Prologue - Big Bad Bertha

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Sean Andrew Clarkson

"Please tell me why do we have to move? Again?" I stressed the word again because we have moved multiple times this month. Four times. We have moved 4 fucking times this month.

I don't care about the money though, because living for so long my brother and I have enough money for eternity. Yeah, you guessed that right. We are vampires.

I set down the last box in the trunk of the van and closed it. My brother, let out a very loud practiced dramatic sigh. I rolled my eyes at him. It's not like this simple lifting can make him tired. He's such a drama queen sometimes.

So let me introduce you to my brother, William Clarkson. He's a very carefree person, quirky, funny, dumb at times, stubborn but he is a great brother and a best friend to me. And oh, he's older than me by a century, but sometimes he acts so immature.

"I have leukemia, Drew. I only have two months left and I'll be dead." He sighed dramatically looking down to the ground.

"You're already dead, dimwit. You can't have leukemia. You're a vampire, Will! Leukemia? A bloodsucking vampire with Leukemia? You got to work on your lies, Will. I'm not a ten year old you can fool." I punched his arms playfully and he laughed.

"But seriously, why do we have to move?" I asked him while checking the apartment if we forgot something in vampire speed. I came back and saw Will busy checking his surroundings. He circles the van like a ninja.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted from afar. He suddenly pulls me and pushes me inside the van using his vampire abilities.

"Shush! Keep your voice down. She might hear you." He hissed and moved to the driver seat.

"She? Whom are you talking about?" On cue a large or should I say a very round woman wearing a red dress appears, a few cars away from our car with big smirking lips.

Will shouted, "It's her!"

He started the van accelerated towards the woman.

"No, stop it, Will. Whatever that woman did to you don't do this the bloody way." I told Will.

Oh well, it might benefit us. I like that, THE BLOODY WAY.

I shook my head and told myself, "No, it's bad Drew. Bad Vampy. Bad." I chanted to myself.

Yeah, I know. Don't fucking laugh. It sounds like scolding a dog because it played with your favorite slippers and now it's torn. My mother always tells me that whenever my evil mind is running. It's just my chant whenever I'm fighting off my wicked mind.

And after I calmed my inner self, my Mom will give me a treat, creamy cookies and blood. Well, when you think of it, technically, it sounds like I'm a dog with the treats and...

I was harshly pulled from my train of thoughts when I heard loud screeching of tires. I looked in front me and saw the woman was still in her spot and looking at our approaching van with a smug look on her face. In a swift movement, she disappeared before our car even reached her spot.

"What the hell, man. Do you want to kill her first before you drink from her? You know it tastes better if they're still alive, right?" I told him while looking cautiously at the spot where the woman was standing a few minutes ago.

He didn't respond and kept on catching his breath like air was limited and frantically looking around.

"Who the fuck is she? Answer me, Will!" I snapped at Will whose still breathing hard. I guess he was totally afraid of the woman because he was stuttering when he saw her.

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