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song of the moment: Hi & Low/ the Wanted



               I woke up an hour later with the sun blaring across my face. It was 4 in the morning. Time fly’s when one falls asleep.

               Struggling up on my arms…arm? Arms! I had shifted back in my sleep. Is that possible? I guess it is, and it works for me, I hate having to go through with either of the shifts. Painful at most, a tickling at the least, it wasn’t to bad, mostly annoying if anything.

               That’s when I remembered that when I shifted back, all my clothing rips off when I go through the change, so no cloths at the moment, go figure.

               I ended up pulling my legs into a crisscross-applesauce, yes a little weird given the circumstances but no one was around, so whatever. I just sat there and let the early morning sun wash over me and turn my pale skin a beautiful pinkish orange in the light.

               Today was the day I was supposed to go to Severin. That’s when a thought hit me so hard it knocked the breath clean out of me, here I could sneak out at night so that I could shift but there would I be able to get away enough to satisfy my need to run? Even the thought of not letting the shift happened was making my blood boil, the first sign that I was close to the shift, one of the ones that the wolf was controlling not me.

               Standing up I looked back once over the water the light reflecting off it was making me eyes water from the glare. Turning my back on it I jogged off into the still thick shadows of the forests, the chill instantly wrapped around me causing goose-bumps to pop up all over my still bare arms and legs.

               “Oh great,” I murmur stretching my legs out in longer strides. Trees wiped past me, the branches punishing my trespass in their land.

                Eventually I reached my house, doubling over from lose of breath I put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. With my breath back I scaled the wall again but up this time, soon my fingers and toes where raw from the rough red brick that my parents had insisted be put in when we had moved to Ludington.

               Reaching my window seal I hulled myself over it with a great deal of effort. Landing in a heap on the floor I crawled to my drawer and threw on a pair of boy shorts and a bra. For a couple minutes I laid in the floor with my cheek pressed against the cool marble.

               Finally I got up and climbed into bed, sweet, soft, and warm bed that I never wanted to get out of. Just because I had to go to a lame boarding school does not mean I can’t sleep in while I was still free, well figuratively, I still was in my parent’s house so I was obligated to obey them, but I was 18 so by law I could do whatever I want.

               Once again I lay down, this time on a pillow not my paws, but also once again I was woken up from my beauty sleep.

               “Aliena! Wake up! You have 15 minutes before you leave!” Mom’s voice comes through the door again, less than 12 hours from when she was saying sorry.

               Groaning I rolled over with my face pressed into the lavender colored and scented pillow cover, “Unghhrupf” well it was supposed to be “Yeah, yeah, five minutes”.

               Once again I struggled up on my arms when she came back and said it again, to which my reply was, “OK! I’M GETTING UP!” I practically roared at the door. I heard Mom back away from the door with sharp step’s, once again I had upset my mother.

               I collapsed back on my bed this time on my back with my hands covering my face, and I laid there for another minute cursing myself on my stupidity until a banging on my door.

               “ALIENA! GET UP WE’RE LEAVING IN TEN MINUTES!” Dad screams at me though the door while banging on it till it basically was hanging off its hinges.

               I flew out of bed, racing around trying to find at least a decent outfit, which for me was a pair of baggy sweatpants and a blue Hollister V-neck that went perfectly with the light gray sweats. Flying to the door I yanked it open just as I saw my dad’s back turn towards the stairs, great I had five minutes before he probably left without my, my father wasn’t known for his patiently or kind heartedness or his loving ways, he was known for his speed getting things done and business like mind that had made our family millionaires.

               Swinging back into the room I grabbed my hairbrush and furiously ripped through it till it was manageable enough to put it up in a blue Bears baseball cap again. When I was done I raced to the banister where I through my hastily packed bag over my shoulder and sat on the rail. I shot off down the railing where I swung off the end just in time for my mom to walk in the room.

               “Your father’s taking you, and its three hours till you get there so be careful,” then she turned and walked away. That was it no goodbye hug, no “I love you, Aliena”, and no “We’re only a phone call away sweetheart”.

               “Mom…” I whisper sorry I had snapped at her earlier, but just as I was about to go after her to apologize when Dad walked out of the kitchen behind me.

               “Let’s go or we’ll be late, Aliena,” he just grabbed my other bag that I had thrown down the stairs before I had rail slide my way down here.

                Then his hand clamped down on my upper forearm pulling me toward the massive front doors that were inlaid with ivory, which made me sick every time I saw it. I hated to think of elephants being killed just so our door would look elegant and beautiful.

               I shook him off and stomped toward the Lexis with my phone in my hand, texting all my friends telling them where I was going and that they better keep me updated on everything that was happening at school without me there. Any cat fights, if one of the valedictorians got an F on a test, whatever, man I was going to miss my school, and all of it’s stupidity.

               Once we were on the highway I put my headphones on and sat listening to my LMFAO, Jonsi, the Wanted what ever played on my iPod, I was way beyond caring at this point so I let it play through the list as the thick green wall of the forest rushed past in a blur.

               I imagined my wolf running skillfully through the labyrinth of trunks, nothing more than a silver arrow shooting through the forest without another thought. I rested my head againist the glass, smooth and cool under my forehead, soon my eyes drooped the vivid dreams of running free were making me sleepy, eventually my head dropped and I fell into a dreamless sleep that carried me through 3 hours 11 minutes it took us to get to East Jordan and down an unknown road that led to another unknown road. Waking only when we got there.

 once again id really appreciate it if you would comment on my stories

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