ch.1- Boarding School?

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 Song of the moment: Goo Goo Dolls/ rebels beat 


Boarding School?

            “Aliena, can you come in here for a minute,” my dad’s voice calls from the living room. For a moment I think that they found out that I wasn’t at Keena’s like I had said, even if they didn’t know I wasn’t anywhere that that they knew of.

            “Ok, one sec,” I call back thinking quickly, rushing to the kitchen, grabbing a pudding from the fridge, ripping it open and grabbing a spoon, then walking in to the living room, “What’s up?”

            “Hey, sweetheart, we have been thinking- “, Mom starts.

            “Whoa, whoa, wait, people only say ‘we’ve been thinking’ if they’re moving, we’re not moving are we?” I say holding up my free hand, having no idea what I would if I was right, but incredible relived they hadn’t found out about me.

            “What!?! No, no, no, nothing like that,” Dad tries to cover quickly, but not before I see in his eyes it’s just as bad as moving.

            “No, it’s something else,” Mom follows up, trying to connive me of some false calm.

            “No? What is it then?” I ask picking up my spoon slowly, tapping it lightly on my bottom lip.

            “Its-, well, its-, ah eh, Blake?” my mom says nervously, passing the task to my dad to explain.

            “Aliena, we think that you could get a better chance at a new school,” Dad had me worried when he said my full name.

            “Better chance? Wait did you say new school?” I say licking the pudding off my spoon, then stopping with my tongue half way out and the tip touching to spoon.

            “Yes, a better chance of a college at a certain school, Severin Boarding School, to be exact,” Dad say in a rush.

            “Boarding school? Are you serious?” I say popping up from my seat that I had taken off to the side of the room, the pudding forgotten on the coffee table. “No, no that’s ridiculous, why would you even think of sending me there?”

            “Hey we don’t like it any more than you do, but you’re going,” Dad says, holding up his hands, the wolf side of me took that as a threat, I let out a frustrated breath, my jaw trembling with the effort of keeping control, I was still trying to keep the instincts from getting away from me.

            “Yeah, right if your parents told you you’re going to a boarding school would you be okay with that? No! You wouldn’t be, you’d be so mad you wouldn’t go, which is what I’m doing. Not going!” I shout throwing my arms in the air, flinging the spoon somewhere off behind me.

            “You’re going, it’s already decided!” Dad yells at me, grip the chair he was in.

            “No, I’m not, I can believe you would do this to me without asking me first!” I yell pointing me finger accusingly.

            “You would have acted just like this, before you even heard us out, you jump to conclusions to quickly!” Dad yells back. I’m shaking me head so hard it knocks the hat straight off my head.. Mom stood up, that’s when I realized she hadn’t taking part in the argument, but as she moved towards me I took a step back. Not trusting what she might do.

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