Chapter 9 Mary wins one billion dollars, Mary and Julia's last day in Japan

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The next day was Friday and Mary had a idea to go to local casino. Julia didn't understand why she wanted to but figured why not it's her vacation after all. When Mary looked up casinos they found out casinos were illegal in Japan so instead Mary decided to go to the horse race track. Julia could never enjoy being round horses when she was alive and now that she was a ghost she could. "This is going to be fun" Julia said." For me too Mary said I've never been to a race horse track before. " I have once" Julia said my mom kind forced me. Julia didn't know it but Mary was going to bet her money on a horse because this trip made Mary realize she didn't want to be so far away from her best friend anymore and knew Julia couldn't move to Houston because she couldn't drive on the expressways. Mary decided she wanted to move back to Atlanta to live closer to Julia instead of states away. Mary didn't tell Julia her plan she wanted it to be a surprise but before she even considered moving she needed to win some money to afford living and buying thing in Atlanta. The horse track was on the other side of the of Tokyo just a little outside of the city so Julia did her usual thing getting them a cab ride for free and sense it was at Least a 2 hour cab ride (it had to be long because the track needed to be wide and away from the city) Mary played on her phone on the way over . Or so Julia thought Mary was playing on her phone. What Mary was really doing was looking up race horses that were sure fire winners. Mary looked at a lot of horses but when they finally got to the race track and saw the 8 horses running in race between all the horses the horse Moonheart felt like a good omen because Julia used that name a lot when she would write stories about unicorns. The other horses names were White Moon Stone, Blue Rain, Celestial, Beauty, Moonfire, Lighting, and Golden Fleece. As Julia and Mary were coming into the stadium Mary said " Julia I'm gonna run to the restroom."" Ok" Julia said I'll find a seat for us. "Ok" Mary said and left in the other direction. So Mary went to the restroom but before rejoining Julia Mary went to betting counter and placed a 29$ bet on Moonheart. She gave the person over the counter her money. The teller said good luck. The the teller handed Mary a ticket and then Mary walked off to rejoin Julia. After sticking her ticket in her purse Mary found Julia at almost the top of the stands far away from everyone else. Soon the race began. Blue Rain was was by far the slowest followed by Golden Fleece then Moonfire then Beauty and lighting. White Moon Stone, Moonheart,and Celestial were all dead even it could be any horses race but at the last second Moonheart pulled through the crowd and won the race. Mary had won and sense no else expected Moonheart to win Mary had won all his earnings. Mary had won 1 billion dollars. The race had taken a couple of hours because it such a big track plus the horses went around 3 times before they won." Julia" Mary said I'm going to go the restroom again before we leave." Ok" Julia said. Mary hated lying to Julia but she really wanted to surprise her. Mary went back to the teller stand to pick up her winnings. Mary didn't realize she won so much but was happy she did. Then Mary stuffed her winnings in her purse and before Mary rejoined Julia she stopped at concession stand for a slice of pizza and a bottle water. Mary used a small about of her earning to pay for the pizza and water bottle. 5 minutes later Mary rejoined Julia pizza and water in hand. "Ready to go?"Mary asked. "Sure" Julia said guess you got hungry huh? Yeah" Mary said walking out of the stadium. Mary started to eat her pizza " mmmmm" Mary said. As Julia and Mary walked to where they caught the cabs before Mary could do anything Julia already did her usual thing by using her powers to get them a free cab ride . Mary and Julia got in the cab. It was late afternoon now and neither Julia nor Mary had anymore ideas to do something else so they had the driver go back to the hotel so the could lounge by the pool for a few hours. Once at they got to the pool and they were just relaxing when Julia said " hey Mary I was thinking I know we said we stay here until next wed but I think we we did it all unless you have any ideas what we could do"? " No" Mary said but it's only Saturday tomorrow. You still have  5 days left what do I you want so for those last 5 days? " I don't care Julia admitted  as long as I'm with you.  