Chapter 19 - Benny

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Carefully Benny tasted the hot Chili. He kept it in his mouth and reflected then he took the bitter chocolate and rasped some in the pot. Then he tasted again, now it was perfect. And it had to be because he really wanted Frida to like it. He felt a warm feeling around his stomach when he thought of Frida who was in his flat right now, Frida who has held his hand, Frida who has watched him with this special look, the excitement sparkling in her eyes, her lips so close...

"Hej, man, take care!", Benny heard Björn's voice from far away. Slowly he woke up from his dreamy thoughts and noticed that the Chili nearly boiled over. "Shit...", he swore quiet and quickly took the pot away from the cooker. Björn laughed his head off and Benny shot an angry look at him. "Cooking and love isn't the best mix, huh?", Björn laughed but he didn't wait for an answer but continued: "I'll take the girls..." He stood up and left the kitchen.
Benny mumbled quiet when he followed Björn.

As always he was like electrified when he saw Frida standing in the corridor near the bathroom, her stunning eyes looking up in surprise.
"Chili's nearly ready", Björn declared and Benny felt how he nodded, his mind was busy with watching Frida and remembering every little detail like the strand of hair which curled on her shoulder or her small soft fingers stroking over her blouse or her décolleté, showing only the approach of her well-formed breasts and there, yes there were some of the promised freckles.
"What do you think about Benny's flat?", Björn asked and Benny quickly looked up into Frida's face again. Her cheeks coloured red as she looked down, "Uhm... Very comfortable and nice I think...", she murmured shy and Benny's heart beat faster about this cuteness and the fact that Frida liked his flat. A bashful smile appeared on Frida's face, her fingers tapped nervously on her leg. Benny just had to smile and Björn said changing the topic: "Okay, so, what do you think about laying the table and eating?" Of course Agnetha immediately agreed and then she pulled Björn down the corridor, a hysterical laughter was heard and then they entered the kitchen and were gone.
Frida looked up and Benny rolled his eyes with a smile and yes, there was the heartily laughter he loved so much.
"So... Let's go too", Benny said after she finished much too fast, he had another idea to make her laugh again. He was nearly addicted to her happiness and so he let out a girlish giggle which should sound like Agnetha's and took her hand to pull her into the kitchen too. Benny felt the surprised look on his back and a short time he thought that it was maybe too childish or something but then Frida's fingers closed around his hand and then they already entered the kitchen.

With a sigh Benny left Frida's hand and gave Agnetha who stood right beside the pot a strict look: "Ahem, Miss Fältskog!", but he couldn't stay serious when Agnetha hid the spoon behind her back and made big innocent eyes. Just like the others he bursted out laughing.

"How is it? I know it's delicious! How do you find it? Frida?", Agnetha couldn't hold back the questions just when Frida had the first spoonful in her mouth. Benny watched her carefully, her Adam's apple jumped when she swallowed the Chili. Excited everybody waited for an adjudgement and Benny noticed a small blush appearing on her face. Then she quickly took another mouthful and exclaimed afterwards: "Delicious!"
Benny nearly sighed with relief, Frida liked his food! Now he could also eat and Agnetha too, and how she ate! As always Agnetha loved it and as always she asked Björn after a while if he could feed her.
Meanwhile Benny couldn't take his eyes off Frida, he watched her satiny hair, her cute snub nose and... Her eyes when they suddenly met his. The golden and yellow sprinkles made him feel dizzy and the green seemed to swallow him up.

Benny finished eating and looked up, not at Frida this time but at Björn and Agnetha argueing about something Benny didn't notice at all. "You ruined my whole outfit", Agnetha screamed but she was laughing at the same time. Benny's thoughts digressed to a pair of green eyes and when he concentrated again, Agnetha and Björn were kissing passionately and he could feel Frida's look on his cheek, it nearly made him get aflame. He turned his head so he could watch into her incredible face and mouthed: "Let's go." Frida smiled and they stood up and went over into the living room.

Benny pointed askingly on the sofa and he felt his heart beat faster when he thought about Frida and him sitting next to each other, so close...
Frida nodded and there they sat, so close, they nearly touched. Benny felt the friction like little flashes between them and said the first thing that came falling in his mind: "People being in love should be left alone", and after he had spoken it, he realised that it was the thing he was thinking about the whole time since Agnetha and Björn have interrupted their almost-kiss. Frida smiled, her eyes showed the same excitement as they did in Skansen and... She yawned. But what a cute yawn, Benny's never thought that anybody could yawn in a cute way but Frida could.
"Oh, sorry", she murmured getting red before she yawned again. Benny couldn't do anything against the smile spreading out on his face, she was just too lovable, "What's about a little nap?", he asked, his heart pounding like hell. "Uhm...?", Frida asked shy and her eyes became cautious. Benny felt the shame about this sentence which maybe could be understood way ambiguous but on the other hand, Frida never seemed to have anything against this little flirts... Quickly Benny explained himself, he really didn't mean anything strange but it was more useful to sleep a short time than about an hour when it was day.
But when he finished his explanation Frida has already nodded and now she yawned again.
Before he could think about it any longer Benny laid his arm around Frida's shoulders. Immediately he could feel her warmth and his heart beat faster than usually.
Frida's eyes wandered over his face as she cuddled up to his arm and he couldn't help smiling when her eyes fluttered and finally closed. Just a minute later she breathed deeper and relaxed.
Benny watched her face, she looked like sleeping beauty but even more beautiful. Her hands laid on the sofa, her fingers moved a bit. Benny couldn't get enough of her sleeping sight and so he sat there and admired her beauty.

After maybe ten minutes Frida suddenly began to move. Benny who became tired too with the time, first thought she'd wake up but her eyes were closed and she seemed to sleep deeply. Her lips were formed to a smile when her head slowly slipped down Benny's arm until it rested on his shoulder. Benny exerted when she sighed quiet. Her hands jerked and breathless Benny took them and stroke softly over her warm skin.
Frida murmured something and moved on his shoulder.
Her hair smelled like peaches.

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