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It still didn't hit me, but yet I'm still wondering what happened last night. The words mumbling still in my head, I feel like the world is shaking. I'm shaking. Yet I still can't control it. All these thoughts were in my mind with myself looking and the ceiling. My eyes land on the chandelier and there you see me gently pushing my hand towards the chandelier not knowing what was happening, hanging right above me starting at me like I'm it's little shadow, I started to point at all my little pearls on my chandelier not thinking of what I was doing, when something hit me.


It still didn't hit me yet that this was reality, continuing to starting at my ceiling like an idea accrued in my head, like that's ever going to happen.

You see I wasn't a very lucky child when I was at the age of 10. I was mostly depressed at a very young age, my bed was my home, my education, my appetites and that's were I lay. Almost 7 years of my life wasted over something that wasn't worth it and yet the same thoughts lie beneath me.

One after another Bangs come shooting in my room and that's were i lay remembering everything and anything, coming to realization that all of this was a daydream and here I am gently caressing the snow looking bed sheets off me and reaching for my pink champagne coloured slippers that are right in front of me. At this point I couldn't care if I was late nothing was stopping me.

I'm a straight A student with the most phenomenal grades over all my class mates. If a late slip has something to do with my reportunity then there has to be something wrong with there data and statistics in general.

I go to Winchester Hills right above beacon hills high school where teen wolf is broadcasted and over millions of teens watch it including me. You might ask Have you ever seen a scene in action up close!? unfortunately not! no no no there's a massive gate covering where we are to where there situated.

I aggressively pick up my Lush cosmetics face wash and gently apply some on my for head rubbing it in circles all the way to my jawline. I sympathetically touch the sink moving my hands to where the cold substance was heading and with any moment water splashing onto my face removing any face wash in remaining. To my left was my towel that I softly dabbed my face with and to my right was my closet with my clothes waiting for me.

I walked over to my closet not making any noise or any creeks, pushing my hand towards the knob of the door and opening it with all my force and there lays my outfit I picked out last night. It consist of my boyfriend jeans, My Black top with striped colouring at the collar bone and end of the sleeves. Last but not least my Adidas shoes and off I go running towards my door leading to the hall way. I speed walk down the stairs and run straight to the kitchen were my cat lies beneath the fake roses in the middle of my island caressing them over and over. I gently walk towards her giving her a little goodbye sign and out the door I go.

I'm not really a breakfast person if that's what your wondering. I only eat once in a blue moon breakfast on special occasions.

I run to my bus stop that stares right in front of me with a waiting bus picking up passengers and I was one of them running like a maniac. I was known as the last person in line looking like a complete psycho, out of breath! I hop onto the bus and there it drives away leading me to my desperation, sadness and in conclusion hell also known as school.

first chapter ever of "Anonymous texting"

Hope this doesn't flop like my other stories!

I'll update once I reach

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Thank you lovebugss!<3


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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Anonymous TextingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz