Chaper 3

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*Cole's P.O.V*

I wasn't sure if kissing her was a smart move but the way she kissed me back made me feel better. I felt like a prince and Lis was my princess. I wanted to make her happy and see her infinite smile.

I grabbed two Mt. Dews and sat next to her on the couch.

"What the firetruck?!"

"Watch your language Zach!" Me and Lis both quietly laughed. "Why didn't you grab me one tree humper?!"

Zach's face was so serious I almost died laughing and I could tell Lis was trying to maintain control.

"Go get one yourself and stop being oblivious." I looked at the clock and realized it was almost time to go. "Hey Lis we gotta go, if you still want to?"

"Oh yeah. Do we still have time to stop at my house? I need to grab my jacket."

"Yeah anything you need." I smiled grabbing my coat off a kitchen chair.

I ran out into the freshly chilled air and turned the keys in the engine.

"Zach! We'll be back later, if mom comes say I said hi!"

"Have fun with the girlfriend bruh."

"Alright. Whatever." I opened Lis's door and shut it behind her.

I looked over at her a smiled. She was beautiful, her hair was so long and blue like rippled oceans. Her eyes were doey and brown. I loved her white smile and small pink lips.

"Alright girly, tell me which house."

"It's the first gray house."

I knew exactly what house was hers but I didn't want to seem creepy. I guess it still makes me a creep but at least she doesn't know that, I don't think.

Lis ran quickly into the house and came out with a black spring coat draped over her arm. When she hopped into the passenger seat I raised an eyebrow at her jacket.

"You do know it's winter?"

"Barely." She said looking over quickly at me.

She was kinda right there was only a thin layer of snowy frosty stuff and the air was only slightly chilled.

"And your Mr. lets smoke outside shirtless" We both laughed a little

"Okay, good point." I smiled a smile, I wasn't sure would go away.

We pulled into the parking lot of Kings and I already recognized most of the cars. I was hoping my friends would let me and Lis be but I doubted it. Besides I am "popular" and the guys always wanna know what's goin on.

*Lis's P.O.V*

We walked into Kings and immediately Josh spotted us and dashed over to Cole with a stupid facial expression. I tried not to roll my eyes but this was aggravating to me. We all took a seat. Me, unfortunately Josh, and Cole. Then we waited for a waitress.

"So who's your friend?" Josh's smile spread dumbly across his face, flashing his perfect teeth.

"This is -" Cole was cut off by a waitress with crazy red hair tied into a curly flaming bun on top of her head.

Her teeth were tainted yellow in the front, probably a heavy smoker. She asked us for our orders then bounced back to the kitchen, one of her curls falling from her bun.

"I'm Lis." I said finishing Cole's sentence.

"So that's it?" Josh questioned.

"What do you mean that's it?!" I sputtered. "My name is Lis, what else is there to know?!"

"Jeez Cole, she's feisty"

"Cole, can we get this pizza to go." I didn't want to be awkward but more than that, I didn't wanna stay.

"Yeah my brother might like that" He smiled a sharp smile at Josh then I followed him out the door.

It didn't take long to get to Cole's house so we drove in silence and when we got to the door he apologized for Josh's behavior.

"Zach?!" Cole shouted but no one responded.

"He must have left" I said a smile creeping into my lips.

"You wanna eat now Lis?" Cole raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah I have to be home by eleven." It was already nine and I was a little disappointed.

Cole cracked open two Mt. Dews and handed me a plate with pizza on it.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He was already putting one in but I suggested music instead so we could talk.

"Oh yeah sure." He said heading over to his CD rack. There was something strange about him, but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was just an odd feeling he gave me. Cole say next to me and I decided to ignore the feeling.

"So what are your plans for the summer?" He inched a little closer.

"Well I wanna get a car."

"Oh nice. Are you cold?" I didn't even realize I was shaking until he put his hand on my leg to stop the movement. His touch sent electricity through my legs up to my belly button.

"Uhm... N - No" I stuttered trying to make the tingle stop.

"You sure?"

"Yeah." I said more confidently.

The odd feeling started to take over again and I felt slightly dizzy.

"Do you have a bathroom?" I swallowed the lump in my throat trying not to sound nervous. Was it just because we were alone now?

"Yeah it's down the hall." He finally took his hand off my leg and pointed towards the slim hallway.

"Thanks." I casually walked down the hall but I could feel Cole's eyes on me.

I shut the bathroom door and locked it then turned to look at myself on the mirror. Beads of sweat formed on my face and I wiped them away. What has gotten into me? I wanted to get close to Cole and now that I have, it all feels wrong.

I must have been in there for a long time because Cole knocked softly and asked if everything was alright.

"Yeah." I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants. "I just have a headache and was looking for aspirin.. Sorry."

"Oh, you should have asked I could have gotten you some." He puts his hands on my arms his comforting gaze meeting mine, making me shudder.

"Oh, well I guess I have some at home so I guess I'll go, and I guess.. I'll see you when I feel better.." I felt an urge to get out as quickly as possible but some strange part of me was begging to stay. It was too late, I had to leave.

"Sorry." I said as sincerely as I could.

"Don't go.." He looked at me with puppy dog eyes but the uncomfortable feeling saw through them.

"Sorry Cole. I don't want you to get sick." I grabbed my jacket and headed for the door when something collided with the back of my head and pain rushed through me.

I fell to the ground as the world around me grew black..

I will update as soon as I can but I don't have wifi at my house so it might take a while. but I promise it's coming ^_^ Please like and comment it means a lot to me and will motivate me to update faster! I hope your enjoying..

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