashioned whore's bath. She still felt dirty.

After tying the white laces of her black vans she quickly threw her hair into a ponytail and the mandatory apron around her waist. Closing her locker she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, with black ripped skinny jeans and a burgundy v-neck pull-over sweatshirt. She would admit that her body isn't so bad, her face on the other hand was so hollow. Cheeks sunken in, pale faced with eyes half-lidded from the restlessness. She looked horrendous, done wit-

"Hurry it up in there, get your nice tight ass to work!" With a chuckle she turned away walking towards the chef, accustomed to his crude comments. It's his own special way of being a sweetheart, he doesn't mean it in a pervy way.

"Alright alright I'm out, I'll start getting orders headed your way. Start preparing my 8:00 AM's regular please, you're the bomb son." A cheeky grin on her face, and a peace sign in the air she walked out of the kitchen to take her place behind the counter. Checking the time to see it was only 7:45 she organized the salt and pepper shakers and ketchup, and washed down the counters with a rag; greeting some co-workers along the way.

Time passed quickly and Roberto, a waiter, unlocked the door because exactly at 8:00 AM her favorite customer, Charles, walked through. He was a sweet 63 year old man that had a hot chocolate with scrambled eggs, 4 pieces of bacon, and whole wheat toast with strawberry jam on the side every single morning for the 7 months she has worked there. She's grown very fond of him, seeing him as the grand-father she never had the pleasure of having. She loved the wisdom he shared with her every morning, and how open and honest she can be with him and he with her as well.

A grin brightens his face as he greets her with a kiss on the cheek as she reaches over the counter to hug him "How's my darling girl today? Why the face? If you got down and dirty with someone, you gotta share everything love."

Laughing she softly swats at his chest as he sits on a Challiman barstool, "I am doing great, you dirty old man. How about you? Did you drink your medicine this morning?" Awaiting his answer, she stared preparing his hot chocolate as Roberto came around and placed down his plate of food. She gave a smile of thanks as Charles said, " Well you know me, always the perky little shit getting on everyone's nerve singing 'I Got a Pocket Full of Sunshine' on the walk over. Also, yes I did drink my medicine, almost choked on a damn pill this morning so that was great!"

Handing over his hot chocolate her laughter echoed throughout the diner, "You never fail to make my mornings old man, but are you okay after the whole almost choking thing?"

Mouth full, he deadpans, "I'm alive aren't I?"

Laughing she turned to focus on setting up the coffee pots as customers start to trickle in. He continues to eat and make small chit chat as she takes orders with a wide smile because despite all of the shit in her life, she has people like him to put a smile on her face.

A ding was heard from the front of the diner signaling that someone has entered. Looking up a man that can only be described as tall dark and handsome, walked towards the counter; taking a seat on one of the stools to the right of Charles. He seemed oblivious to the stares that seek his attention, eyes only focused on...her. A bit thrown off she slowly walked up to him, notepad in hand ready to take his order.

Ignoring the imploring feeling of dread she smiled at him,"Good morning, are you ready to order?"

He took his time to respond not in a hesitant way, more of an inquisitive way. Studying her, as if he were looking right through her in that very moment. Suddenly, he spoke in a sonorous voice "I'll just have a black coffee and a piece of your blueberry pie."

Ignoring his intense scrutiny on her face as she scribbled down his order on the notepad she left him with a "That'll be right up" and a tight smile as she went to pour his coffee in a creme colored mug.

As she placed the mug in front of him he spoke up again, "Did you hear that storm last night? Pretty intense. Made me pity anyone walking through those dark streets in the pouring rain, never know who's watching." Fear coursed throughout her body as she went on alert, as her thoughts went along the lines of-

How did he know? No, no he's just speaking in general...he must be right? I mean it's IMPOSSIBLE for him to know right?


Yeah, maybe I'm just overthinking all of this. He doesn't know.

No one knows.

During her tirade she sliced a piece of the warm freshly baked blueberry pie on a mini triangular glass plate, placing it beside his coffee on the mahogany countertop.

Meeting his gaze his eyes told her a different story though, behind the cold emptiness those enchanting green eyes hold she can also see such such rapacity, but for what? She doesn't understand why he's so concentrated one her, his looks scream at her as if saying 'I know all of your dirty little secrets'.

And that terrifies her.

Gulping down the warm saliva that built up in her mouth she resisted the urge to puke from nervousness, "Um yeah, it was pretty random too. Poor people didn't even see it coming, no time to um prepare."

As she was about to walk away he quipped,"Yeah but that's the exciting part don't you think? It's whimsical to hear the raindrops pelting the roofs of homes, or on the road." Then in a lower tone for only her ears to hear,"What excites me though, is the scream of terror once the thunder cracks in the air; or even just a jump of fright similar to the one you did last night actually."

There it was. The evidence she needed for her theory of last night that he was certainly there, in that one sentence.

Knowing that her coworkers could handle the few customers that lingered she stayed put to respond.

Misty-eyed she put both hands on the counter bending a bit forward to make eye contact, "Wh-ho are you? How do you know about last night?"

Grinning he leaned forward so their lips were just a breath apart, " I'm your fucking daddy."

Chuckling lightly at her angered expression he said, "No? Don't like that one? Ugh, fine. I'm your worst fucking night mare baby. As cliche as that sounds, I'm going to ruin you until you're nothing but a shell of a person. Although, you're almost there anyways and you didn't even need my help." With a wicked beam he got up dropping down a twenty on the counter and taking one last sip of his coffee, that is just as black as his soul.

With one last remark he looked at her, "Oh and about last night? You should be more aware of your surroundings. Expect to see more of me shortly cutie." and with one last sadistic laugh her way, he was gone.

Breathing heavily, her bottom lip quivered and her body shook with anxiety.

"Isla? Isla honey are you okay?

She looked up to see a worried Charles in front of her, across the counter, grabbing her hands in his as an attempt to calm her down.

"Sweetie did you know that man, did he hurt you?"

Trying to calm down and focus, I breathed out shakily "No, but I'm sure this won't be the last of him."

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