Chapter 31 - Benny

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Slowly Benny opened his eyes, deliberately he turned on his side to not wake up Frida next to him. She just murmured something but stayed asleep, a smile decorating her face. Benny had to smile too, she was a real sleeping beauty, her bare chest raising and lowering by her deep breaths, one hand under her head, the other close to Benny's tummy she slept so peaceful, Benny couldn't take his eyes off her.

After a while, when the sun already sent it's rays through the window, Frida's cilia began to flutter, her forehead wrinkled and her hand jerked, she was about to wake up. Benny smiled about her cuteness as she cuddled closer to him. And suddenly she opened her eyes and their looks met. A touch of confusion appeared in Frida's beautiful green before it changed to a pure happiness. Benny's smile got bigger and he couldn't resist reaching for her wrist, his hand touched her soft skin and... Frida became red and in the same time a big smile spread out on her face, heavens above, her smile was so beautiful.
It didn't take long and Frida's long fingers began to feel for his body, they stroked his tummy, up and down, shivers ran through Benny and he watched down right on her perfect breasts. Quickly he looked into her eyes again but they have got sidetracked by his chest. Benny smiled, her looks didn't bother him.

After a while Frida cleared her throat and began: "Uhm... Maybe I'd take a shower now and then..." Benny coughed embarrassed when his stomach let out a loud gnarl. Frida's eyes went wide, she stared at him, at his tummy and then she burst out laughing. Her happy gurgling laughter caught Benny and so he joined her. "...then make some breakfast", Frida finished her sentence and Benny had to laugh again, maybe it was a good idea to eat something...
And taking a shower... Benny needed one too and suddenly there was this idea in his head: "I want to take a shower too...", Benny began slowly and searched for the right words, "Maybe... Well, if you want... If you don't mind...", he didn't find them. Okay, calm down Benny and just ask: "Well, would you like to take a shower with me?", Benny finished his sentence and quickly looked down. Frida's breasts, he stared right at them. Quickly he looked up again, feeling how a blush appeared on his face. Nervous he waited for a reaction of Frida. She smiled, big and bigger, a beautiful wrinkled-nose-smile spread out on her face as she answered, "I'd love to, Mr Andersson." And then she leaned forward and kissed Benny.

Benny followed Frida into the bathroom his eyes stuck on her bottom and when she turned around he quickly looked up into her eyes.
"Mylady?", with a bow Benny offered Frida his hand. She giggled and took it, together they entered the shower and Frida turned on the water. Of course it came cold at first and she squealed and cuddled closer to Benny. He pulled her into a hug and her naked body caused him to have a million and one pulses.
After some time under the hot water Benny offered to wash Frida's body, fortunately she said yes and her giggle electrified Benny. So he began to massage her bare back but after a while he couldn't control his fingers anymore, autonomously they wandered to Frida's tummy and up to her breasts. A quiet moan was heard and Benny smiled, Frida enjoyed the shower as much as he did. "By the way", he whispered in her ear, "I love your freckles even on your chest." Frida giggled quietly and then both of them got lost in memories.

A ring of Frida's doorbell interrupted the peaceful shower. And another and a third. There was nothing more annoying about this house than this stupid doorbell. "Maybe I shouldn't open...", Frida began before there was a ring again. Surely the visitor wouldn't stop until Frida opened and with an upset grumble Benny let her go.

Alone the shower wasn't half as relaxing as together with Frida. Although the water was hot there was some warmness missing. So Benny just washed his body shortly and then turned off the water to step out of the shower. Through the door he heard two familiar voices...

"Björn? Agnetha?", he asked surprised while leaving the bathroom. His two best friends stood there chatting with Frida who wore only towels wrapped around her body. Her perfect legs stuck out and Benny could see some single freckles too... "Stop dribbling!", Agnetha shouted and embarrassed Benny looked another way. Frida murmured something and entered her room. Agnetha left into the living room followed by Björn. The living room... Omg, the sofa! Immediately Benny became red, he followed his friends hoping they hadn't seen it yet but of course both of them already stood there staring at the sofa and especially at the lost clothes in front of it. Frida's dark green bra seemed to blink, he couldn't get missed by Agnetha's inspecting eyes.
Quietly Frida appeared behind Benny, she has put on some real clothes hiding her perfect body.
"We've been right to come here", Björn said sending a teasing look to Benny. Agnetha laughed: "Yeah, we sat at home and I said: Björnie, let's take a look after Benny! Before somebody gets pregnant..." And with this words both of them burst into laughter. Frida and Benny changed an embarrassed look, Benny wished his friends would just stop laughing, did he teased them this way when they fell in love? Okay, yes, but now it was a completely different situation!
"Benny, I have to talk to you", Björn said after he stopped laughing. "Alone!", Agnetha added and left the room pulling Frida with her.
Benny tried to escape Björn's eyes when he sat down on the sofa. The sofa on which he and Frida have slept the last two night, the sofa he and Frida made love on, the sofa... "Did you use a...", Björn began and Benny exclaimed a "Yes!", before he could finish the sentence. Benny sighed, this would become an embarrassing talk...

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