Chapter Four - Vineyard Bathed In Moonlight

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There was a knock at the door early next morning. Luckily, I was already up and dressed, ready to find my way to the market and buy some fruit and vegetables. It took me a second to open the door which I was starting to find, often got stuck. When I finally managed to pull it open I found Janet stood on the doorstep and down by her car was Claude. He had his back to us, looking out at the view.

“Is this door playing up again? Claude can come and take a look at it tomorrow. How about the rest of the cabin, is everything working?” That was Janet; there’s no point wasting time with courtesies, when you can get straight to the point.

I looked back down at Janet. “Yes, everything’s fine, thank you.”

“Now Callie, Claude’s going to a party tonight, a friend of his is hosting it at the big house on the hill, I’m sure you’ve noticed it.”

I hadn’t noticed it but she didn’t require an answer.

 “I thought it would be a good idea for you to go with him, meet some new people and make some friends. What do you think?” Claude still hadn’t looked over at us and I could almost feel the “say no” vibes he was giving off.

“Actually, I’m not feeling up to it tonight. Maybe another time…”

“But Callie, you’ll be fine with Claude.” She lowered her voice and I had to lean forward to hear her. “Claude’s been looking forward to this party for a long time; he’d be disappointed if you couldn’t go with him.” Somehow I had the feeling that this was not how Claude would feel but I knew Janet wouldn’t let it go until agreed.

“Well, I could stay for an hour or so, I guess.” An hour would be way too long, maybe I could sneak off when no one was looking and come straight back to the cabin.

“Brilliant, Claude will pick you up tonight at seven.” She waved goodbye and walked back to the car. Claude got in and drove away without once looking back.

For the rest of the day I spent my time trying to find something to wear. There wasn’t much choice; I only had either a short, plain white sundress or a frilly, beige dress.  The beige dress was probably more appropriate for tonight so I went with that one. I had never been to a party before so I didn’t know what to expect. In England I had avoided situations like this at all costs, not wanting to be humiliated when I was the last girl that no one asked to dance.  And now, here I was. In Italy, getting ready to go to a party.

I didn’t leave the cabin all day, making to most of being alone with my thoughts and silence. I knew tonight I would wish to be anywhere else. Time flew by and all too soon it was seven o’clock and I sat out on the porch waiting for Claude to pick me up. The sun was setting and the birds had stopped chirping. In fact, there were no sounds at all. Despite worrying about the party this evening, I had not forgotten the uneasy feeling I had felt coming home from Claude’s house last night. And now, sat out here alone with the light fading quickly, I felt exposed. You’re just being paranoid. No one’s out there. And that was another problem, Why isn’t Claude here yet?

Ten minutes later, I was still sat there alone not knowing whether to be hurt or relieved that he hadn’t turned up.  I was just going back inside when I heard the unmistakable sound of a car driving up the lane. I sighed and turned to see Claude parking a small blue car. As he got out I noticed he was wearing a pastel brown shirt and black suit trousers.

“Sorry I’m late, Callie. I got held up at work.” He held open the passenger door for me to climb in.

“That’s okay.” The heat trapped inside the car wasn’t helping my nerves.  I rolled down the window to let cool air in as Claude drove.

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