Air 💨

Flowing, breezy, and light.

Out in the open there is no fright.

Imagine to fly, fly away free.

Beauty and sunshine is all you see.

Fresh air your lungs take in.

Feeling peace beside your kin.

Smile spreads across your face.

For this is a peaceful place.

As the breeze slowly dies down.

You know another wind will come around.


This poem does not have any specific meaning. It could touch anyone differently. Don't let the wind blow you down, spread your wings and fly with the wind. Glide through the air.

In other words. Don't let troubles bring you down. Stand up to them and face them, then you will be gliding over them.


What does this poem mean? What does it mean to you? Please comment if you can. Because honestly I don't understand the meaning myself. And I wrote it. I know it has a meaning I just don't know what.

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