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Do you know what it feels like to know somebody is at home waiting for you? Who loves you with all their heart and soul? I do.

I pulled into the mini parking lot in front of the apartment building and went into my apartment. There Cole was. He was on his phone, probably on twitter. When he saw me he jumped from the couch and ran over to me and gave me a hug with a million kisses. Loved is such an amazing feeling. "Congratulations Mar! This is amazing! Now what movie are we gonna see?" He asks me.

"Pitch Perfect 2?" I ask.

"Perfect!" He says. "Go get dressed so we can go!! Please."

I release myself from Cole and head to our room. I take out a cute outfit and get dressed quickly. I put on a little makeup and walk back out into the living room and leave the apartment with Cole.

We arrive at the movie theater. It was pretty empty, a few couples here and there and 2 or 3 groups of middle schoolers.

We got our tickets for Pitch Perfect 2 and got some popcorn and soda. We gave our tickets to the man as we entered the theater. It was already dark which means the movie is gonna start soon. We walk to the back and sit in the middle of the row. "I'm happy we went out tonight!" I say to Cole.

"I'm just happy to be with you!" He says and kisses me. After the kiss the movie begins.

"That was Acca-Awesome!" I say to Cole as we leave the theater.

"It really was. I Love the part where Fat Amy moons the president!" Cole says laughing.

"Oh my God yes!" She says smiling. "Which one is better 1 or 2?"

"One for sure." Cole says.

"Agreed." I say.

We get into the car and drive to a fancy Italian restaurant.

We walk in and a tall gentleman greets us. "Good evening. Table for 2?" He asks.

"Yes." Cole says.

"Splendid follow me." The man says. We do as we're told and follow him to a two person table in the back. "Here you are. A waiter should be with you shortly." The man says.

"Thank you." I say and he just simply nods his head and walks away.

"so how was rehearsals today?" I ask.

"It was alright Alex came by for a bit so Gabe was out of it for awhile. But other than that we learned a whole new dance." Cole says.

"That's good. I still haven't meet Alex.

"Really?" Cole asks.

"Nope. I really want to though, she seems really nice." I say.

"She's great. But not as great as you." Cole says.

"You and your pick up lines." I say rolling my eyes as he just smiles.

"Hi I'm your server for tonight, can I start you off with something to drink?" The server says. I didn't even see him coming. He is like a ninja!

"Hi,I would like a Sprite." Cole says.

"And I'll take a root beer." I say.

"I'm sorry alls that we have is water." Our server says and pours us two glasses of water.

"Thank you." I say and our waiter walks away.

"That was weird." Cole says.

"Tell me about it." I say opening my menu.

"What are you getting?" Cole asks.

"Probably pasta." I say. "You?"

"Personal pizza." He says.

"Coolio." I say.

"Coolio?" Cole asks raising an eyebrow.

"Ya I'm trying to mix things up." I say innocently.

"Okay." Cole says laughing.

"What's so wrong with mixing things up?" I ask.

"Nothing, it's just an interesting word choice." Cole says.

"Just shut up." I say laughing.

"Okay." He says.

"Are you ready to place your order now?" Our waiter says. Damn he is a flipping ninja!

"Yes, I'll have a personal pizza and the beautiful lady will have a large pasta." Cole says to the waiter.

"Okay, your order shall be ready soon." He says and walks away.

"A large pasta?" I ask.

"Ya." Cole says. "You eat like 4 bowels of it at home."

"But that's at home not out." I say.

"I think you'll be fine." He says and places his hand on mine across the table. "So what is Robert Jackson like?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Is he nice, quiet, loud, nice?" Cole asks.

"Oh he us really nice and extremely friendly. He is also really funny." I say.

"That's funny because he seems so tough." Cole say.

"I know right!" I say.

Then out of the blue our waiter returns with our food. He places it in front of us silently and walks away. "Thank you!" I say.

"This looks good!" I say to Cole.

"Just smell my pizza!" Cole says.

"I'm not smelling your pizza." I say.

"Okay fine your loss." Cole says.

"Just eat your pizza." I say.

"Okay what every you say darling." Cole says and takes a bite if his pizza. I just roll my eyes.

"Are you seriously using pick up lines?" I ask.

"Maybe, what are you gonna do about it?" Cole asks while raising his left eyebrow. I give him an intimidating look telling him to watch out. He tried to stay tough but soon enough he gave in. "Okay I give you win!"

"Haha I always win!" I say.

"You're cute when you laugh, Mary." Cole says.

"Thank you Cole you are just always adorable." I say smiling.

"Well I try!" Cole says and bites his pizza.

We both laugh. I haven't had a good time with Cole in a while. Sure we are living together but we are always busy with something. It is good to just let loose and have fun for once.


We walk into the apartment and just relax for a bit, cuddling on our bed. He leans down and kisses my forehead head and whispers, "I love you Mary Grace Jones."

I then lean up and kiss him full on the lips. It was a long, and i mean long kiss until I broke it and our foreheads touched. "I love you too Cole." I whisper. Even though it was dark I could sense a grin on his face. He then kissed me again and then trailed down my neck. Neck kisses are like heaven. He then stops kissing me and takes off my shirt. He pulls off his shirt as well and kisses me again on the lips. This was a another long kiss that was passionate and tender. During the kiss Cole being the sly guy he is pulls my pants off. He then takes his off too. And then...
Sorry I'm keeping this story PG-13. Lol you know what's gonna happen but I didn't want to write it. Thanks guys and sorry it took so long school has been a pain! Ilysm hope to be on more!!

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