Present time (day of accident)

22 1 0

Maddies P.O.V.

It's a beautiful July day and I'm happily living life on this sunny day with Niall, Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Molly. My best friends in the whole entire world. When I woke up I went downstairs to see that Harry was cooking breakfast. "Morning beautiful" he said pulling me into a hug. We're just friends. But really close though. He always tells me I'm beautiful, along with the other lads, but I just don't see it. "Ugh! I'm not beautiful! I just wanna eat, play the guitar, and drive around town with someone today"I said sitting down at the kitchen counter. He gave me a weird look before walking over and setting my plate of bacon eggs and toast down in front of me. "Okay Niall" he says turning around. I finished off my breakfast and was headed up the stairs, just as Niall walked in the kitchen. He was on the same stair as I was and put his arm out in front of me then wrapped his arm around my waist. "Come sit with me babe?" He asked turning me around leading me back to the kitchen before I even answered. "Well since you waited ever so patiently for me to answer youuu....." I said teasing him. "Okay then"  

He sat down at the counter where I had just previously been sitting and I sat down on his lap. Harry put a plate identical to mine in front of him. Niall took a huge bite and swallowed. "Your bum is warm, I like that" he whispered in my ear giving my bum a little squeeze. I got up and walked off to my room to get ready for real this time. I walked into my room and into my walk-in closet. "Ahh!!!!!" I screamed when I saw zayn come out from behind the first of the two racks of clothes, with a beanie in his hand. "Hey mads. Umm could I borrow this?" He asked holding up the beanie. "Sure thing. Just don't scare me like that!" I said scolding him like Liam would. "Okay...MOM" he says emphasizing the word 'mom'. I went over and grabbed my bright red skinny jeans, red braces, and a blue and white stripped t-shirt. Last time I let Louis go buy me clothes. I threw them on and grabbed a beanie throwing it over my naturally curly hair. I was lucky like that. Didnt even need to brush it. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I walked back to the kitchen to see all of the boys sitting down at the table whispering about something. But as soon as I walked closer to them they quickly pulled apart. Hmmmm....strange. I noticed Liam checking me out and making no effort to hide it. "Um do I entertain you or something" I said looking directly at Liam. He blushed a deep red and got up to do the dishes.

"So Harry here told me that you wanted to play your guitar today" Niall said. "Um yea I was gonna practice some chords for a song I've been working on. Uh-oh they weren't supposed to k ow about that. I quickly threw my hand over my mouth stopping myself from saying anything else stupid. "Maybe you might want some help?" He asked in a low whisper. "Yea that'd be great lemme go feed my unicorn, go to NARNIA, slay a dragon and then we can practice" I said rolling my eyes at the end. He knew I wasn't gonna let him hear me sing. Especially not a song I wrote about him secretly. I would DIE if he heard that song! "Okay okay! I won't practice with you but I'd like to hear that song sometime" he said looking me dead in the eyes. "Urm yea sure, maybe" I said nervously. "Well I think I'm gonna go work now" I said standing up from the table. "Okay" they called back simultaneously once I was halfway up the steps.

I walked over to my guitar case that held all my songs which I hid under my bed, to keep from any one that tried to look *cough* *cough* Niall, Liam and Louis who were ALWAYS trying to hear at least one of the several songs I've written. Well they can keep dreaming. I have terrible stage fright and I always have and always will. Okay time to practice that song. Now where did I put it? I lifted up my guitar and found the folded up piece of paper titled 'Through it all' (A/N-this is actually a song I wrote) I laid it on my bed where I could read the lyrics. "Sometimes I think about my life.....and how I'm a foo-o-ool" I sang out strumming the guitar lightly "sometimes I just stop, and go back, to the day you told me it'd be alright" I continued. I finished up the song to hear two people clapping behind me. "LIAM! LOUIS!" I screamed. Man I was gonna kill them "Before you kill us just know that, that's a really good song" Liam said stepping towards me grabbing my shoulders "you have an amazing voice Maddie" he continued "we should really talk to Simon about letting you op---" he was cut off by me waving my arms around crazily "NOOO!!!!! You know I have terrible stage fright!" This time Louis stepped in "okay love. C'mon lets just go out for a drive around town" he said walking towards the door. I put my guitar and sings back in the guitar case and slid it back under my bed. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of white toms to complete my outfit. I walked down the stairs and stopped mid-way when I head whispers coming from the kitchen "she's written another song" I heard some one whisper. Wait how do they know I have others? How many have they heard? "It's about needing someone in her life" they continued. How in actual frik did they figure that out? "Maybe it's me" Niall said. I knew it was Niall because he didnt even bother to try and be quiet. He got several shhhh's and I guess that was my cue to walk in and pretend I hadn't heard them. "Hey boys" I said walking fully into their view. Liam looked at all the boys then at me. "Ma---" he was cut off by Louis. "Ready to go for that ride?" He asked. "Yea sure" we walked to the door and waved bye to the other boys.

Louis's P.O.V.

Ugh Niall is so stupid sometimes! She could've heard him! The last thing I want is for her to be suspicious. She could not know that me and Liam have heard every single one of her songs. She would loose all trust in me. Well yea Liam's trust to but I care more about her then he does. "Louis? Are you gonna get in the car?" She asked from the passengers seat. I felt my cheeks flush. "Oh urm yea" I said opening the door and sitting down. I pulled out of the driveway and out onto the main road. Man I love California. Especially on bright sunny days like these. Maddie turned on the radio and the song 22 came on. "Ugh"she groaned. Man she hates Taylor swift. I started singing loudly and obnoxiously in her ear "I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22" I sang. She covered her ears and looked out her window. We were now driving on the side of the road that has the metal railing separating us from a steep cliff. "Everything will be alright as long as yo---" I was cut off by Maddie screaming "LOUIS! WATCH OUT!!!" I turned my head to see a giant semi truck heading right for us. He quickly swerved to the right and rammed into the passenger side of the car. Then everything went black.


Author's Note-

Please keep reading and telling people about this story! I might be able to post chapters more often if they're shorter instead of a long chapter every once in a while. Let me know what I should do!


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