Part 4: Trouble

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Next day

Fran woke up early to look sharp for school. After combing her dark hair, taking a short bath, she still had a few minutes, so she went to the library. She read the history of Creepy Town, and discovered the leader and Dean of the school. Slender Man, their leader, was the one who built the school, made use of this abandoned town, and lead the Creepy Pastas. Atleast, the good ones. There were evil ones, who follow a terrible monster named Zalgo.

When the bell rang, Fran was the first to get in, BEN came in after a few seconds, he was bored, so he talked to her. "Hey, you're the new girl, right?" "Yeah, I am." "I'm BEN, by the way. Capital B-E-N." "Nice name." After they were chatting, Bonnie, Freddy, Foxy, and Chica came in. Soon came Fran's other classmates, then last came Miss Pencilneck. "Good mornin' class. Get your notebooks and pens. We're going to art class." Fran opened her infinite backpack which had NO gravity, dove in, went in a portal labeled "school supplies" and grabbed 2 notebooks, and her pencilcase containing 3 pens, 2 pencils, 2 erasers, and a bottle of pen eraser. She floated out the bag, and followed the class to the art room.

"Good morning class. It's me, Mr. Squidward. I know one of you is new, so let's do some art." Fran smiled confidently, for art was her favorite hobby, other than feeling sorry for herself, playing video games, reading weird stuff, watching YouTube, and other stuff. "Okay, class. Take a pencil, and a sketchpad. We're going to make self-sketches." Fran took her big yet packable sketchpad, and started sketching her own face. She started with guidelines, then the eyes, lips, nose, and finally, hair. She finished it off by drawing a short part of her neck. It looked so real, except it was black and white. Jane, on the other hand, was doing terribly. BEN was doing nice, Jeff was worse than Jane, Clock was good, Liu was almost as good as Fran. Freddy, Bonnie and Chica was doing nice like BEN, but Foxy was bad, because he was sketching with a hook.

"Class, time's up, pass your works." Fran passed hers first. Next came Jeff, Jane, Clock, Fred, Bon, Chica, BEN, Liu, and last came Foxy. Squidward's eyes widened at Fran's piece, and he said, "Wow...amazing...Fran, your work Tell me, where did you learn this?" Fran smiled and replied, "I learned it myself, sir. I thought it looked silly, but thanks!" Jane's mouth fell open. "What...what...why did the newbie beat my piece?" Liu clapped at Fran, congratulating her. "Wow Fran. That was amazing. It almost looks real."

At exactly 4 pm, Bonnie knocked on Fran's secure door. "Yo, Fran, can I come in?" Fran opened the door, one lock at a time, and let the tomboy (but still has a touch of girl) animatronic in. He saw almost no furniture, but he knew that since he and his buddies moved in. "Fran, I got baaad news for you. Jane wants to see you in the forest, so be there in...five minutes!" Fran hurriedly took her bag, and asked Liu where the forest was. He lead her to a large and dense forest in the edge of town. "Thanks Liu, I can take it from here." Fran went in, and she reached the center, Jane was there, looking scary. "Hey, rookie, why you stealing my stage, huh?" Fran was puzzled. "What do you mean?" Jane moved closer. "You're sucking up to the teachers so you get better grades, am I right?" Fran held her bag tighter. "No, I'm not sucking up. I don't even know what you're talking about." Jane looked at her with her death glare, but she wasn't afraid. "I ain't afraid of no death glare." She moved a little closer, "Next time, if you get more grades than me, I'm gonna get Jeffrey to kill you, big time." Fran crossed her arms, "You don't scare me." Jane pushed her down, making her land in a mud puddle. Fran stood up, and walked away, clutching her bag.

That night, Fran couldn't sleep. She was crying, her bloody tears running down her cheeks and dripping on her dolls. "Great, another person hates me." After a few hours, Fran fell asleep, but she left her tiny flashlight-lamp on. Fran was uncomfortable in the closet, but there wasn't a good sleeping space, so she decided to sleep here.


Sorry if I havent been publishing parts lately. You know, homework, school, and all that stuff. I hope you guys understand.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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