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Bella's POV
It's now October and today the people from Beaxbatons and Durmstrang are arriving.
" Bella" George sung running down the stairs.
" George" I said mimicking his tone of voice.
" let's go or we'll be late to see them arrive" he said wrapping his hand in mine.
I nodded as we walked out the portrait hole, hand in hand.
We arrived out the front if the school and snuck into the crowd next to Fred and Lee.
" hey Lee I bet you 5 galleons Beauxbatons get here 1st" I whispered as Snap was standing a metre away from us.
" deal" he answered.
" what are you two betting on now?" George asked quietly.
" which school gets here first" I giggled and he smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.
Suddenly Dumbledore spoke.
" aha! Unless I Adam very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!"
" where" many students questioned.
" there!" Yelled Angelina, pointing over the forest.
Something large, much larger than a broomstick -or indeed a hundred broomsticks - was hurtling across the deep blue sky towards the castle, growing larger all the time.
" it's a dragon!" I clueless first year shouted.
" don't be stupid... It's a flying house!" Dennis creevey said.
" better guess than the first year" Fred smirked as George, Lee and I stifled a laugh.
" it's a giant carriage" I said excitedly.
" and it's Beauxbatons" Lee muttered.
" cough up" I laughed as he grumpily handed me the galleons.
George laughed while I quickly pocketed the money and focused my attention on the Beauxbatons kids.
" wow she's bigger than hagrid" Fred muttered referring to the teacher who just stepped out of the carriage thing followed by many prissy looking boys and girls dressed in silk.
" aren't they cold" I muttered.
" my dear Madame Maxine" Dumbledore said " welcome to Hogwarts.
" dumbly-dorr" she said in a deep voice " I 'ope I find you well?"
" on excellent form, I thank you" said Dumbledore
" my pupils" Madame Maxine said waving her hand behind her.
" Look it's a mast" Ron said suddenly pointing at the black lake.
A large ship started to emerge just as the Beaubatons kids hurried inside.
" it's Durmstrang" Alicia spoke.
" hey bell wanna get out of here" I felt George whisper in my ear.
I nodded, getting bored of this.
I slipped my hand in his and we snuck away from the crowd.
" that was interesting but boring" I laughed as we ran down the corridor.
" hey let's prank Filch" George said.
I grinned in return and we ran quickly to the Gryffindor common room.
" wait here I'll get some water balloons and paint" he said grinning.
I smiled sitting down on one of the armchairs.
Soon enough he was back and with that we bolted out of the common room and towards Filch's office.
We stepped inside and using our wands we filled the water balloons with paint that turns your skin green. We then used magic to turn the whole room rainbow.
The two of us high fived and got rid of the evidence before walking to the great hall.
We took our seats next to Fred and watched Dumbledore.
He stood up from his seat and was joined by two other men.
" I would like to introduce you to Mr Barty Crouch and Mr Ludo Bagman" he spoke as we all applauded politely.
We watched inventively as Dumbledore and Karkaroff brought out a huge casket filled with flames.
" Anybody wishing to enter the Tri wizard tournament must write their name and school on a piece of paper and place it in the casket before the Halloween feast tomorrow." Dumbledore explained " I also wish to remind you that you must be 17 years of age to enter the Tri Wizard tournament" he finished.
" why can't we enter we turn 17 in April" the twins and I shouted standing up from our seats.
" I am very aware of that Mr Weasleys and Miss Wood but as you are not 17 now you can not enter" he said.
Fred, George and I opened our mouths to argue when Hermione pulled us back into our seats.
" will you three stay out of trouble for 5 minutes" she muttered.
" us in trouble why on earth would you think that Hermione" I gasped in mock horror.
" Hermione I'm ashamed I thought you knew us." George said in fake shock.
" this is just outrageous guys Hermione thinks we'll get in trouble" Fred cried.
" oh shut up and eat will you" Ginny snapped and the three of us burst out in laughter.
" Oh Ginny did we annoy you dear oh I'm so sorry" I said in a posh accent.
" yes dear as are we" Fred and George spoke in the same tone.
" anyways" i said turning to Angelina who was opposite me. " how would you, Angelina Johnson want to put my name in the cup thingy" I asked with puppy dog eyes.
" nope" she said sternly
" aww but you're 17 and I'm not" I whined
She shook her head no.
" what about us Ange will you put ours in" fred and George asked giddily.
" no" she said again.
" aww but we'll be 17 in April " we whined.
" no I'm putting my name in and no one else is that clear" she snapped.
" party pooper" Fred muttered.
" come on boys we need to figure out a plan" I said as we got up and walked towards the common room.
" I think we need an ageing potion" George suggested.
" ooh Snape should have some in his store room" I said grinning.
" well what are we waiting for lets go" Fred laughed.
We all turned back around and headed for the dungeons.
Once we arrived we stopped outside the classroom.
" ok he's not there so Bella you stay here and keep a look out while Fred and I get it" George smiled before he and Fred entered.
I stood there waiting for them and after a few minutes they came back out.
" you got" I asked eagerly .
" yep" Fred smiled pocketing 3 tiny flasks.
" then what are we waiting for lets go enter" George grinned and his gorgeous brown eyes lit up.
We all sprinted in excitement to the Great Hall and ran inside.
" WE'VE DONE IT" we said in unison causing a few Gryffindors to cheer.
" it's not going to work" hermione's voice rang.
" course it will granger" I assured her.
" you see that line it's an ageing line, created by Dumbledore himself and I'm sure he would have thought of ageing potions" she said rolling her eyes.
" it'll work just you wait and see" George stated.
" ready" I asked.
They nodded before handing me a flask.
" bottoms up" we grinned.
I downed the liquid and screwed up my face at the taste.
Gryffindors cheered as we jumped inside the ageing line chucking the papers we wrote earlier in the casket.
The three of us high fived when suddenly we were propelled backwards.
I looked over at the twins who had spouted long grey beards.
" you look stupid" I giggled.
" you can't talk your hairs grey" they laughed getting up.
" told you so" Hermione muttered as the fires spat back our burnt pieces of paper.
We walked to the hospital wing where Madame Pompfrey rolled her eyes at the sight of us.
" of course you three would try something like that" she spoke before waving her wand.
Our hair turned back to normal while Fred and Georges beards disappeared.
" thanks Madame Pompfrey " we sung innocently before we skipped away to the Gryffindor common room.

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