Chapter 4: Part 1

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199 hours before...




Sweat poured down her face, showering her in her dread. Her frail body breathed heavily as she hung on the wall in the dank, barely illuminated basement. As soon as they arrived to the location he was taking her, he carried her through halls and stairways until he brought her into what she can only guess is his torture chamber. The only thing she can see in her surroundings is broken pipes, cement walls, and a chair directly in front of her.

That's where the monster sits as he laughs at her pain.

Although it has only been 18 hours, it felt like months have passed. He never really touched her, only in the beginning when he removed her t-shirt, pants, and shoes. Thinking back to that, she remembered how gentle he had been. It confused her. He touched her as if he were dealing with priceless porcelain, careful not too press to hard on her skin as he removed each article of clothing. Her mind couldn't process her attraction to a beast like him.

After that, he tied her arms together with a thick rope making a complicated knot. Then he attached it to a bar above her head. She remembers how she begged and begged, pleading for him to let her go, to not go through with whatever he had planned for her. Through it all, he stayed calm, stayed gentle, and not once did he look her in the eye.

As if she wasn't there, he ignored her screams and pleads. He finished tying her up, and silently took a seat in the rickety wooden chair placed in front of her. She kept her eyes on him, silent tears falling down her face and quivering lips. His gaze on her was intense, observant as always, he couldn't hide his fascination.

They stayed like that for hours, him watching her, and her with a growing headache from all of the crying she had done. In all of the time he had sat there not once did he speak.

She grew restless, her body growing tense from hanging by her wrists. She felt the skin on her ankles and wrists start to grow numb and itching from the discomfort.

He had left abruptly, just stood rigid and tensely walked away. She had no idea what occurred for him to react like that, but she felt like it had been an eternity since he walked out the door.

Sighing she tried to stretch her body, just to have the ropes scratch against her skin causing a whimper to escape her lips.

All of a sudden, she heard a bang near by. Which could only mean two things; either he was back, or... OR someone probably arrived to save her.

Hope bloomed in her chest, just to have it deflate as he walked into the room closing the metal door behind him.

He held a black bag in his hand and only gave her a quick glance as he slowly made his way over to the chair. He traced his pointer finger over the back of the chair as he hummed a soothing tune, dropping the bag on the seat. As she took him in, in his neatly put suit and Italian leather dressing shoes he moved to remove the jacket of his suit and slowly folded it over the back of the chair. Finally making eye contact with her he folded the sleeves of his dressing shirt up to his elbows and loosening his tie he threw it on the chair.  As he made his way over to her, she let out a soft whimper.

She whispers softly, "Please, I'm sorry if I had offended you to a point or if I did anything to anger you but please, please let me go. Please please please I'm begging you."

A small smile glides onto his lips as he takes in her half naked body, those heavenly lips begging with a voice of a siren, and those big doe-eyes that are filled to the rim with unshed tears that plead to be released. 

"If you think about it, I saved you." His acknowledgement scared her and she quietly listened as he went on, chuckling faintly, "I saved you from the nothingness you call a life. You were in hell, and this? This, being tied up but with me is the best you will ever have from a man, do you understand me?"

Striding towards her in quick graceful steps, he took he quivering chin in his hand delicately caressing the smooth caramel skin, "I saved you from yourself... You have such beautiful skin. I crave to cut it, to leave a beautiful blemish created by me...I have urges, strong demanding urges." She took a sharp inhale as he talked.

What he hadn't mentioned was that he not only craved her pain, but there was an attraction like no other. She stirred things within him as he felt her shame and the raw innocence to the cruelness of the world. 

Sure, she had seen much some very disturbing scenes but her pure soul doesn't fully process it as a bitter heart would. She's a forgiving fragile soul, and as much as he hates it, it calls to him. Luring him in like the siren she is, her bewitching ways allure him. 

Sighing through his nose, he dropped a kiss on her button nose and went back to the black bag taking out a water bottle and a container that had fresh fruit cut up in it. He fed her as silent tears ran down her lovely cheekbones and confusion glazed her eyes. Once she ate everything and drank all of the water he placed them back in the bag and reached for something else in it, hesitating a bit, then finally turning around showing the dagger in his hand.

 Once she ate everything and drank all of the water he placed them back in the bag and reached for something else in it, hesitating a bit, then finally turning around showing the dagger in his hand

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The handle had leather wrapped around it with fine steel and a pointed tip. At the sight of it she panicked, she knew his generosity was to be short-lived and she hated being right in that moment. She pulled at the ropes, burning her skin as she pulled and pulled and pulled.

"No no no please no, don't do this! You can't do this..." She sniveled, "please, have mercy please."

He ignored her pleads to lost in the battle with the demon within, he reached her and started drawing on her skin with the dagger not hard enough to cut but enough for her to feel the menace of the tool in his hands. Hands that want her blood on them, dripping, dripping, dripping. 

As she cried out in horror he slowly dug the dagger deeper into her skin, hard enough to finally cut and allow blood to drip down her thigh. He stood mesmerized as the blood ran down the smooth skin, he slid his finger against a drop of blood, smearing it on his lips.

And lastly, lastly he looked up and looked into her eyes, opening a wall to her past that she had built to forget. She slumped forward as her mind prepared for that memory to unfold a dark secret. 

As he looked upon her, rage took over. Breathing hard he punched the concrete wall behind her repeatedly screaming, "FUCK, fuck fuck fuck!".  He had an arm beside each side of her head as she had her head bowed lost in the depths of her mind.  It was as if he was trying to protect her, but he didn't understand since he was the one causing her fistfuls of pain. 

He couldn't even touch her, his bloody hands trembled as did his body as he moved away from her body. He just needed to get away from her, and so he stumbled his way out of there. 

Hating himself for what he's done...

What he needs to continue to do...

And how much he loved to see her bleed...

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