Dreaming Until Darkness

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It was 1994 when the magnificent boat was struck in a gigantic storm. The passengers unaware of the surrounding tension and problem at hand. The sea's arms reaching up to capture the awaiting boat and pull it down to the sea's bed, where the awaiting creature stay. The unprepared crew are pulled into to shock mode. They called out to the passengers and started to pile them into boats. People started to jump off the front of the boat as they got too scared they wouldn't survive. Well that's what I saw from where I was, but I was only ten years old at the time.

I had gone on a cruise with my parent when I was ten; it was going to be my first holiday away from home. I felt all grown up and excited, only to be faced with the boat getting caught in a terrible storm causing everyone to end up in the sea's bed. I was the only survivor. I saw the boat being pulled down by the sea's hands, I'd found a small life boat and ran off the cruise boat and paddled away scared for my life.

I've been stuck on this island for five years. I've been able to live on the delicious food; there were hundreds of coconuts with luscious milk and extravagant coconut that makes your mouth water, and have been able to find some water that I can drink. I miss my family all the time; I just hope that they are all alright. I would give anything to see them again. This island has the most gob-smacking views and the most extravagant plants. The view from the beach is of the gigantic and deadly sea, you can see the cliffs from the warm sandy beach, with the sun shining down onto this island everyday all day; it would be the perfect holiday destination. Especially with the most beautiful and magical waterfall better than anything you could ever see, it fell from the cliff tops down to the open lake awaiting the new water.

After I spent a few months here I saw everything, I spent days exploring the humongous forest, meeting fresh animals that are unusual, I saw some amazing views from the cliff tops. The most glorious view was the view of the sun setting; the sun cast deep purples and reds across the sky and reflecting into the sea. After exploring the whole of the island I chose to set up; what was to be my new home, in a tree as at night the animals would come out and look for food. At the beginning of this new unexpected life I was handed, I spent every night crying myself to sleep and wishing that it was all just a horrible dream. That the boat sinking was just a nightmare that I needed to wake from, but I would wake up to the birds' chirping the musical tunes of morning and find that it wasn't just a dream, but it was real. This was my life now.

Once I had spent a year being stuck on this island I found that it wasn't too bad, in fact it was really nice as I didn't have any rules, I was able to be free. The one thing I hated the most was that I was all alone with no one to talk to or keep me sane. Every day I found myself wishing for someone to be with me, I would go to sleep praying that someone would find me before I go mad. I slowly found myself losing my growing up faster than planned, I had to cook my own food and wash my clothes find materials on the island that could be turned into new clothes.

By my fifth year on the island I no longer had hope of being saved, I found my hope slipping through my fingers as the days would turn to weeks, weeks turn to months, and months turn to years. On one amazing sunny summer's day I saw what looked like a miracle, there was a small boat that was heading past the island. But looking at the boat I could tell they were too far away to see the island. Why can't I for once have a chance of getting home? I miss having food that isn't coconut or mango, I mean yes I love the food here. As much as I love the freedom I have here I would give anything to be home with my family.

I felt like screaming for help but I knew that wouldn't do anything. I was stuck here till I die. Maybe then I will be able to see my parents again. Just as I thought the boat had missed the island, I saw amazement. The boat was moving closer towards the island. It hadn't been moving away. No way! Yes I'm finally able to be free! Just as the boat neared the beach I felt my vision go blurry. I could no longer see the magical sea, or the burning sun.

All I could see was darkness. Everything had turned black. I felt my legs disappear from under me. FALLING! I couldn't stop it. My heart beat quickened as my breathing slowed. I pulled in one last breath and wished I hadn't. My lungs filled with water as the horror struck me. I could feel people pushing me further down as they tried to reach the water's surface. I never did get off the boat? I was dreaming of what I wished would happened. I didn't want to die, I was too young. This is not fair! I don't deserve to die. Suddenly my thoughts started to cloud over and I could tell death was gaining on me. There was nothing I could do. The end had come and that was all I knew.


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