Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

  It was Monday. A boring, unbelievably sunny Monday. Ew. I sighed heavily as I walked into the grocery store. I was dying for some Coco Puffs. My chocolate withdrawals were horrible since I decided to go on a healthier diet. I loved that I made the decision, but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss having a daily Snickers bar during class. What? I'm not a girl who's afraid to eat. Especially when it came to candy.

  My eyes scanned the shelves as I tried to find the Coco Puffs. Yes, I know, I was weak. But fuck it, I was on my rag and I wanted some chocolate god damn it. I finally found them. They were like little chocolate gods all stored in a glorious cardboard box. Perfect. I reach up to grab it, standing on my toes. Hell yeah for short people! Well, until I lost my balance and completely just fell over on to my bum. Great.

  "God damn it!" I mumbled, rubbing my soar arse. "Fuck that hurt." I grumbled some more. The box had fallen as well, the Coco Puffs spilled everywhere. I heard a young man chuckling. I started laughing as well- but just to mock him.

  "Ha ha it's so god damn funny when a young lady falls down huh?" I snapped, standing up to brush off my butt, which was covered in crushed Coco Puffs. "Any polite boy would have helped me up, but you just thought it was so funny huh? Well I'll have you know, I hope karma comes around to bite you in the-" I froze when I looked up and met a pair of beautiful green eyes.

  The tall brunette looked at me, the corner of his mouth turned up in a smirk. "What was that?" he asked, holding his hand up to his ear.

  My eyes quickly narrowed, silently cursing my love for green eyes, "I said, I hope karma comes around to bite you in the ass!" I finished. He just stood there, smirking down at me like an annoying prick.

  "Fucker." I muttered, before kneeling down and beginning to clean up the Coco Puffs. My bottom lip puffed out. While I was silently mourning the loss of my Coco Puffs, I noticed someone kneel down next to me. I looked up and saw the curly lad picking up the Coco Puffs.

  Well at least he wasn't a total dickhead.

  After we put all the Coco Puffs back in the box, Curly closed the box and then held it out to me. "Thanks." I muttered, yanking the box from his hand. That annoying smirk reappeared on his pretty face. I looked at the box in sorrow. Guess I was buying two boxes. I grabbed another box and began heading towards the checkout. I started to slow down when I noticed footsteps behind me. I quickly spun around and nearly crashed into him.

  "Jesus Christ!" I yelped, "You are going to give me a bloody headache! What the hell are you doing?" I quipped, staring up at him. He sighed, "I wanted to pay for them." he said, pointing to the boxes. An eyebrow raised, my eyes crinkling in confusion. "Why?" I asked slowly. He sighed once more, "Because I feel bad for not doing anything and I'm sorry." I blinked in surprise. "Well... uh... thanks. But you don't have to do that. It was my clutzy self that caused this, not you."

  He laughed, and I couldn't help but feel jealous. Why couldn't I have such a nice laugh? "It's okay Shorty, I want to." My eyes narrowed, "Wow thanks, I've never heard that one before." I grumbled, spinning on my heel before walking over to the express checkout. He laughed again. You know, maybe it wasn't that nice. More... irritating.

  I pulled out my wallet to get my money and he pushed my hands down. "I told you, I'm paying for it." I opened my mouth to protest and he shook his head, his curls quivering from the motion, "Whether you want me to or not."



  "Listen, you don-"


  "You're such a-"


  "IRRITATING DICKHEAD." I finally yelled, fed up with his stubborn ass.

  Who was this guy anyway? Did his mother not teach him any manners at all? God it was like he was sweet and caring on minute, then the next he was the most annoying person on the planet. I huffed, turning around and folding my arms across my chest.

  I could hear him chuckling. Then I could feel him staring at me. I turned around, "Does your phone have a camera?" I asked casually. He looked at me for a few moments before nodding slowly. "Then fucking use it to take a picture or something! Just stop staring at me!"

  I turned back around and heard him laughing again. Fucking hell. Irritating, bloody little-

  "Is that all sir?" The cashier asked. "Yes." Curly responded, setting down the boxes of cereal on the counter. The cashier - a perky blue-eyed blonde - smiled, pushing her hair over one shoulder. I rolled my eyes. For heaven's sake. "7.50 please." she said, smiling broadly. "Here you go." Curly said politely, handing her is card.

  "Thankyou Mr...." she trailed off, looking at the card. Her eyes grew wide and her head whipped up, smile even more candy-coated than before, "Mr. Styles."

  He nodded, "You're welcome." he responded, oblivious to the girl desperatly trying to get his attention. He was too busy looking down at his wallet. After a few moments, her shoulders finally slumped in defeat and she rang him up, handing him back the card and bagging the boxes. She looked at me for the first time and her eyes narrowed, nose suddenly turned up like she smelled something bad.

  Nice to see you too, bitch.

  She held out her arm, "Here." she snapped, holding the bag out to me. I rolled my eyes, snatching the bag from her. "Don't be sad honey, I'm sure your boob job will attract someone eventually." I said.

  Mr. Styles got wide eyed, suddenly realizing what was going on, "Woah there Shorty, calm down." he said. I narrowed my eyes at him. I opened my mouth to say something, but it closed right after. I guess that really had been uncalled for.

  I sighed, looking over at the blonde, who's jaw was clenched so tight I thought she could break it any second. "Sorry. I hope you and your..." I looked at her chest and then back up at her face, "cantalopes, aren't offended." She gasped and I tried my hardest not to break the serious look on my face. Curly sighed, "Well I guess you tried..." he muttered.

  I turned, walking towards the exit. I could feel a headache coming on. I hoped this was the last encounter I would have with 'Mr. Styles'.

  I made it about halfway down the block when I heard his stupid voice again. "Shorty, wait up!" he called. God damn it. I tried to walk faster, taking long strides, but unfortunately my quick steps were not any competition for Mr. Long-legged Track Star. "So a guy buys you cereal boxes and you just drop him like that? Talk about not polite." I could feel his smirk. I groaned, stopping mid-step. But, having my luck, instead of just stopping and turning like any regular human being; I stopped and tried to turn. Try being the key word. Suddenly I was back on my bum, staring up at Mr. Styles.

   "Ow!" I yelped. What is with me today? My balance is just worse than usual. Curly smirked, I could tell he was trying not to laugh. He held out his hand and I stared at it for a few moments, before grabbing it reluctantly. He helped me up. I sighed, dusting my jeans off once again. I looked up at him, staring at him for a few moments. "What?" he asked, suddenly nervous. I shook my head, laughing, "You know, this entire time that we've encountered together, I still don't know your name." I said. He looked at me, incredulous, "You don't know who I am?"

  I raised an eyebrow, "Um, I just know your last name is Styles." I said, unsure as why it was such a big deal I didn't know him. I mean, London wasn't exactly some small town where everyone knew each other's name.

  He stared at me for a few moments, as if to see I would suddenly scream "Gotcha!" and tell him he was on fucking Punk'd. I sighed, "Well are you going to tell me your name or are we going to just stand here and-"

  "Harry. Harry Styles." he said quietly. I racked my brain for a few moments before my eyes grew wide, having a sudden epiphany, "Oh, yeah. Harry Styles! From One Direction right?" He got wide eyed as well, but for a different reason.

  "What!" I heard some girl scream. Suddenly it was like the gates of hell just opened and me and Harry Styles were about to be trampled by at least a hundred fangirls.

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