Two Hearts

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"What do you see in this kid Roy, He's nothing but a brat with a metal arm!" Remembering the cold words of the Brunette looking down at the sleeping blonde who wouldn't let go of his hand the whole time he slept. "He's not a brat with a metal arm... He's more than that, he's special." He thought glancing over to the small table seeing papers, "He still did his report even after yesterday night? Maybe I should take it easy on him.". "I can probably take him out for lunch to that cafe, he'll probably like that." He thought before looking over to the side to see the blonde Lieutenant walk in shutting the door. "How's Ed?" She asked noticing that Ed wouldn't let go of Roy's hand, "He's finally resting so he's fine but he won't let go of my hand, he thinks I'm going to leave his side." Picking up the papers. "Here, this report doesn't count for anything can you take care of it Lieutenant?" He asked when Riza took them nodding, "Yes Sir." She said simply. "Hughes took Al and Winry to his place but he gave me a message to tell you." She started, "Keep Ed at your place for tonight and maybe take the day off so he can have some comfort while he takes it easy.". Roy couldn't help but laugh at Maes message, "That sounds like him.", "I was actually going to suggest taking him to that new cafe." Riza said simply, "Thats what I was actually thinking.." Roy said surprised. "I had a feeling about you two but it wasn't confirmed till I heard you two yesterday accidentally." She said, "But Edward looked almost happy when I passed by him despite his pain, seeing earlier it's obvious your in love with him Sir.". The Lieutenant's words kept the Flame Alchemist quiet, "Ed already admitted to it without him knowing it, but by the looks of things you're the one having trouble saying how you feel about him." Riza said as she left. "If you were to just be honest, Ed wouldn't think you're playing mind games with him, so just be honest for the both of you." She said simply as she shut the door behind her.

  Winry who was back at Hughes's place playing with Elicia in the living rom thinking about Ed, "What's going on with you Ed..." She thought feeling a tug on her shirt. "Ah.. What is it Elicia?" Looking down at the small girl, "I think Edward likes daddy's friend." She said quietly, "Huh?", "Elicia." Gracia said getting the small girl quiet, "Sorry mommy...". "What did she mean just now?" Winry asked making Gracia sigh, "It's nothing she didn't mean anything, don't worry about." Smiling at Winry kindly who just nodded not really convinced. "Hughes did say Ed was staying over at the Colonel's place again.. Unless... No I can't jump to conclusions. But still, it's possible." She thought, "The Colonel did look at Ed the whole time I spoke to him at the Station.". "Ed never talks to me about things anymore..." Alphonse thought, "Every time I mention the Colonel he changes the subject, but since when are they so close that he's staying at his place?" thinking about it. Hughes who decided not to say any more about Ed to Al or Winry kept Roy's secret thinking about his confession in his office, "I could see why he can't just admit it but still, maybe he'll open up if Ed stays another day.".

  "I'll just let Ed rest he needs to take it easy, he's had a hard day." Roy said quietly when he put the small blonde down on his bed taking off his military coat unbuttoning his shirt halfway before leaving the room. "Just be honest about my feelings Huh?" Roy thought as he sat in the kitchen moving his drink around about to take a sip jumping up when he heard a small voice, "You should stop drinking...". "Jeez Ed you scared me... You should be resting go back to bed." Roy said simply looking over Ed's appearance that still seemed a bit down from earlier, "But..", "But nothing." He said getting serious. Ed looked at Roy with his golden eyes quiet, he had woken up when Roy put him down on the bed but couldn't rest deciding to follow after Roy, also cause he was a bit hungry but didn't want to bother Roy. "I'm sorry I'm a burden to you I'll just go rest-" he started but blushed profusely embarrassed when his stomach growled loudly making Roy sigh getting up, "You're hungry why didn't you tell me?". "I-I didn't want to bother you.." He mumbled, "You're not a bother to me, stop saying that." He said patting Ed's head gently, "Sit down I'll make you something okay.". The small blonde sat down looking over the Flame Alchemist's appearance seeing his muscles since his shirt was unbuttoned halfway looking away as he spoke. "You haven't been eating much, you have to eat you know." He said fumbling in the kitchen for ingredients, "I'm sorry about earlier with Shirley... I should of been there for you." Making Ed put his hand against his cheek remembering looking down.

  "Here, I made you two since you're hungry." Putting down a plate with two sandwiches, "Eat up." Smiling kindly at Ed as he sat back down making his heart race a bit, "...Thank you.". Ed who was about to take a bite noticed Roy pick up his glass to drink picked up the plate putting it in front of Roy's face, "Take one, this is too much for me." Making Roy sigh, "No, you need it more than me.". The small blonde didn't give up looking at him intensely keeping the plate in his face, "You really don't want me to drink do you." He asked with a sigh giving up, "Fine I won't drink, just eat your food alright." Pushing the cup away. "I won't eat unless you take one." Making Roy react at how childish Ed was acting, "Eh?! Fine! You can be so childish Edward." Grabbing the sandwich satisfying the small blonde finally taking a bite smiling happily despite his swollen cheek. "I can't say no to that face.." Roy thought happily taking a bite himself a while later washing the dishes, than cleaning up the kitchen surprised when he felt a sudden embracement from behind, "Ed?..", "Thank you for taking care of me all the way.". Roy's heart raced a bit at what he said keeping his cool putting a hand over Ed's, "Come on I'll draw a bath for you, you'll have to sleep in one of my shirts though." Carrying the small blonde so he wouldn't push himself. "Here it's big but it should work." Handing Ed one of his white collared shirts when he finished, "It's too big.." He said when buttoned it up playing with the sleeves, "That's all I have...".

  Roy couldn't help but notice how cute Ed looked in his collared shirt at how it slumped off his shoulder seeing a small scratch on his left shoulder, "Ed you hurt yourself." Getting the small first aid kit bandaging it. "It was probably from earlier when I was pushed against the wall.." He said quietly seeing a few scars on Roy's body poking at them, "Those were from before, flame scars." Fixing the shirt back in place. How The Flame Alchemist got scars from flames surprised Ed grabbing Roy's sleeve when he felt like Roy was about to leave him. "Can we sleep together like yesterday?.." Ed asked awkwardly holding onto the sleeve of Roy's shirt looking down, "I mean if you don't mind..." Surprising Roy embracing Ed gently kissing him, "I don't mind.". Roy's response sent a bit of relief and comfort for him wrapping his arm around him when they got in bed cuddling against him, "He's warm and comforting.." Ed thought looking up to see Roy smile at him. "I'll make it up to you Ed I promise." Roy said simply a bit exhausted from earlier's situation shutting his eyes falling asleep slowly, "Huh what do you mean?-" he asked but paused noticing Roy fast asleep, "Is he really asleep already?". The small blonde sat up hovering over Roy looking down at him, "Yeah he's asleep... But he's smiling in his sleep." He noticed, "Is he happy with me?...". "I know that I'm happy when I'm with him but I won't say it... But I'll enjoy every moment I have with him cause he's a lot kinder than he gives himself credit for." Kissing the sleeping alchemist's forehead, "Goodnight Roy..".

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