One Christmas

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The cold night's breath whispers onto my neck.
Couples holding hands and walking past me.
With smiles and warm hands and hugs,
I stand still and watch these scenes unfold in front of me.
Rings of proposals displayed behind windows of cozy shops.
Hot mugs of chocolate and coffee being shared between men and women.
Passerby's hurrying away with bags filled with unwrapped presents.
I am still not satisfied myself.
Being lonely on the very day of Christmas,
Nothing but a cloud of sadness hovers over me.
The snow gracefully falls onto street lamps and the joyfully decorated streets.
The color Red and green everywhere.
Children dancing and prancing around.
They all wait for the saint of Christmas to arrive.
Santa will grant their wishes.
As I pass a movie theatre,
I see families gathering in the lines.
When would it be?
When would it be my turn?
Remembering what you said to me....
I feel despair and depression,
I love you.
You are my angel.
You are my Santa.
How funny those words didn't last.
Memories of us singing and gliding in the ice rink makes my head throb.
Come on slow poke! Join me!
Your giggles that I always used to long to here.
Well, they only are a mere interest to me now.
You now are only a small corner of my heart.
Smiling like a loser,
I walk back to my apartment.
Come on Henry! I'll win you if you don't hurry!
Like a tape rewinding,
I see your figure looming near my apartment door.
Yes! I win! Now you owe me a kiss!
Another man who resembles me appears next to her.
Of course.
I did that on purpose.
He smirked and stole a kiss from her.
Don't do that! You surprised me!
Her puffy cheeks puff up even more.
How much she resembles a chipmunk right now.
How much you resemble a chipmunk right now.
The couple starts a childish fight.
I can tell how much love he once loved her.
Their eyes were the eyes of two lovers.
How I wished I still was like that.
Before I even know it, they were gone.
I try to feel if the women was still there,
But I felt nothing but the cold air surrounding my hand.
I quietly let go of my thoughts for a moment.
When was it that I lost you?
Why did I have to lose the most precious thing to me?
I regret the choice I made.
I always will.
Small droplets of warm salty tears drip down onto my cheeks.
It slowly rolled down to my chin, the dripping itself onto the ground.
Soon the tears on the ground turned into a small puddle.
Then it grew.
Having no reason to do anything anymore,
I release all of my emotions at once.
Wailing and cries echo through the halls.
A couple pass me by.
I don't even care anymore.
I want to go somewhere where I won't be missed.
I want to go somewhere where I can be cherished.
I lose control.
A clock strikes 12 and then.....
Everything stops.
The time freezes.
I open my tears eyes to see myself in a mirror.
Except it wasn't me in the mirror.
It was a lonesome looking old man.
He stared back at me with saddened eyes.
His eyes were red and swollen.
White hair grew from his chin and his head.
He wore scraps of fabric and socks with holes in them.
Waving at me with a lonesome smile, he disappears.
A child appears before me.
It was me.
The very first Christmas I celebrated with my family.
I never have forgotten that moment.
It was one of my most beloved time.
Then it disappears as well.
A third scene appears.
I see a women and man standing under a tree.
I can't do this any longer.
I'm sorry.
The man walks away slowly.
The women turns the opposite direction and slowly leaves as well.
She was crying.
Her pace grew faster and faster until she was running.
Sniffles can be heard as she collapsed onto her couch at home.
Finally, this painful scene disappears.
The mirror disappears.
I disappear.
Then my eyes flare open.
I am standing at my door.
No tears were to be felted on my face.
No puddles of tears were to be seen.
I know now how much I have hurt her.
I turn around quickly but then....
Fragile arms crawled around my body.
I feel a soft heart beat beating against my own chest.
I felt her heartbeat.
We stayed like that for a while before I got to say the words I have wanted to say since I have broken up with her.
Her body trembled slightly,
then sniffling sounds erupted from both of us.
It started as sniffles before it grew to big whelmed up droplets of tears.
As I embraced her,
Pathetic pain I felt slowly melted like ice.
No longer do I have to suffer.
The only gift I want...
Is the gift of love.
Song: When Would It Be
Artist: Yoon Hyun Sang ft. IU
I know it's not Christmas yet, but.... I couldn't help but write this poem! I find the song so adorable and cute so I couldn't let this idea go to waste. This also is the longest prom I have done so far for this book so I hope it's at least a little more enjoyable than the other ones. (^o^)/

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