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Woah hello anybody reading this, I started this book about a year ago, thinking it would make a great "impact to others" and also because I was determined to make great body changes and ugh my grammar had so many mistakes. For anybody still interested in this, I have a few more tips from my journey to a new healthy lifestyle.

However my experience so far was a very bumpy road, at times I would feel very strong, feelin myself.

The next few days I'd be more focused on cutting down portions and eating minimal packaged fruits under 900 calories for the day. But usually after that type of eating, I'd feel so low-energy, but mentally I'd be like my body is so awesome and toned yas.

And on some other days I'd be like fuck this Imma eat whatever and binge over 2000 calories. But after that type of behavior, I'd instantly hate my body, and all I would see is fat fat fat even if the unhealthy foods haven't reached my stomach.

So basically what I'm trying to say is that all the decisions, self esteem, healthy choices ARE ALL IN YOUR MIND. EVERY CHOICE TO EAT, EVERY CHOICE NOT TO EAT IS ALL CONTROLLED BY YOU AND ONLY YOU. But every decision has a consequence. Nowadays, I eat like a small portion of sugar substance so I don't feel groggy throughout the week. It helps to be balanced.

I would write more mantras and internal thoughts here, but I'm planning to put that in a separate chapter.

Thank you to anyone who reads this, sometimes it's just really nice to see the eye symbol number increase.
Hope this helps, or if anyone was able to relate. :)

Disclaimer: all these combinations of 26 letters are unprofessional advice. This advice comes from a human, who understands how fat and healthy feels; both ends of the scale.

Bye :)

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