Playing With Fire

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"What's taking Ed so long?" Winry asked with a heavy sigh, "Well he did say he was going to go look for his pocket watch." Al reminded at the dinner table. "Where did he say he dropped it?" Maes asked while playing with Elicia, "He didn't say.." Both Al and Winry said looking at each other, "Maybe he dropped in the Colonel's office.". That sparked Hughes attention more, "Again with Roy... But maybe I'm just overthinking it, but still Ed was nervous before when I went to pick him up the last time.." He thought. "And he went alone to go get his watch?" He asked pausing what he was doing, "Yeah.. He said he would catch up..." Al said feeling a bit guilty for letting his brother go alone. Maes just looked down an expression of worry appearing on his face, "Sir what's wrong?" Winry asked, "Nothing..." He lied smiling at the two when in reality he had a bad feeling but wouldn't say. "Dinners ready." Gracia said coming out of the kitchen with a pot pausing when she didn't see Edward, "Where's Edward Honey?" She asked Maes, "Edward lost his watch so he went to look for it back in his daddy's friends office." Elicia said innocently. "Oh my.... Well I hope he makes it back soon." She said giving Maes a look that they only understood confusing the other two. "Enough of that, how was your trip Winry?" Maes asked the blonde mechanic, "Oh... It was good it was just a surprise to see Riza and the Colonel with Ed and Al." She said laughing a bit. Back at Roy's office they were engaged in a deep kiss as he undid the small alchemist's belt and pants a soft moan coming from the blonde when he ran his hand over his crotch. "He's so cute.. I like his expressions." Roy thought pulling from the kiss, kissing his ear biting it teasing his member getting another moan from Ed, "No.. I love them, I love everything about him..".

Ed's body shook at Roy's touch releasing a much louder moan when Roy teased him more arching his back putting a hand over his mouth looking away blushing heavily. "Don't do that.. I want to hear you." Roy said softly pulling Ed's hand away from his mouth looking him in the eyes making Ed blush more, "But this is embarrassing...". He had never felt so turned on till now questioning himself, "How do I really feel about him?... My hearts going crazy." He thought as Roy kissed him softly getting a chill gasping when he felt Roy's finger trace around his entrance. "A-Ah Colonel!..." A different sound coming from his mouth when Roy pushed his finger inside wincing a bit at the new pain, "Are you alright, I can stop." Roy said worried when Ed shook more. Ed shook his head grabbing his arm, "No... Keep going please." He begged with a look in his golden eyes, "I trust you so please..." Making Roy stay quiet a moment. "I really do love him... I fell in love with him... I want him all for myself." He thought when Ed wrapping his arms around his neck kissing him deeply almost desperately to feel comfort. Another small moan came in between the kiss as Roy moved his finger in and out inside him feeling a second enter him than a third feeling a painful pleasure but Roy's touch over his thigh took his mind off it. "Nnn Colonel I feel.." He started Feeling a strange sensation in his body when he sudden came blushing from embarrassment putting his hands over his face, "....I'm sorry..". Roy was surprised when Ed suddenly came feeling the warmth on his stomach and couldn't help but smile at his embarrassment pulling his fingers out grabbing both wrists pulling them away from his face. "Hey it's alright.." Roy started but paused seeing a embarrassed expression on the blonde's flushed face, "My body feels hot..." Moving around uncomfortably still turned on.

"...It's my fault I'll take care of you all the way okay?" Roy said kissing the small alchemist's forehead, "You ready Ed?" He asked grabbing his legs licking his lips. Ed thought things wouldn't get so physical between them let alone sexual just from that one kiss but he didn't protest giving a small childlike smile to the Flame Alchemist nodding nervously. Even if Roy was probably playing mind games with him he didn't care, he was happy at the moment that they both shared right now, "Yeah, I'm ready.". Roy gulped nervously positioning himself right for entrance, "It'll hurt a bit for you, so just grab my arms alright..." He said before entering him sending a jolt of pain through Ed's body immediately squeezing Roy's arms. "Ahh!.. Nnn... I-It hurts D-Don't move yet..." Releasing a small heavy breath when he was inside him completely alerting the Flame Alchemist wincing a bit at the pain from his arms but did as Ed said surprised at how tight he was. It felt strange to him but got used to the feeling inside him releasing grip of Roy's arms realizing he had bruised his right arm with his grip from his automail hand feeling bad. The raven haired alchemist noticed a look of guilt on Ed's face to see what Ed was looking at, a formed bruise on his arm, "Forget about that, are you okay now?". Ed nodded before being lifted into Roy's lap giving a moan panting heavily when Roy started moving inside him, "You're tight Ed just relax.." Kissing the panting alchemist feeling him relax in the kiss. Roy's kiss was comforting helping him relax as Roy thrusted him a bit faster and deeper against him feeling the other keep his hands on hips wrapping his arms around him pressing his body against his.

"He's so gentle and loving with me.. It's like this actually means something...". Ed thought pulling from the long kiss panting catching his breath running both hands down his back, "Haah... Aah... More.". He said in a pant. Roy looked Ed in the eyes smiling before thrusting him deeply moving him much faster kissing his neck leaving dark marks, "So cute.". Ed was feeling his limit arching his back, "I can't take anymore..." He said in a moan hearing the Flame Alchemist pant against his ear. "Ed I'm going to come.." Pulling Ed and embracing him releasing inside him as Ed came moaning quietly at the warmth inside him from their infidelity panting softly as he embraced him back. "I love you Roy." Ed said without thinking not realizing what he had just said leaving Roy wide eyed with a blush tinting his pale cheeks at what he just said. Roy had no idea what to say at that he was speechless just hugging him, "You idiot... You're making things more complicated for me..." He thought since he knew their little game was getting more confusing by the day feeling their heartbeats. Riza who was about to knock on the door to check for Ed had overheard everything pulled her hand away, "I was right about my bad feeling.. But how is she-" She thought but felt a breeze and seeing a familiar female office run by. "Well too late for that... Let's just hope those two know that they're playing with a bigger fire now." She said walking away from the door, "Wonder if I should let Hughes know that Ed won't show up after all with them.". Hughes who had gotten a chill down his spine knew something was up hearing the phone ring, "I'll get it." He said letting everyone else relax surprised to hear it was Riza even more surprised at what she said. "Oh alright I'll let them know... Thank you Lieutenant." He said before hanging up, "I knew it, now they're really gonna burn in their own flames.".

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