Kid's Madness

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I hold Patty in my hand in weapon form. Staring at her, I feel myself tremble.. I feel a sick smile play across my face, I begin to laugh for no reason. What has came over me? kill... Kill.. Kill.. I hear the words repeat in my head. I raise the gun.. Hah.. Haha.. Asymmetrical.. I dont care! I aim at Black Star, he doesn't see me.. But I see him.. I laugh more to myself.. I got you Black Star. Before I know it I'm drop kicked to the ground, I lay on my back. I look around for the attacker.. All I see is Patty. I give Patty an evil smile. She gives me a stern look.
"Finally growing up I see."
I try getting up, but Patty was fast. She grabs me by the collar and gets in my face.
"You need to fight the madness."
She says tightening her grip.
"Why fight something we already have?"
I say smiling.
She gives me an angry look and slaps me hard enough for me to lose eye sight for a few seconds.
"Stop it!!"
She yells in my face.
I stutter as I started to gain vision again.
She grabs my face.
"Look at me!"
She yells again.
I look at her and don't say anything.. I couldn't find my voice.
"Come back to us, Kid."
She says not yelling this time.
I start to tunnel out again, reality slipping.
A smile plays across my face.
"You want a kiss baby?"
I lick my lips and eye her breasts that were so close to my face.
She let's go of my face and pushes me back giving me a disgusted look.
I pick myself off the ground and eye her hungrily.
"Your breasts are bigger than your sisters."
I say reaching for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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