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My alarm clock is far too rude for my liking. Still groggy from the blanket of sleep encompassing my body I reach out and slam the "off" button, telling it to shut up. I rub my eyes, slowly wake up and get out of bed. I walk over to my wardrobe and grab an oversized grey sweatshirt and a pair of baggy, faded blue jeans. Conscious of the time, I change quickly and tie my long red hair into a low ponytail. Grabbing my rucksack from a hook on the door, I leave my room and make my way downstairs to the kitchen. I find it empty; my foster parents have evidently gone to work.
First day back.
I grab an apple from the counter and bite into it. Today is my first day back at Fairy Tail Academy, the best school in Magnolia if not Fiore. I had been very lucky to get in, earning a scholarship owing to my talent in martial arts. I don't mean to brag, but I'm ranked fifth in Fiore for under 18's judo, third in taekwondo and second in karate. The other kids think I'm intimidating. They call me Titania: the fairy queen.
Having finished getting ready, I grab my favourite pair of black Vans from beside the door and slip them on. I grab my keys, backpack and sports kit, leave the house and lock the front door. It's a cool, crisp autumn morning and the leaves are just starting to change colour. I walk along the pavement in silence. It just suits me. I look at the time: 8:05. School doesn't start until 8:30 and it only takes me ten minutes to get there, but I like to be early.
Today, I start year eleven, my last year at the school. To be honest, I can't wait until it's over.
I walk through Magnolia's bustling streets against the crowds. I feel distant. Like I'm in some kind of movie. Like they are humanity and I am something different. Loneliness has become a part of me now, it doesn't bother me like it did. It's like when you're exposed to large amounts of bright light for so long that it becomes normal. I wasn't always lonely. I used to have love, but that vanished a long time ago.
Finally, I reach the school's wrought iron gates.
Here goes nothing.


"Hey, wait up!" A pink haired boy runs up to meet me. He catches up, panting. "You..." he gasps, "You dropped this." He holds up his hand which contains my wallet. I take it from him, thanking him as I do so. As the boy catches his breath, he asks "So where you headed?"
"FTA." I reply coolly. Today is my first day at Fairy Tail Academy. It's only for a year, but it'll be better than what I've been getting. I used to go to Magnolia High, the local comprehensive school but over the summer I was awarded a scholarship due to my skills in computing.
"Hey cool!" The pinkette replies, "Me too!"
"How's about we walk together?" I suggest.
"I'd have to find your name first." The boy replies with a smirk.
"Jellal Fernandez." I introduce myself, my hand outstretched, "Year eleven. You?"
"I'm Natsu Dragneel." He shakes my hand, "I'm in year too." Then his face changes, "Hey, I haven't seen you around."
"It's my first day." I tell him, "Shall we walk?" He responds in the affirmative and we set off towards the academy.
Whilst walking, Natsu tells me the ins and outs of the school: who's nice and who's not, he tells me that he's one of the more popular in the school, which teachers are the spawn of Satan and which are actually okay, but most of all he tells me to never ever piss off "Titania".
"She will rip you to shreds." Natsu warned, every word heavy with seriousness, "She got in for her talent in martial arts. She's put me in hospital twice now."
I make a note to avoid Titania like the plague.
Soon enough, Natsu and I reach the school. The school gates are made of cast iron shaped into intricate patterns. It looked like it took a while to make.
What a waste of time... It's just a school gate.
I remember that I have to go to reception as it's my first day, so I wave Natsu goodbye and we head our separate ways.
Fairy Tail Academy is a truly massive school. It took me nigh on fifteen minutes to find the main reception. When I do, I find that another boy is in there too. I recognise him immediately. He has long, black hair and piercings almost everywhere on his face. His most distinctive feature, however, is his crimson eyes.
"Gajeel." I greet the boy, taking a seat by him. Gajeel Redfox was at Magnolia High with me. We didn't speak much, but we were on decent terms.
"Jellal." After that, the reception fell silent again. Finally, a short, rather elderly looking man walks in. He beckons for us to follow him and introduces himself as Mr. Dreyar, the headteacher of FTA. He gives us a short tour before taking us into his office. He sits us down and tells us to wait. We sit in silence, staring at the floor. Shortly after, Mr. Dreyar returns with two girls. The first a short, slight bluenette who seems feminine and shy, the second a taller, bustier girl who dresses plainly. I look up and notice that she has a pretty - no - beautiful face, but what really strikes me is her hair: the most beautiful shade of scarlet. My eyes widen.
Hello there! Thanks for reading 'Sing Me To Sleep'!
I appreciate that there's not much in the way of shipping in this, but this is the intro.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'll update soon.


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