Chapter 2 - Too Shy

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*Sam POV*

"Hey Trev, I didn't know you had a sister. When were you gonna tell us?" I asked Trevor.

"Well it's a long story, she doesn't like to talk about it." Trevor responded. "Dude. TBH she's really cute. And is she really shy? She sounds like it when she talks" I asked him. "Yeah, she's really REALLY shy. Mainly because she..... Nevermind" "What do you mean?" I wondered for a bit. Trevor just shook his head and left. I wonder if I should go talk to her? Damn she's beautiful though. That long brown, wavy hair. Those gray-blue eyes. She's shy, I don't know. Sam you should talk to her.

I convince myself to talk to May.

*May POV*

I get to my room and start unloading. I think to myself for a bit. What's it going to be link living with these GUYS? I mean, I can take it. It might be fun! I don't know THAT much about guys, but. I've had pure torture before.  I sit on my bed for a bit looking out the window and enjoying the beautiful view. But then I hear a knock...


"Umm, Hello?" I say as I open the door to see Sam standing there. Gosh, he's pretty cute. I love his hair though.

"Hey uh May, welcome to the house. We're swimming in like 30 mins, you wanna come down?" Sam asked so politely. "Yeah, I'm not much of a swimming person. But I might" I say. He leaves, and I put on my swimsuit  just to look at my scars on my legs and back. I'm definitely not swimming. I don't have enough waterproof makeup to cover up the scars of my cutting. Ugh. I got dressed in my comfy sweatshirt and black jeans, hop on my bed and check Instagram.

"MAY MAY MAY!!!!" Trev comes rushing into my room. "What?" "May, the boys and I have decided, you should make youtube videos. ON THE O2L CHANNEL!!!" I'm shocked. I've never thought about that before. "Woah dude. I'm not gonna be good at that" I say trying to make an excuse to NOT have to do anything for a few days. But he ignores it. "May, if you're going swimming, tell us your decision. Bye"

Ok. I guess I'll think about that. I am living in an all youtuber house. And all of them actually share a collab channel. Maybe I will accept the offer!

-----------------------------Later, at night-----------------------------------

 Everyone has come inside after swimming. So I get my galaxy swimsuit on, put my long brown hair in a ponytail, and head out with my towel and phone. I grab my strapless cover up just incase someone walks out there. Gotta cover my scars...........

I get out there and set my stuff down on a chair and i sit at the edge of the pool. The disco lights are still on so it's not pitch black out.

"Hey, now you come out?" I hear a voice come from inside. it's Sam. I Grab my towel to cover up my back and the rest of the scars. "Um. Yeah. I like, being alone, sometimes" I awkwardly say. "Hey. Um. Since earlier today when we met at the airport. I uh.. I really think you're beautiful. And I seriously love your personality. I wanna know if you wanna go out? Maybe tomorrow?" He said a tad bit shyly but he's so handsome. How could I turn this offer down? "Sure. I gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow?"

I grabbed my stuff and headed up stairs in the house to my room, still holding the towel around me.

Weird night, but, no guy has ever asked me out. This is gonna be pure awkward.


*May POV*

I wake up at 7:45 am. Get out of bed, and change into my sweatshirt and short soft shorts and put my hair in a messy bun. I walk downstairs and look in the cupboards to see what I can make breakfast out of. OOH pancakes. I'll make pancakes. I grab everything for the pancakes and when I'm done cooking I take the syrup and butter and place everything on the table. I made enough for the rest of the boys whenever they wake up.

I hear someone walking down the stairs. Hoping it's Trevor I look up and see Sam. "Hey" He says.

"Hey back. I made breakfast for everyone, so." I say. "That's nice. PANCAKES!!! These look amazing!"

"Thanks. It's my umm, my *sniffle* my moms recipe, before she umm, never mind." I started crying a bit in thought of my first mom before she passed. 

"Hey you okay? You can tell me what happened, If that makes you feel better" He said, attempting to comfort me. It works though.

He sat me down next to him on the couch and I started breaking down in tears as I tried explaining.

"So *sniffle sniffle* My original parents, back where I had lived in Sacramento, And with my older brother Mack.*sniffle* My mom *sniffle* passed from brain *sniffle* can- c-c er. I had an abusive dad and my brother left me and my dad to live alone. Me to try to survive with a child molesting drunk father. And he, he"  I just sat there crying into his chest  when he said "What did he do to you" in such a serious voice. "I don't really wanna talk about it. But. *sniffle* He *sniffle*" then there was a short pause in my speech, but I said It. "he raped me, three times. He would hit me. He would throw me across the room. And" I sat there cuddled up in his arms for a while longer.

"It's all over now though. But I'm soo, so sorry, May." He said.

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