Truth or dare

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Bella's POV
" Bella finally" Fred said as I walked into their dorm once I had changed into my pyjamas
I smacked him over the pillow as we sat and waited for George to come back from the kitchen.
" sooooo bella you still like George?" Fred teased causing my hair to turn a bright shade of pink.
" yes now shut up" I said flicking him on the forehead.
" hey" he groaned holding his hand to his head.
" is for horses"'I giggled as he glared at me.
" is poor Freddie made" i laughed just as George walked in.
" finally" Fred I said in unison while he handed us a bottle of butter beer each.
" I heard Filch screaming as I walked past his office and I had to sprint" George laughed while I giggled.
" hey I wanna play truth or dare" Fred said evilly.
Oh no
" ok" George grinned and I nodded.
" alright George truth or dare" Fred asked.
" truth" George spoke
" wuss" I said playfully punching him.
" who do you like" Fred smirked
" I can't tell you" George said glaring at Fred.
I swear if looks could kill Fred would be dead.
" why not" Fred whined
" because I don't want anyone to know" he spoke and my heart dropped.
He likes someone.
" ok now George its your turn" I said faking a smile as Fred looked at me.
" ok then bella truth or dare" he asked.
" truth" I smiled
" wuss" he mocked punching me on the arm.
" oh shut it" I smirked
" who do you like" he asked and I went into instant panic mode.
" um I um can't tell you" I lied
" oh" he said quietly and everything went quiet.
" oh my gosh seriously you both are so clueless its irritating" Fred said standing up.
" Fred don't you dare" I warned.
" George bella likes you" he said
" Fred weasley I will kill you" i said through gritted teeth.
" and bella George likes you" he finished and I whipped my head towards George who was staring at me.
" sooooo" I dragged out.
" I'll just go" Fred spoke getting up and leaving the room while I mentally groaned.
" do you really like me" George questioned once Fred had left.
"Yeah" I nodded
" I really like you too" he smiled and I stared wide eyed at him.
" really" I asked
" yeah" he nodded.
Everything fell silent as we moved closer together and our lips collided sending sparks flying.
Our lips moved in sync as we kissed before we were interrupted by the door flying open.
" LEE" we yelled pulling away as he quickly shut the door.
" bella will you be my girlfriend" George asked
" of course" I said as he pecked me on the lips and we lay down, our hands entwined.
I shivered and buried my head into his chest as a cool breeze flew through the open window.
" you cold" he said quietly and I nodded.
" here" he said reaching over to his dresser and pulling out a jumper before handing it to me.
" thanks George" I smiled as I sat up and pulled it on, noticing it had a red G embroidered into it.
I lay back down and he pulled me into his arms just as the door flew open again.
" hey guys anything happen" Fred grinned.
" she's my girlfriend" George smiled pointing to me.
" and he's my boyfriend" I smiled back pointing at George.
" yay" Fred cheered
" hey Freddie" I said in a sing song voice
" what" he asked
" I heard you snogged Angelina behind the quidditch pitch" I smirked.
He glared at me and raised a pillow in the air. I jumped off the bed and bolted out the door and down the stairs.
" ISABELLA WOOD I WILL KILL YOU" Fred screamed as he and George came running after me.
" don't call me that" I smiled before I ran to the top of the girls stairs.
" aww come on bella that's not fair" Fred whined.
" Freddie's got a girlfriend" George sung.
Fred glared at him, clearly annoyed.
Suddenly Fred's face lit up and he smiled evilly.
" you wouldn't" i glared.
" oh yes I would" he smirked.
" GINNY I NEED YOUR HELP" he screamed
And with that I sprinted down the stairs grabbing Georges hand as I ran past them and dragged him out of the portrait hole.
We ran until we reached an empty classroom and shut the door behind us.
" well that was fun" I laughed.
" I wonder why he's so mad though." George smiled
" he does the same to us" I said
" he's probably just jealous because I have the most gorgeous girlfriend in the world" he grinned.
I giggled as he leaned in and kissed me which turned into a heated make out session.
Our tongues danced and our lips moved in sync as we fought for dominance. Suddenly the door swung open with a bang.
George and I pulled apart quickly and stared at the figure in the doorway.
" Mr Weasley, Miss Wood I suggest you get back to your common room as its past curfew and don't let me catch you in here again" Professor McGonagall snapped and we ran out of the classroom blushing uncontrollably.
" ew McGonagall caught us snogging" I shuddered as we stepped inside the common room.
" I know" George said as we cringed.
He kissed me goodnight before I trudged up the stairs to the dormitories where Angelina and Alicia sat on their beds.
" Spill" Angelina said as soon as I sat down
" he asked me out and Oh My Weasley McGonagall caught us snogging in the spare classroom." I blushed.
They squealed in excitement as we got disapproving looks from the others in the room.
" that's so great" Alicia grinned.
" so Ange I heard you snogged Fred behind the quidditch pitch" I giggled and she turned bright red. " what happened to liking Lee" I asked
" I did snog Fred but I really like Lee but then I really like Fred" she gushed
" you've got yourself a big problem there Ange" Alicia said as I nodded in agreement.
" well then I'm going to sleep, night guys" I said as I cuddled down under my covers.
" Isabella wood I wish you were never born you are the worst sister ever" Oliver screamed
" Oliver I'm sorry I really am" I sobbed as he stepped closer to me
" I can't believe you missed the the final match of the year because you where off snogging Lee Jordan" he screeched
" Lee and I are just friends, no offence to him but I would never snog him" I cried as Oliver got angrier.
" SHE NEEDED TO KNOW" I screamed
" thanks to you my girlfriend hates me and we lost a match" he softened.......
*end of dream*
I awoke crying and covered in sweat.
"I hugged my knees to my chest as the memories came flooding back from last year.
"Stupid metamorhmagus no one likes you" Draco spat
" I wish you were never born" Oliver's voice rang in my ears
" stay away from Fred and George they are bad influences" I heard hermione say
" George" I sobbed as I slowly got up and made my way down to the common room.
I sat down on a chair in front of the fire and curled into a ball.
" why do they all hate me" I whispered.
" I don't hate you" a voice from behind me said
I jumped and snapped my head around.
" relax its me George" he said.
" George" I cried and he lifted me into his arms and carried me bridal style up to his dormitory.
" super George to the rescue" he grinned walking up the stairs. " your ok now I'm here" he whispered laying me on his bed and climbing in next to me. I curled up in his arms and slowly drifted back to sleep.

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