Mary smiled and said " well ok  but if were going back we need to find a quit and secluded place to do what I have to do to turn you human again and it  should be in Georgia so I can go get you from the morgue and remember  once you do wake you will be freezing  cold because you have Been dead for a week now." Ok Julia said. "But  don't worry" Mary continued you will get warmer  soon after. I will even bring you new clothes and a coat." Ok" Julia  said again. A few hours later Mary was hungry for dinner and sense it was their last in Tokyo they wanted to go somewhere they could see the city lights one last time. They decided to back to the restaurant they eat at there first night in Tokyo called Kozue the restaurant was on top of the Tokyo tower.  They walked over to the restaurant because it wasn't far  from the hotel and it was a nice night. As they were waking  Julia looked up at the moon and said to Mary " Mary look ( Julia pointed  up at the moon ) it's a crescent moon. A Sailor Moon moon. Mary looked up at said " I think GOD did that just for you on your last night in Toyko." Maybe" Julia said. Soon Mary and Julia arrived at the Tokyo towers elevator to go to the restaurant and headed into elevator. Soon they entered the restaurant. Julia possessed the manger on duty to get mary a free meal . Mary watched Julia do her thing and when she was done Mary smiled at her ghostly best friend. When the waiter  came over to Mary and Julia he said " welcome to Kozue I just  like to let you know we will be starting karaoke soon." Oooo" Mary said. The waiter continued "I can take your order when you are ready to order "" I'm ready now" Mary said I'd like some Miso soup please and some sushi smoked salmon and crab please." Yes mam" the waiter said I will get that right in for you. " thank you" Mary said then the waiter left their table." Mary" Julia said  did you have fun in this trip?" Yes Julia" Mary said thank you I will never forget this both the trip and all you have done for me. "Your welcome" Julia said  I'm glad you had so much fun. I did too even though I'm a ghost. Suddenly a man said into a microphone  " hello everyone welcome to Kozue. We are about to start karaoke so if you like to sign up now is the time. Mary quickly hopped out of her chair and ran to sign up. Mary wanted to be first  so of course she was the first to sign up. Mary was going to sing A Dream Is A Wish Your heart Makes  from Disney's Cinerella  because this past week had been a dream come true . Before she started to sing  though Mary said into the microphone " This song is dedicated to my best friend. We both lived  out one of our dreams this past week by coming here. Mary started to sing and sense it was such a short song Mary put her own spin on the  song and everyone cheered. When Mary finished singing her food had arrived at her table so Mary sat down to eat. After Mary started to eat Julia asked " so should we fly back to Houston or Atlanta after all your off until Thursday." Well "Mary said I was going to surprise but sense you asked I need to go back to Houston to pack the rest of my things. The boys leave for collage soon. John's John.  My family hasn't changed and I've realized I really miss having you around. I've thought  about it and decided to Move back to Atlanta. Julia smile went from ear to eat she was just so happy but then thought and said" how can you afford it"?" I won a lot of money at the race track today " Mary said I didn't tell you I bet on Moonheart. I felt it was a good omen and I was right because I won 1 billion dollars. I wouldn't even need to work at least not right away and sense you got me here and took me to all these cool places we went I'm  going to buy you and me the houses of our dreams." Mary I'm So happy" Julia said not only because you are moving back and buying me a house but I get my best friend back. You are the bestest best friend ever!" Thanks" Mary said but keep your mouth shut until I get some of this money in the bank." Sure" Julia said no problem.after Mary was done eating Mary was full, happy and very sleepy. The  motion of going down the restaurant elevator didn't help matters. Whenever Mary was this tired any kind of slow motion made her even sleepier but Mary knew she still had to walk back to the hotel. It took a lot out of Mary to stay awake   On elevator ride  down. Once off the elevator Mary was swaying as she walked and was walking very slow because she knew once she started getting sleepy it was only a matter of time until her body shut down. It was 11pm when they made it back to the hotel because Mary walked so slow but when they finally reached the hotel lobby it happened Mary's body couldn't take anymore walking and Mary started collapsing to the ground. Julia caught her before Mary could hit the ground and luckily no one was around  to see but just incase anyone did show up Julia took control of Mary's body and walked her to the thankfully empty elevator. Once the doors closed Julia got out of Mary's body and before Mary fell again Julia caught her and set up up against the back of the elevator . Julia pushed the button to the 10th floor to go up. When the doors opened again Julia checked to see if coast was clear, saw it was so Julia picked up Mary  and took her back to their room to sleep.

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