Back in time

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Maddies P.O.V.

I saw a flash of white light and then I was back in my bed. I looked at the clock on my bedside table. It was 2:02 am and it was July 11,2010. Well I guess I need to start here then. I reached around on the table and grabbed my phone. I saw I had three texts. One from Niall and two from Chelsea. Hmmmmmm strange. I opened the one from Chelsea first. 'Hey sorry I couldn't hang tonight maybe wanna go to the mall tomorrow?' It said. 'Nope. I've got plans with Molly and Niall tomorrow' I responded. I opened Niall's text 'hey how'd your night with Molly go?' I quickly glanced over at a sleeping Molly 'it was a lot of fun, thanks again Ni' I typed back. I placed my phone back on the night stand and fell into a deep sleep.


"Maddie you're failing me" the familiar voice called out.

"How am I failing you? It's only been a few minutes"

"Just be very aware of people around you and their importance to you"

*end of dream*

I woke up to the smell of smoke. What the hell? I jumped up quickly and ran down the stairs to see my entire kitchen on fire, the front door open, and writing spray painted on the wall. 'I told you I would be back' I closed my eyes quickly. Think Maddie think! What happened on this night?! Someone broke in, know that. The beginning of it all. Shit. I ran back upstairs to find Molly missing and my window open with a note taped to the windowsill. I grabbed the note and my phone and ran down the stairs and out the front door dialing 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The dispatcher said when she answered

"My house is on fire and so some in my household went missing" I replied in a rush

"Ma'am you need to calm down. Where's your address?"

"6412 wilmslow road, Manchester England"

"Okay help is on the way" she replied then I heard the dial tone meaning she hung up.

I sat down in the grass and pulled my knees up to my chest letting my elbows rest on them as they held my head up. I heard the fire truck sirens coming down the road and saw the flashing lights of police cars shortly after.

"Maddie, want the hell happened?" Liam said as he got out of his car and walked over to me.

"I don't even know. I woke up about 5 minutes ago to the smell of smoke and I ran downstairs to find my kitchen on fire and spray paint on the walls. I ran back up the stairs to get Molly but she was gone and my window was wide open and there was a note taped to the window sill" I said with tears brimming my eyes.  

"Do you have the note?" He asked looking back at the house that was currently engulfed in flames. I pulled it out from underneath me and handed it to him. He folded it open and began reading it out loud. "It says 'If i were you I would be very careful about your actions with my boys' okay what is this all about?" He asked folding the note back up and looking at me with concern written in his big brown orbs. I sighed "if I knew I'd tell you" I said. Niall pulled up the long driveway next. He practically jumped out of his car and pulled me into a horan hug. "Are you okay love?" He asked looking at me with his beautiful blue orbs. Okay maybe I have a tiny crush on Niall but now isn't the time for that. now is the time to be wondering 'how did I forget about the house fire and kidnapping?' This is all my fault...I don't know what in the hell I did wrong but apparently someone is angry at me. C'mon Maddie! Think!! Who would do this?

Oh my god that handwriting. Those words......

*present time*

Niall's P.O.V.

God. Why? Why was she hit by that truck? I was currently driving to the hospital with a shaking Liam on the wheel, me in the passenger seat, and Molly who was crying hysterically on Louis' shoulder and Harry looking out the window with tears streaming down his face. We were all emotional wrecks. Molly was her best friend, well we were all best friends and really close but Maddie and Molly have always had this special friendship. I soon saw what I dreaded, the hospital. We all got out of the car and Molly sprinted into the hospital with all of us following after her. We got in and the lady's the front desk knew who we were and pointed to the waiting room with a sympathetic look. We all took our seats as my leg began to shake vigorously. Liam wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into a hug as I let it all out, my feelings for her, everything I have kept to myself for the past seven years. Liam began crying to and the rest of the boys following. Molly was curled up in a ball with her knees to her chest in her seat. I hated seeing them all like this. "Friends of Ms. Tomlinson?"


Authors Note: cliffhanger for you guys!!! Ill update soon! Thanks for reading this story and please share this with your friends!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2013 ⏰

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