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Before I begin to just want to say that I am very proud of this poem. I think that this is one of my best and that this one will make the biggest impact on your hearts. Good or bad. So let's begin.


The world will fade.

Do will your sorrows slowly drain.

Drain through blood a blade has cut.

Relief that is what you feel.

The pain numbs all that is real.

Warm thick liquid covers your arms.

A quick escape from life will do you no harm.

But the burden of your death will sit in the air.

Leaving your loved ones full of despair.

Your eyes slowly close for a last nights dream.

Because tomorrow morning there will be a great wailing, that's what it seems.


I want to dedicate this poem to all my cutting, self harming, insecure, suicidal thoughts people. I want to dedicate this poem to you because I understand it hurts. I understand the pain, I understand you. I would like to point out some of my close people who I know suffer like this. My best friend Ash, Crystal, and another best friend. (She doesn't want her name to be mentioned.) all the suffering you go through its all an open door for hope enter the door and find peace....


S tanding

T ruth

R eady

E ncourages

N urtures

G iving

T hanking

H elping


All of us have Strength.

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