Meeting daniel

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Not really going to punctuate this one like at all sorry about that enjoy!
Today I was so excited I'm going to meet Daniel Skye! I have a blog about him and everything. (I know it sounds weird rn but it'll make since) I wrote about like everything he did I even wrote fan fictions about him and stuff and they were pretty popular. It was so cool. I had like four online best friends and two of them are coming with me! It's going to be the best day of my life I kept thinking. I never thought that Daniel had ever saw my blog or anything I never expected him to but in all honesty I liked to hope. I went to meet my online friends for the second time (the first being when we all went to a digitour camp) (comment if that should be a thing) We all packed into one car and started driving to the venue. We took our meet and greet passes out and stood in line we were the last people in line and I thought that we would NEVER get to meet him. Soon there was only one girl in front of us she walked up gave him a hug snapped a quick photo and left to get her seat. I hid behind one of my friends mostly because I was a little shy. I slowly moved up to the front while my friends were taking to Daniel. Mid sentence he turns to look at me probably not realizing I was there. He stopped talking and just looked at me eventually he said you you're her I've been waiting for you. W-w- huh? Was all I could reply you I saw some things off your blog and I followed you through my fake account. Um can I have your digits? DANIEL SKYE JUST ASKED ME FOR MY PHONE NUMBER! Was all could honestly think I wanted to freak out so bad but I know I had to keep it cool. I just simply replied with sure he got my number then he invited us back stage to watch the show. He kept looking back stage where we were and singing to me (I guess) after the concert he promised to text me and he gave me a kiss on my cheek. On the way back to the car me and my friends literally freaked out (who wouldn't?) My friend was to tired to drive so I volunteered to drive we were laughing and joking around when we realized that we were half way home. Next thing I know my phone buzzed and I noticed that it was a text from Daniel "hey babe it's Daniel I miss you!" I smiled for a minute thinking of words to say to him when I finally had the perfect thing to say I started typing but then when I looked up all I saw were headlights blinding me and then we were off of the road. When I wake up it's almost daylight and I hear lots of sounds at once I hear sirens and radio static. I hear a woman's voice right over top of me I hear my mom and dad crying begging for me to wake up then I hear a soft kind deep voice screaming like they were running towards me it was Daniel is she ok please tell me she's alright please wake up I love you please was what he kept saying over and over I tried so hard to move to wake up but I couldn't open my eyes or move my arms. No I screamed in my head. Is she still breathing my dad asked yes she's just in a coma right now hopefully she'll wake up within a few weeks and next thing I know I'm off to the hospital  left without Daniel one more time dying to hear his voice. Maybe for the last time. Hey guys thanks SO much for all the reads and votes! It's literally mind blowing! I won't be able to post as often because of school starting up but I will try! It took me a while to think of this! Comment and vote if you want a part two and tell me what you think of this one?!

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