Love Who Loves You Back

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"Gah!" The Flame Alchemist reacted waking up almost immediately when he felt a small body jump on him opening his eyes to see Ed sitting on him, "Jeez Ed I thought I told you to take it easy...". "I know but can I ask you something?..." The small blonde asked quietly making Roy tilt his head a bit, "Sure something bothering you?" He asked pushing his bangs back with his fingers. Ed had a small blush on his cheeks since he had dreamt about the night in his office but remembered what he had said to Roy after, "I can't believe I said I loved him, how did he not find that strange?" He thought looking down at Roy. Roy noticed how distracted Ed looked calling to him, "Ed, Come on just take it easy, you need to rest your body." He said patting Ed's side snapping the small blonde back, "But...". "I'm serious." Roy said about to sit up but was pushed back down by the small alchemist who wouldn't get off him, "Do you regret what you did with me that night in your office?..." Taking Roy by surprise at his question. "It's better if you're honest to him." Remembering Riza's words to him the day before staying quiet, "Why don't you just tell him?" Thinking about everything that was told to him. "No I don't... Why are you asking that suddenly?" Making Ed blush more at that, "I was just curious..." He mumbled quietly making Roy sigh, "Come here." Pulling Ed down on him hugging him. The small blonde was surprised but didn't protest when Roy suddenly pulled him down and embraced him, "He smells nice... But I wonder if Winry and Al are worried about me..." Feeling the Flame Alchemist's fingers run through his hair. "I know I shouldn't be doing this cause I want him more for myself with every kiss and touch but... His lips comfort me, he makes me happy and that's okay for me." He thought as Roy kissed him kindly.

  "Where are we going Colonel?" Ed asked following beside Roy in town, "Don't ask questions." Roy said simply confusing him, "You could at least let go of my hand, we're in public you know...". The small alchemist was baffled when Roy had suddenly told him to get dressed telling him that he was taking him somewhere, looking up when Roy stopped in front of a new cafe, "We're here.". "This feels awkward it's like we're on a date or something...." Ed thought with a small blush feeling everyone's gaze on him when Roy came back with two Deli Sandwiches and drinks sitting across from him handing one too him. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Ed asked awkwardly taking the sandwich, "I took the day off." He said taking a bite looking over to Ed, "Something wrong with that?" He asked with a pout. "No no! It's just weird for you to take the day off just for me..." He said looking down, "Well that Mechanic of yours is leaving today right?" Roy asked, "Besides I said I would make it up to you didn't I?". "Sure I suppose... But you didn't have to none of that was your fault-" He started quietly, "Don't you say another word Edward.." Roy interrupted making a face making Ed look down biting into the sandwich awkwardly. While Al and Winry walked around town to grab a few things before she left they passed by the cafe seeing Roy and a familiar blonde talking happily and smiling, "Isn't that Edward Al?" Winry asked alerting the suit of armor. "Yeah that's brother!-" about to greet him but paused when he saw Roy grab his brother's hand kissing it than laughing when the other pulled it away blushing, staying just as quiet as Winry who was rather surprised.

  "You can't hate him for not telling you anything Al..." Winry said quietly walking away, "I overheard Hughes say that they're just playing games with each other thinking they need each other but... I think there's more to it.". Al who had nothing to say  silently followed behind the Mechanic, "I think I know why Ed stayed over at the Colonel's place that night he didn't come back, seeing from the hickey on his chest that he's trying to hide, they slept together.". The suit of armor was surprised at how Winry said it like nothing with a smile, "I think he's afraid to tell you cause he's scared of what you're going to think of him.", "...Why would I think bad of brother?.. I mean he looks happy.". "More like by the looks of it he fell in love with the Colonel but he won't admit it. I guess it's true when they say you fall in love with the most unexpected people." She added, "Come on let's go I'm sure he'll be at the station later." With Al nodding following behind. "About that report was it okay?" Ed asked as they walked to the station, "The Lieutenant took care of it, I didn't count it as anything." Roy said. "Huh?! But-", "But nothing don't worry about it's okay." Roy replied  simply smiling at the small blonde, "Okay than..." Feeling Roy's hand on his bandaged cheek than kissing him gently, "Take it easy okay.". Ed waved as Roy left watching as he left, "...I'm in love with you... How would you feel if I said that one day Roy?" He thought putting his hand down seeing Winry and Al walk towards him, "Ed finally!" Winry said happily. "What happened to your face?" She asked seeing the bandaged cheek accidentally undoing his jacket in the hug seeing his chest and neck with small red marks embarrassing Ed immediately pulling his jacket back over them.

  "...I-It's nothing." Ed said looking to the two who were surprised, "Ed, the Colonel walked right by us when we were coming here, you were with him earlier right?" Winry said looking at Ed with a smile. Ed had a feeling that they had seen him earlier at the cafe with him deciding not to lie about it, "...Yeah I was." Feeling Al's hand on his shoulder "Brother... You didn't have to lie you know.". "But...", "But you're in love with him aren't you Ed?" Winry said, "It's pretty obvious cause you looked pretty happy back there right Al?", "You did brother a lot." Making Ed feel a bit more embarrassed at how his own brother saw his true feelings. "Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" Winry asked seeing the train arrive, "If he makes you happy why not just be honest?... I have to go but just do what your heart says is right." Waving to the two as she ran to the train. "Oh!" Poking her head out from the seat window, "I forgot to mention! Don't break your automail anytime soon or I'll beat you got it! And the Colonel wouldn't like that now would he!" She added with a small laugh waving again to Al and Ed and the train started leaving. "...Al you knew?..." Ed asked quietly with the suit of armor turning to him, "It took me a while but I figured it out. Also you were acting strange more so than usual.. Can I ask you something brother?". "Yeah...", "Did you really sleep with the Colonel?" Getting Ed red in the cheeks, "I did... But you know what Al? I don't regret it cause he so nice to me the whole time.", "You're in love with the Colonel aren't you?". The small alchemist stood quiet feeling his heart race remembering every small moment between them till now, "Yeah I am... But it's not as easy as Winry thinks to just be honest cause I don't know if he feels the same you know?...". Alphonse stood quiet understanding where he came from accepting his brother's feelings for his superior, "You don't know till you try brother.". 

  Roy who had arrived back at Central Command to check on a few things was immediately greeted by Hughes, "Yo Roy we may have a little problem here..." He started but paused when a familiar brunette passed by, "I hope you like rumors Roy.". "What... What does she mean?" Roy thought but understood when she walked off with a smirk but was stopped by the Blonde Lieutenant who held Black Hayate in her arms, "I don't like trouble, let alone trouble that distracts the Colonel from his work, so you might want to reconsider your actions." Riza surprised both Hughes and Roy at her swiftness to the situation but kept her gaze on the Brunette, "You understand that I don't have tolerance for any kind of trouble right.", "But you know it's wrong!" The brunette started. "And? That's his business. As long as he gets his work done I'm okay with it.", "Right whatever makes the Chief happy is his business." Jean said suddenly stepping in along with the rest of his team making the brunette back down a bit speechless leaving almost immediately. Riza sighed looking over to Maes and Roy, "Sorry I don't have a tolerance for trouble you know that Sir." Riza said simply, "Chief just be honest with the kid." surprised at how much his team supported him looking over to Hughes who just nodded agreeing grinning. "Next time Ed comes by again just be honest about your feelings, let that pride go!" Hughes said, "Right, back to work everyone." Riza said simply while the small dog barked at Roy giving a small smile to them, "Thank you.".

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