Chapter Twenty-Five: Waking Up

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Lisa's eyes went wide and she fought back her tears. "I want to see Jason, the one with the hockey mask. I want to see his body. Please. I need to see it." She wrote out and showed it to the nurse and she nodded. "I think they're about to start his autopsy right now just let me check with the doctor to make sure it's ok. We need to make sure that you're well enough to be moving around so much. Your ribs are bruised and we had to give you a few stitches on your throat. I'll be right back." She assured and left the room.

Lisa took in a deep breath to calm herself. He can't be dead. I've seen him get shot and stabbed, he's got to be faking. He wouldn't let them cut him open would he? Does he think I'm dead? Oh god what am I going to do I can't even talk to him now! I have no way to communicate with him! She kept taking in deep breaths to calm herself. She needed to think and figure out a way to get out of the hospital and back home with Jason whether he was dead or alive. Luckily the other girl was in a coma so they had no idea that she was involved in the killings.

After a few moments she finally had a plan for either outcome and the nurse returned with the doctor. "Hi miss Watkins. I'm doctor Schreiber I understand you want to see the body of your dead friend. I will let you go and look I know it's nice to have closure on these kinds of traumatic things, but first I need to ask you a few questions." She nodded and he handed her a piece of paper with a bunch of questions typed up. "Now I'm going to ask you these questions and you can write your answers down on that paper as we go, ok." She nodded.

"Where did you get that scar on your face? It looks relatively new and this is the first time you've been to the hospital since you moved here." She wrote that it was from when she was sexually attacked at her home and Jason scared off the men before they could do anymore harm to her. The questions went on and on about her medical history and so on and so forth. She never mentioned anything about Jason other than he saved her that one time and that she had seen him kill her friends only a few hours earlier. As he asked his questions the nurse unhooked her IV's and took her vitals. Twenty minutes later he was finally done asking his questions and she was about to hand the paper back to him when he asked her one more question.

"You have several bruises that look to be days even weeks old. Where did you get them along with the bite marks on your inner thighs? You never mentioned having a boyfriend and it's fairly obvious you didn't get them by accident. What happened?" He practically demanded leaning in closer to her. She wrote out, "I don't think that it's any of your business what I choose to do with my intimate life. Now take me to see Jason. Please I answered all of your questions."

The nurse gave a rude look to the doctor behind his back then smiled at Lisa. "Yes, fine. Carol will take you down in a wheelchair." He collected the paper from her and left mumbling to himself under his breath. The nurse pulled a wheel chair in from the hall and helped her out of bed.

Once Lisa was in the wheelchair the nurse handed her the clipboard and a pen. "Don't you worry about Dr. Schreiber he's just very nosey and Dr's never seem to know when to stop asking questions. So what you and your sex buddy get a little freaky sometimes. He doesn't need to know that." She winked and started to push her down the long hallway. Lisa wrote on her clipboard and held it up to the nurse. "May I please see my friend that survived?"

"Of course sweetie she's right over here." The nurse wheeled her into the room a few doors down from hers. The girl had all kinds of wires and tubes hooked up to her and a bandage wrapped around her head. "I'll give you a moment alone." The nurse left closing the door behind her.

Lisa quickly got up from her wheelchair and had to grab onto the girls bed to steady herself. She made it to the other side of the room and started to frantically search the medical cart. Her hands finally found what they were looking for and she pulled out a needle and syringe. She silently cursed at the girl as she made her way over to her IV lines. Pulling on the plunger of the syringe she filled it with air and stabbed the needle into the top of her IV just below the IV drip and pushed the air into one of her lines and disposed of the needle before returning to her wheelchair and wheeled herself back out into the hall. She smiled up at the nurse as she started to push her towards the elevator.

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