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Hey there! Thank you for reading 'Sing Me To Sleep'! Sorry I haven't updated in ages, but school and stuff have made that pretty difficult. But! Now we are presented with my birthday updates! Huzzah! Anyways, depending on demand, I may just carry this story on anyways because it's my personal favourite out of all of them and I have so many ideas for it!

I'm so sorry that this is late, I just haven't had time. Hell, I'm holding back on Stingue week for this!

Anyways, I believe that we have some fanfiction to get on with :D

I hope you enjoy the chapter!



On a scale from one to ten, how do I feel right now?

Well, I'm in History and that's okay (one point); and I'm not at Magnolia High (three points); but I'm right next to Erza Scarlet (plus five points); she's meant to be my "chauffeur" for the week (plus seven points); it's also Monday morning (minus one); it's my first day in a gigantic school full of all kinds of scary people (minus two); and I'm Jellal Fernandes (minus eight). But still, that makes me a... decent five! That's pretty darn good if you ask me. My therapist always makes me do things like this. In fact, that's how I know Erza. I ran into her in the Hell-hole that is Cherry Blossom House. Quaint name, right? It's the one place I hate most, apart from my own-

Erza. How I met Erza. How I met Erza.

Cherry Blossom House is the place where messed up kids go to be surrounded by patronising nurses and gurning psychologists with clipboards constantly writing about everything you say or do. One time, while I was waiting for another hour of being treated like a five-year-old, I found a girl in the reception, waiting for her doom like me. We talked and got along pretty well. It turned out that she had anger issues and the problem was really quite severe. I realise that she is the "Titania" that Natsu was talking about. I glance over at her and she glances back. I give her a slight smile and she gives one back. Neither of us are listening to what the teacher is saying. As of recently I can never concentrate on anything. We communicate in simple glances and facial gestures, having a conversation with only our eyes.

How much longer?
Check the clock.
Five minutes. Thank Mavis.

 Before I realise it, the bell rings, and Erza beckons me to the next class: Physical Education. Those two words strike terror into my heart, and not only that, but I'm going to be swimming. Just the thought of the whole class being able to see me topless is incredulously embarrassing, and on top of that; the girls are going to be in my class too! Although according to Erza, they'll be in separate lanes to the boys.
When we reach the pool, we go our separate ways, Erza to the girls' changing room and myself to the boys' changing room. Once inside, I see about fifteen other boys in various states of undress. I awkwardly make my way to the corner and pray that nobody will notice me. I change quickly and silently. Fortunately, everyone is too busy talking and laughing amongst themselves to notice me. Once changed, I hear my name being called. I turn around to find Natsu, the boy I walked to school with stood there. A raven-haired friend of his turns to him,
"You know him?"
"He's the guy I ran off to find this morning." Natsu explains. I feel guilty, I made him leave his friends for me. The other guys give a look of understanding. "Anyway," Natsu continues, "Jellal, this is Gray," He gestures the raven-haired boy, "Elfman," He points at an incredibly tall and well built boy, "Jet and Droy," He points out two boys, one tall and skinny and the other less so and rather large, discussing something solemnly. He introduces me to the whole class. I notice that he skips out Gajeel who is in the opposite corner to me. It disheartens me; although Gajeel has the image of a delinquent, he seems like a decent guy deep down.
Finally, we make our way to the chlorinated sea of death. I am terrified of water. We are met by one of the main swimming teachers, Miss Aquarius, a truly formidable woman. She tells us that we will be placed into four ability groups based upon the information given to us on our papers. Without surprise, I'm in the bottom group; but I'd hardly call it a group. Even Droy, the fat kid, is higher up than me. I'm thankful that Erza is doing taekwondo in the sports hall. In fact, most students are doing something else. In year eleven, we get to choose what sports we do for P.E but as a latecomer I didn't get much choice. There are nine boys and four girls in this class. Down in the bottom group, it's just me and the girl who was with Erza in the office. Levy, I think her name is. She's the only girl not in a two-piece, in fact, her orange and white swimsuit has got to be the most modest thing I've seen all day - she might as well be wearing normal clothes. The rest of the class evidently thought that as a bad thing, as they were snickering and making comments behind her back. Except for Gajeel. Gajeel just watches quietly, a scowl on his face. There was usually a scowl on his face at Magnolia; but this scowl is deeper, it shows emotion, it shows anger. He catches my eye, and I can tell we're on the same page. We do not condone. As the other groups begin warming up, we are pulled to the side.
"It seems," Miss Aquarius says solemnly, "That your instructor is off sick today."
"What does that mean?" Levy asks timidly, her voice matching her tiny stature.
"I'll tell you when this lot finish." Miss Aquarius replies, "In the meantime, sit here at the side." We do and we watch the others swim various distances. As we watch, I do something unexpected, I open my mouth and talk.
"So why are you down here?" I ask,
"My mother has never prioritised sport," Levy mumbles, hugging herself in her arms as if self- conscious. I don't get why she is, half the other girls have to keep stopping to adjust their flimsy swimsuits.
"I wanted to do running, but by the time I came to apply, all the slots were gone." She seems genuinely upset. "I hate pools. They're so full of..."
"Bacteria and sweat and other peoples' deodorant and hair gel." I finish, disgusted.
"Yeah." She smiles. Then she asks, "How do you know Erza?"
I don't know what to say. I can't say a word. I sit there, stunned. She looks at me sadly.
"Cherry Tree?" She mumbles, "I met her there too."
I gape at her. She looks into her lap. This girl barely knows me but she's willing to tell me something like that.
"I-" I start. I want to thank her for her trust but Miss Aquarius stops me with her whistle. She tells the top group that she wants two people from there to mentor us. I cringe. How embarrassing! The lanky ginger guy, Jet, immediately raises his hand when Gajeel volunteers at the same time. Jet gives Droy a quick glance. Droy responds with a nod and the two walk over to us.
"So," Jet starts, "You guys ready to go?"
I stare into the abyss of blue. I am going to hate this.


YAS UPDATES! I'm sorry it's so late, but I'M 16 NOW WOW AND yeah. Also, HAPPY STINGUE WEEK! I may upload my stories from that to here if you'd like. And my mind is set, I AM CARRYING ON WITH THIS! At least until it gets too much for me again >_<

I hope you enjoyed!


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