I found out Kerstin was not that bad at all. We were civil to each other, that's a start. I mean if you count me staring at the floor then back at her and she glaring daggers at me for 10 minutes straight civil, then sure, we're good.
I now fully regret what I had done. Max would be a better buddy and Candice and Kerstin might get along too.
"So...", I started.
"The application process would take the whole semester and at the end of the semester you would be accepted and inducted into the ranks of the organization", Kerstin explained.
"Look, Kerstin, I'm sorry". I figured I have to apologize for being a bitch towards her so we could get along. "Power tripping really piss me off and I know that was a bitch move soimreallyreallysorry", i mumbled the last part.
"I didn't catch the last one. What did you say?" She asked. I felt like the dark atmosphere is slowly lifting.
"I don't apologize twice, but for the sake of peace, I'm sorry." I swallowed my pride and apologized for the second time.
"Jenna, all of this has a reason. But in behalf of everyone else, I'm sorry too. We have to create a wall to make you realize that you really want to be a part of us. You're going to have to break that wall and by then you'd be one of us. I know we're being so full of ourselves but if we don't uphold those standards, what's going to distinguish us from others?"
I opened my mouth to argue but no words came out.
"Well then, I think you get what i mean. Okay, first thing we have to do is a buddy performance next week. Apart from your individual tasks given by the members, we also have to do some buddy tasks. And one of those is to perform at the organization's anniversary next week. So Jenna, what do you do?"
"I'm not, I don't uhm -", I started.
"Don't be shy. Okay I'll start. I sing and I play the guitar and the drums", Kerstin said.
"Wow you have a lot of talents. But I don't. We can sing though, it wouldn't matter I just wanna get it over with", I replied. I might have said the wrong things again. Stupid mouth.
I thought she was going to hit me when she raised her hand. But she just reached for her hair and started braiding it.
"You have talents. You might just be too shy to share it. Don't worry! AA would train you to pass your limits while having fun, at the same time", Kerstin said while braiding her hair.
Over the next few days, I started hanging out with Kerstin more because we have to practice for our performance. I realized she really was not that bad at all. In fact we are so much alike we can be considered sisters if not for our unfortunate first meeting and impression on each other.She cares for her family the most and AA was her first and only organization that's why she is that dedicated to the organization. She was smart and simple, nowhere near my first impression.
I attended class regularly and gotten closer to Candice, Anna and Max. Although after the orientation, Greg and I became awkward. It was mainly because everytime I see him I see Alanna either hugging him or touching him AND IT SO IRKS ME THAT A WEEK AGO HE SEEMED REPULSED BY HER. BUT NOW THEY'RE EATING EACH OTHER'S FACES DURING BREAKS.
I just left them alone and seeing no effort on Greg's part except to make things more awkward by inviting everyone to lunch once. And when I say everyone, I meant me, Kerstin, Max, Anna, Candice AND ALANNA.
We didn't talk though. The two of them just made out in front of us. I nearly barfed and died of disgust if not for Max and Candice. They took some of my attention from the scene in front of me.
As usual, Candice and Max are arguing.
"What have I done to deserve you", Candice said sarcastically.
"Maybe I saved you a lot of times in your past life that you're stuck with me to repay your debt", Max replied while eating his burger.
I tuned them out. I looked at Greg and Alanna again. Greg caught me staring so I looked elsewhere. I thought that would stop him from devouring Alanna. I thought wrong. Well it's not my love story then.