Chapter 8

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(Louis' POV)

I was sitting on the edge of my bed, holding that damn razor to my skin.

I've already made a few small cuts on my thighs already. Now, I was just looking down at all the scars I had. Too many to even count. They were covering my upper thighs. Hundreds of them. Literally.
My eye sight was starting to get blurry as tears started to brim my eyes.

I need, Harry...

I dropped the razor, letting it fall to the ground. I dropped my hands into my face and sobbed into them as I felt my heart re-shattering. If that's even possible.
I just miss him so much. I'm so lost. I have so many unanswered questions.
I thought we were going to be forever. I thought he really cared..?

My thoughts were soon interrupted as I heard my phone starting to ring, I hesitantly got up and walked over to my nightstand to check my phone.

It was Liam.

"H-hello?" I said with a shaky breath, my voice cracking a little.

'Louis? Louis, are you okay?' Liam asked, sounding panicked.

"M'fine." I sniffled.

'Tommo, you're crying. Why? Why are you crying? What happened?'

"I just..." I trailed off.

'Just what?'

"I can't do this anymore. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm so lost without him. I just want to know why... It's killing me, Li..." I whispered the last part.

'I'm on my way.' Was all he said and then hung up.

I then let the phone slip out of my hand and I collapsed to the floor, sobbing very hard into my hands, bringing my knees up to my chest and rocking back and fourth slightly.
I stayed like that for about 15 minutes until I heard a knock on my door. I got up and ran to answer my door. I swung it open, expecting to see Liam. But, instead I was greeted with an all too familiar green eyes that I've been longing to see again.


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