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Cole's Prov--

"Dalton are you serious?" I say into the phone.

"Sorry bro it is getting pretty heated between me and Alice right now and I have my fingers crossed. You understand right? Please dude!" Dalton replies.

"Ugh fine!!" I say frustrated. "Bye." I hang up the phone before he could reply. I don't want to ask Dana or Gabe because I don't really feel like discussing what happened and they would make me. I have no where to go except for my apartment. Great!

I drive to my apartment building and see Mary isn't here yet. That's odd. I drove halfway to Dalton's so she should be here. Alice is with Dalton, so she didn't go see her. Maybe she went to see Tori, or Joy. 

I unlock the door to my apartment and open the door. I walk in and look around. The last time I was in here I was happy. Sure I had some suspicions about Mary and John but I thought I was just being paranoid. I go into the bedroom sit on my bed to think. I don't know what else there is to do. I honestly thought she was gonna be the one. The one I was gonna spend the rest of my life with. I look around the rooms I begin to tear up. I gaze over to my side table. On the table besides my lamp was a picture of Mary and I. It was taken at the arcade the day I first kissed Mary. It was so much simpler then. Our only problem was Jill not wanting us together. I would prefer that because at lease I knew she loved me. I pick up the photo and stare at it. Just at that moment my phone buzzed in my pocket. I take it out of my pocket not really sure who the hell would be calling me right now. It's the hospital. The hell? I answer it because well it is the hospital.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi is this Cole Pendery?" a lady asks into the phone.

"Yes it is why?" I ask I am so confused right now.

"Mary Grace Jones has been in a car accident and is unstable right now. She has you stated as her emergency contact since her parents live in Philadelphia now."  The lady says.

"What?" I shout into the phone. "Will she be alright?" 

"We are unsure right now due to the pregnancy." The lady says.

"Pregnancy?" I shout into the phone again.

"Sir please stop shouting, and it is your child that is pregnant with. She has been pregnant for over a week now." The lady says.

"Mary is pregnat?" is all manage to say.

"Yes Mr. Pendery, I'm taking it that she hasn't told you." the lady says.

"No she didn't. Thank you for i the tons of information." I say.

"You are welcome?" The lady says and I hang up. 

Everything makes sense now! She was trying to tell me what happened and I didn't believe her. I am such a jerk. I hope she can forgive me! I am gonna be a father! Mary is gonna be a mother! we are gonna be a family! I get out of my apartment and get in my car and drive the hospital, hopefully Mary will survive. She just has too! I need her. I love her and I wouldn't trade the world for her! 


another update because 2 certain readers asked me too! >_< I love you guys your reading and support makes me feel wanted! I hope this made you some at the end that Cole forgives Mary and regrets not trusting her! I'm gonna try to write again on Tuesday so please be patient! I love you guys thank you so much!!! <3

 and p.s. the video has nothing to do with this chapter I was just listening to it while writing this and was thinking why the hell not attach it because it is amazing!!! haha love you guys bye for real now.

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