33| Until Proven Guilty

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Clyde cleared my throat. "The theory he brought up was nothing more than that--a theory. I can take you down to that library, the one he took you to, and show you how many countless magical professors have poured their heart and soul on theories of the true meaning of our mission. But to me, it's the least of our worries right now."

I turned around in my seat, looking at him dead on. "What do you mean, what's more important?"

"Uh, did the whole Brandon thing that just happened less than a few hours ago slip your mind?" He didn't pause to let me answer. "Nabella, right now, you're more vulnerable than ever. At any moment, Brandon or some other Greek affiliated person can try to get you onto their side."

"See," I said, shaking my finger at him. "That's the thing I don't get. If we're meant to defeat the dark spirit, then why would they want us on their side?"

"Because by persuading us to their side, that means the dark spirit can't be defeated. It makes sure we don't fulfill the prophecy." He explained. "Really, it's all based on how well they can trick you. I'm not being swayed."

"Hey," I shouted, "I can take care of myself. I don't fall for tricks that easily."

"Yes. Yes, you do," he said simply. "You're not all that educated on how our world works. Which also reminds me, you're starting training next week. I got Monica to help me work the schedule around your classes and internship so they won't interfere."

Was that why he had pulled Monica aside to go with him to her sorority house? Was it just a cover up? I didn't want to ask.

Siting back in my seat, I groaned. "I don't need training. How many times do I have to tell you guys? I'm fine."

"It's not just training, it's also classes on how our world worked. Politics and the true structure of it all."

"Does that include my night shift...that thing my dad talked about?" I sat up right.

"Oh, you're not ready for that."

"But you think I'm mentally and physically for training?"

He reached over the stick shift and brought his hand over to mine, intertwining the fingers and holding me tight. "I don't want what happened today with Amy to happen again. It nearly scared me to death when I got that alert. You need to be well protected. That ring can't always be your only defense."

I opened my mouth to protest again, but the somber look in his eyes stopped me from resisting. Letting out a sigh, I said, "Fine. I'll start the training."

"Good," he beamed. "The sooner you start, the less chance they'll have in trying to separate us."

"Why would they want to do that?"

"If they ever separate us—that's their best bet. And like the stories say, 'if one leads, the other shall follow.'" I arched a brow in confusion. He smiles, continuing to explain: "Basically, that means if you left, taking sympathy to them because they fool you into thinking that they really are the ones who are in need of your alliance, then I'd have no other choice but to agree with you. It's just how we are," Clyde replied. "And if they are successful, then the war between the two kinds will surely be in their favor. The gods and goddess that Off the Hill houses don't agree that the dark spirit has a silver lining. They see it for it's true nature: evil. They'll be inclined to go to war. If we're on the Greek's side, then we will be used to their advantage - inevitably winning the war."

I scoffed. "Why would I have any sympathy for them? All they've managed to do for the most part is try to capture me and attack me."

"They have a lot more under their sleeves than that," Clyde assured me. "And now that we know Brandon is on their side, that means he can share knowledge on different things about you so their attacks can hit closer to home. I need someone to really investigate on him and see what he knows. That Vander said something about a loophole in the story and I need to find out if he was bluffing or not."

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