Part 16

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~mondaymorning, half past 6
*pieppieppiep, alarm goes, and emma wake up...
By emma; Noo! Stupid alarm! I just want sleep!!! *get out of her bed and change clothes
>the point where emma and her classmates wait on each other to bike...
Emma: Hello!
Hendrik: Wauw, are you tired?
Emma: eh... Yeah a little bit.
Coen: Let we go! Otherwise were not on time!!!
Elise: We have to wait on Sara!!!
Emma: I will call her, wait!
*call her
Sarah: hello
Emma: hey, are you almost here?
Sarah; yeah almost!
Emma: okay, bye!
Sarah: Bye!
Elise: And?
Emma: She is almost here!
Emma: The first 2 hours mister White!!! We have to run!
Sarah: yeah, otherwise he will say to our parents that were ALWAYS to late!!!
Elise: yeah and thats not funny!
*arriving by the classroom
Mr. White: Hello ladies, good morning!
Elise, Sarah&Emma: ...
*everyone sit on his/her place, but theyre still talking...
Mr. White: Please can you put your bag from the table? Quiet everyone! *everyone is talking
Mr. White: Mattieu! On your own place!!!
Mattieu: mister, hilbert is also sitting next a friend!
Mr. White: ...

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