2 [old doors]

648 41 6

Naya Henley

I reached the front door of our house and saw the living room's light was still open. I opened the door cautiously and oh so silently, but the door creaked.

Damn you old doors!

And of course, a figure emerged from the deep shadows and exclaimed, " Naya Henley! Where have you been?"

Lauren Henley, the head of the household, the one who give birth to me, and of course my mother. She always wears anything with brown and white circles like she's wearing right now. Her hair was blonde and with a bit of waves here and there. Soft brown eyes and a few freckles on her cheeks.

"I went to buy this book." I said and waved the book in front of her face.

"I told you I'll come and pick you up after school. How much time will it take you to buy that book! And what's that?" She asked pointing at a hoodie I found at the bookstore earlier.

"Do you have a boyfriend? Oh my God! I guess that's why there's a hoodie draped around your shoulder. Aww, that's so sweet. Who is he? Did you go to something fancy?" She said dreamily and she forgot that I came home late.

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs. She was still blabbing to herself and didn't notice I was gone. I understand her, though, when my Dad died in the car accident she never entertained other male species. My mom said she was the sweetest boy she has ever met. She probably thinks of him now, reminiscing the old times.

I looked back down to her and I saw that she was already seated on the couch in the living room. She was still watching the movie that the both of them always watch late at night. It was her routine every freaking night. I tried to talk her to stop and move on but she loved Dad very much.

I smiled at her and went to my room. My room is your average teenage room. The only difference is I have a big bookshelf; it has a wide array of fantasy, supernatural and some young adult fiction. It occupies almost all the spaces in my room.

I tossed my bag on the floor and dived on my red comfy bed. The smell was very calming; it was a scent of marshmallows and cotton candy. I sniffed my pillow, and I'm sure my pillows smelt crap before. I lifted my face and saw that I buried my face in a hoodie. I sniffed the fabric and I was sure it's the good smelling thing.
And then it struck me...

Oh, no!

"Mom, it's an emergency." I screamed like a maniac and hurried downstairs.

"What? Is the house on fire? Oh no! We have to call the fire emergency department." She took the phone in her hands and dialed the emergency numbers trembling.

"Calm down, Mom. I'm just hungry." I said sheepishly.

"Oh dear. You're going to be the death of me! Let me make you some food." She sighed and shook her head a little.

I sat on the couch and watched what my mother was watching. I'm getting really sleepy. I felt my eyelids getting droopy.

"Dear, the food is ready." My mom shouted out loud. I hope our neighbors won't wake up its already at half past ten.

I went to the kitchen lazily and saw my mom, her back facing me.

"I made you some sandwich and hot milk." She faced me and said.

"Thanks Mom." I said while grabbing her newly made sandwich.

"Did you know there are newcomers in town?" She asked while making some coffee.

I quickly consumed my sandwich like a caveman. "Nom mom." was my response to my Mom, that's I don't know in caveman terms.

"Of course, you're always in your room." She said, understanding my caveman language and I rolled my eyes in return.

"You know I don't like socializing that much. And we're still new in this town Mom."
"It's been five months since we last moved here. And you started your new school today. How's your first day anyway? You should welcome our new not so far neighbor." She said and I looked at her questioningly.

"Not so far neighbor? You mean the creepy house on top of Mr. E Hill? Nobody will occupy that place, they're too coward to do that." I said laughing lightly. And remembered to get my books that I left in there.

"Yeah, I saw a big van over there. A lot of people are talking about the two new inhabitants of the place. They said they're goo-" She stopped when she noticed my face getting pale.

"Honey, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Can you repeat that mom?" I asked her, stuttering.

My books, iPod, foldable mattress, shirts and the most embarrassing of all, my neon panties. I left it all at the old creepy house because that place is my bat cave.

"I said that we have new neighbors. Is there something wrong honey?" She asked worried.

"No, Mom, I think I have to poop. Goodnight, Mom. " I told her and hurriedly went upstairs.

I arrived at my room and collapsed on my bed. I have to get my things back. But why would they occupy that creepy place? Maybe the rent is cheap, that's why they occupied the place. I looked at my bookshelves and saw the big gap. I think I left 12 books there. Those are my favorite books. Maybe I should sneak into the house to get my books.

"Yeah, I can do that. I always do that. Just like a ninja. "I assured myself smiling. And then my eyes rolled like Adele did. Rolling in the deep--slumber.

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