Chapter 12 Julia's day arrives Mary brings julia back to life

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The next day after Mary awoke up Mary asked Julia about the day she died. Julia told Mary she was wearing her purple sailor moon shirt and blue jeans so Mary could describe Julia body to people she had to call to find where Julia's body was. After Mary got all the details she needed they started going over there plans again. That afternoon Mary and Julia went back to the mall where Julia died to get some warm clothes for Julia when she was back in her body . When they were done shopping Mary started calling hospitals to find where Julia's body might be. Mary knew the closest Hospital to where Julia died was North Fulton Hospital so Mary called there first and as she thought they said Julia was in their morgue." Ok" Mary said now that I've found out where your body is here is the plan in getting you out of the morgue. After the mall Closes tonight you will come with me to the mall and posses the guards to get me in to the mall. Then you will poof over to the North Fulton Hospital morgue and posses the person in charge there. Once in their body you will open your cabinet. Then walk out with the keys to the morgue locking the door behind you so no one can close your cabinet and I can get you after your spirit returns to your body. I'll meet you there." Ok" Julia said got it." Make sure" Mary continued you put the keys somewhere I can find them and remember when you return to your body you will be freezing but you must wait there until I come for you." Ok " Julia said again I'll put the keys in a planted tree closest to the main entrance. Now that their plan was set they had some time to kill so they went looking at houses for them. The house for Julia needed to be close to a Marta station so she could take the Marta to work. Mary on the other hand was picky so they went looking in the same area Julia already lived. Not long after they started they came upon 2 brick 2 story houses right next to each other. The houses looked like a classic country house. Julia thought they were perfect and Mary liked them too and best of all if they bought these houses they would be neighbors. Mary called the number on the for sale signs . The same person was running both of the sales so Mary only had to call one person. Mary arranged for the person to come out right away because Mary told the person she was going to pay cash for both houses. The person over the phone was so impressed that they got in their car right away and headed over to the houses. 15 minutes later a lady showed up .When the lady got out of her car Mary was waiting for her. The lady walked up to Mary and said "hello my name is Rachel"you must be Mary"?" Yes mam I am" Mary said I'd like to buy both these houses." Well Mary" Rachel said together these houses are 800,000$." That's not a problem" Mary said then Mary handed Rachel a lump of cash and said " oh don't worry I didn't steal it"." Well that's good to know"Rachel said. Well congratulations Mary welcome home. What are you doing with the other house?" I bought it for my best friend" Mary said I owe her a lot. "That's really nice of you" Rachel said and with that Rachel handed Mary the keys to the houses and left. It was 6pm now and the mall was closing." It's almost time to get started" Mary said to Julia. Let's get something to eat first I'm starving. Then we can go to the mall and put our plan under way". "Ok" Julia said where do you want eat?" How about Bahama Breeze" Mary said it's right near the mall." Ok let's go " Julia said. A few minutes later mary and Julia was back in the car and headed to the restaurant. It only took about 10 minutes to get to to the restaurant. Mary and Julia walked into the restaurant and thankfully it wasn't busy all because they were in a hurry. Suddenly a lady walked up and said "just 1"?" Yes mam" Mary said." Follow me please" the lady said and took Mary and Julia to a small table with 2 chairs." Thank you" Mary said and the lady left. A few minutes later a man showed up and said" hello my name is Chris, I'll be taking care of you tonight". Are you ready to order or do u need a few minutes?" I'm ready" Mary said I'd like a wood grilled cheddar burger, French fries and a diet root beer to drink." Very good" Chris said I'll get that in right away." Thank you". Mary saild. Mary and Julia waited about 15 minutes before Mary's food arrived. It didn't take Mary long at all for Mary to eat though she didn't rush herself she tried to finish as quickly as possible. Mary left 20$ on the table with a note for the waiter telling him to keep the change. The time had finally come Mary and Julia headed to the mall. Julia flew ahead to unlock a door for Mary. Then Julia found the security room and made the system malfunction. Finally Julia found the security guard on duty and with Julia's powers made the security guard fall asleep just by pinching a nerve to make him sleep for at least 4 hours. Then Julia poofed back to Mary who was just parking the car." I unlocked the door closest to the anime store" Julia said pointing to the left. Then Julia said" that door over there". Mary looked where Julia pointed and said " ok". " I also made the security system go down" Julia said so when you open the door the alarm won't go off and I made the security guard fall sleep for 4 hours at least. So whatever you need to do I hope that's enough time." That's plenty" Mary said now go to the hospital and remember leave the keys where I can find them." I'll put them in the planted tree right outside the main entrance " Julia said." Good" Mary said then Julia thought of the North Fulton Hospital morgue and poofed away. Julia reappeared inside the morgue and started opening cabinets to find her body before anyone showed up. Julia opened about 5 different cabinets before she found her own body. When Julia realized it was her body Julia waited for a person to show up. Luckily it didn't take long at all and as soon as a lady walked in Julia possessed her and made her open the cabinet where Julia's body was( not all the way but just enough so when Julia returned to her body she could get out ) then still in the lady's body Julia looked for the keys. Julia found the keys just above the door to the morgue. So still in lady's body Julia grabbed the keys and went out the door locking it behind her. Then Julia made her way in the lady's body to the main entrance. Once there Julia dropped the keys just outside in a planted tree by the door. Then Julia went back inside the hospital and still in ladies body made the lady go to cafe. When she got to the cafe Julia made the lady sit down. Julia then got out of the lady's body and put her to sleep just like she did to the security guard. Now it was all up to Mary. Meanwhile back at the mall Mary made her way into