Chapter 3

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"Break up... Oh god I knew you were going to freak out... listen, Taylor, I just don't think that-"

"No no no! I wanted to talk to you about that too! I wanted to end it! Look Harry, it's not that there's not anything to like, cause there is, you're sweet amd handsome and all, and I love you! But as a friend. I don't feel that little spark, y'know?"

He nodded in full understanding. "I feel the exact same way. I'm just not feeling it. But I still love you in a best friend kind of way."

I smiled. "Just friends?"

He smiled back. "Just friends." He hugged me and I hugged back, and I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. This felt right.

"Everyone can come down now!" Harry called upstairs.

A stampede of people came down. Everyone from before came, and Zayn came as well.


"Taylor!" He took me in his arms and spun me around while I laughed. Once he put me down, everyone suddenly looked away. Were they staring?

"What d'you guys want to do? I'm boooored." said Louis.

We just shrugged.

"Good that you don't know, because I have a suggestion. LET'S WATCH A MOVIE!" Louis declared.


Louis smirked just before he jumped while putting his fists on his hips and spread his legs. When he landed on the floor, yelled with the most serious of faces and the loudest of voices, "SUPERMAAAAAAN!!!"

We all laughed, but disagreed, we weren't in the mood for one of those movies.

"How about Sinister?" I said with a creepy look. Natalie recognized the look and squealed with excitement, "Is that a scary movie?!" I nodded and she started jumping up and down.

"Sounds good, lets get ready then! Let's get into our pajamas. Tay, and Nat, you can just wear our clothes," said Niall.

"You sure?" Natalie asked.

"Positive," replied Louis for Niall, putting his arm around her neck. She reacted by snuggling up to him a little bit. Awe! How cute!

"Who's gonna wear who's clothes!"

"I volunteer for Natalie!" Louis yelled as he raised his hand with his free arm. I saw Natalie turn a brilliant shade of crimson.

"And I for Taylor!" Zayn looked at me with a sweet smile. I smiled back in return.

"Wait! Before we all seperate into our rooms! Harry and I have and announcement to make!" I shouted.

"Yeah!" Harry said. He walked towards me and put his arm around me. "We have broken up!"

"Whaaaaaat?" Asked Niall, Natalie, and Louis in sarcastically shocked voices. And Zayn was the only confused one. "Seriously?!"

"Yup, but we're close friends now" replied Harry with a smile.

Did I just see Zayn hide a smile or was it just me?

"Anyway, to the rooms to change people! There's a movie to watch!"

We ran upstairs and Zayn and I went to his room, Niall into his, Harry's into his, Louis and Natalie into Louis's.

I shut the door behind me before asking what I was going to wear.

"You might want these." He suggested, as he pulled out his white t-shirt, a comfy sweater, and sweat pants to wear with a pair of white socks.

"Really? Your COMFIEST sweater AND sweat pants?!"

"Yeah! Just for you!" he replied.

I took them and went into his bathroom to change. God they were so comfy. How nice of him.

I came out holding my other clothes in hand. He changed fast. He was in his less comfy navy blue sweat pants, though still comfy. And he had a white t-shirt that was tight, yet comfy.

We came out the same time as everyone else. Louis was bare chested with pajama pants, of course. Natalie had his dark red sweat pants on, his favorite color. She wore a blue and white shirt and wore white socks and held a big blanket in her arm. Louis should've gotten her a sweater, considering how cold she always is. I mean, Louis knows that... unless he's up to something...

We phoned Lili and said he wasn't coming because Dani isn't feeling well, so he's tending to her. I guess it's alright, at least the rest of the gang's here.

Niall brought a couple pillows for everyone. Zayn also brought some, cause we were sitting on the floor while everyone else was on the couch, and we wanted to be comfortable, and luckily, there was a rug, so no cold for us.

The movie started and I wasn't a bit scared... Not yet anyway. But it was getting scarier and scarier by the moment, but slowly, adding to the suspense. As the Movie went on, I cuddled closer and closer to Zayn as did he to me. And by the end of the movie, we were really close together, I was reclining on him, on his chest, and his chin was resting on my head and he had his arms around me. I was so comfortable and it felt so nice... I almost didn't want the movie to end... but then again I did, cause I was scared shitless. The movie ended and Harry and Niall got up. I was still in Zayn's comfort. I turned around to see that Natalie was hugging Louis tight, as she was really frightful of scary movies, but she loves them anyway. She was holding him tight and he had his arms around her, stroking her, and he rested his head on hers, sharing a blanket. Not only was she scared, but she was also cold. How cute! I KNEW that Louis was up to something! He knows Natalie's always cold, and didn't give her a jacket so she can snuggle with him... AND he wanted a horror movie to get closer to Natalie! That cheeky monkey! But it's so sweet! I can tell he's really into Natalie... and good thing too, cause she likes him a lot.

With all this liking business, I decided to wonder on who Zayn likes. He was single, after all. I took a look at him and he smiled, and hugged me a little tighter. We then got up and we all decided to go to bed.

Natalie and I would share the couch while the boys would sleep in their own rooms. I was hoping I wouldn't go into walking mode this night, because yes, I am a sleepwalker. I don't want to disturb anyone, or anything, even though they understand, cause Louis tends to sleepwalk. Also, Natalie sleepwalks sometimes, so she gets me.

We slept on opposite ends, I had the outer side of the couch and she had the inner, we had flipped sides, our feet near the other's head. I thought I wouldn't sleep that night at all, but I slept and surprisingly, so did Natalie. But I had a terrible dream.

I had a dream where Mr. Boogie was near, and he started to chase me. "No!" screamed, "I'm not gonna disappear because of you!" And ran off, the world around me became darker and darker and I heard his footsteps become faster and louder and then...

Nothing. I felt cold for a second... then... warm... I felt warm and comfortable, like when Zayn held me close. I was in that comfortable mode for what seemed like seconds, but to my horror, I'm guessing it was a couple hours or so...

How do I know such a thing?

I woke up in Zayn's bed.

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