Survivors- Chapter 1; Andrea Smith, Entry 3

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Entry 3- The Day the Aliens Attacked

(If you see random * it is because the writing smudged,this was caused by tears since clearly Andrea is upset, if there is / it is a tear in the paper. Don't know which direction to bring the text so please leave in comments.)

I can't believe what I did, I killed a man. I know I had a reason * I did it. It was so unreal I thought it was a dream but I know it is* what am I supposed to do. No one will accept me, I am g*ng to have to leave ** group. **o then the hordes will come to them. I am am am going tooo ahve * ill my selfs. NO N* there is ano**er way rigth right!!! there has to be....... its ok its ok relax relax i cant ** ths i cat.


/ /

/ /- Ar/ ea S**th

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