the mall and down the escalator. When she arrived in front of the anime store Mary could sense a spiritual arua in the air. Mary sat down on the same bench Julia's seizure happened on and started chanting. Mary said over and over again" Julia's mind, spirit and body become one again". Bring back my friend and the girl everyone loves. As Mary chant got stronger Mary's hands began to glow bright purple. Soon the light exploded in the air. The light turned into a purple mist that carried itself to Julia. Back at the hospital the mist had arrived to Julia's ghostly self and attached to Julia. Julia's ghost was slowly going back into her body. Back at the mall now Mary had completed her task but had collapsed in exhaustion. Mary knew she couldn't rest she had to go get Julia from the morgue but doing her chants always made her weak. Thankfully the hospital wasn't far away. Mary as quick as she could left the mall and before she went out the door Mary turned a knob to make the door lock behind her. Mary headed to the car and soon got in it and started heading to the hospital. Back at the hospital Julia's spirit had returned to her body but it would take some time for Julia to wake. Mary drove as quick as she could but it wasn't easy Mary felt so weak and tired but after about 10 minutes in the car Mary made it to the hospital. Mary found a close place to park, got Julia's warm clothes out if the Car and started her way into the hospital entrance. Julia was awake now. Julia rolled over and pushed open her cabinet and hoped no one saw her. Mary looked for the morgue keys and found them just where Julia said they be in the tree planted right outside the main entrance to the hospital. Mary grabbed the keys and walked inside. Mary went to customer service desk and asked the man sitting there" could you please direct me to the morgue"? I'm here to claim my sister." Oh no the man said I'm sorry for your loss. The morgue is down the elevator on the ground floor. Just follow the signs after you leave the elevator." Thanks" Mary said. Julia was so cold now but she knew Mary was on her way. Mary was going down the elevator now and it took all she had to stay awake on the elevator luckily it wasn't a long ride down. When the elevator opened again Mary looked for hospital signs and saw they said to go straight ahead so Mary stepped out of the elevator and went straight ahead. Mary followed the hallway all way to the morgue and started trying keys. By the 5th try Mary was successful. Mary opened the door and said " Julia where are you"? "Hhhhhheeeeerrrrrreeeeeee" Julia said. Mary quickly got Julia down and helped her stand so Julia could get use to standing again. Julia had been dead for about 2 weeks now. Once Julia had her balance Mary gave Julia her warm clothes but Julia was still cold but then the morgue itself is a cold place." Can you walk"? Mary asked "I think so " Julia said and started to walk. "Ok let's get out of here" Mary said I don't know how much longer I can last. My chants always take a lot out of me I don't have much strength left. It took all I had to come get to you." Let's hurry then" Julia said. "Wait" Mary said while setting the keys back where there were suppose to go above the door we need to walk out of here separately because the guy at the front desk will Recognize me from when I came in. Just go up the elevator and wait for me outside on the side of the building at the entrance. "But what about you"? Julia said " I'll be ok" Mary said go on. Julia made her way outside to the side of the building by the main entrance. 5 min later Mary came walking very slowly out the door. Her eyes looked like they could close at any moment. When Mary got out the door weakly she called " Julia"! " I'm here" Julia said and walked to her friend from around the Corner they stood side by side as they started walking back to the car. Mary's body was so weak as they were walking her legs gave out on her for a spilt second Mary almost fell backwards julia caught her before she fell." Here" Julia said hold on to me. How far is the car?" Not far" Mary said weakly. Mary leaned on Julia for support as the walked and a couple minutes later they made it to the car. Julia opened the passenger door for Mary. Mary climbed in, buckled up then put her head back on the seat and closed her eyes. Julia was happy to drive after all Mary did for her Mary deserved a rest beside she needed it. Julia started the car and started out the parking lot. Even before Julia left the parking deck Mary had passed out asleep from exhaustion. Julia paid for parking and started heading home. Julia's new home wasn't ready yet so they went back to her town home which was only like 2 minutes from her new place but she still needed to move her stuff in. About 30 minutes later Julia pulled up at her town house. Julia didn't want wake Mary because she knew Mary needed her rest but Julia wasn't a ghost anymore and if she picked Mary up it be very hard on her but Julia had to try she wasn't going to leave her best friend in the car. Julia put the car in park , got out of the car, unlocked the door and prompt it open so she could bring Mary inside. Julia rushed back to Mary and unblocked her seat belt. Julia made Mary's legs hang out the car door then Julia stood Mary up keeping her steady by prompting her up against the car. Julia held Mary in place with one hand so she wouldn't fall and with the other Julia closed the passenger car door. With the slam of the door Mary's body fell forward Mary back falling toward Julia but Julia  was expecting this and Mary back landed in Julia's arms. Julia supporting Mary's back picked up her legs. Julia cradled Mary in her arms. Mary's head hung over on side of Julia arms and her legs hung over the other side. Mary's arms dropped at her sides. Julia started to her house. The stoop up to her house though only one step it was a challenge. Julia had to feel her way up the stoop because she couldn't see it but she finally made it in the house. Julia laid Mary down on her favorite spot on the couch then said to herself " whew" while wiping her forehead with sweat. Mary was still out cold even after Julia walked her into the house. Julia went to go close the door and lock it up then went back over to Mary and prompt Mary's head with her favorite pillow and covered up Mary with her favorite blanket Mary not moving once. After being dead for 2 weeks Julia had been wide awake but after taking Mary from the car to the house Julia wanted to rest. So Julia sat down on the other side of the couch and turned on the tv. Making sure to keep it low so Mary wouldn't wake. It had been 10pm by the time Julia and Mary got home. Julia started  to relax and surprisingly found her self getting sleepy and without realizing it she fell asleep herself.

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