Chapter 4 - o2l

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*May POV*

I wake up, and I smell something coming from then kitchen. What? Wait.... I get up and before I walk out there, I fix my hair and put on a sweatshirt. Then I go to the bathroom.

After that, I plop down onto my bed and check the social media. I just recently got twitter and Sam was my first follower. I haven't told anyone else about my twitter though. Whatever. I hear someone walking up the stairs, then toward my room. I somewhat ignore it and then I hear Sam. "Morning Princess. I made you breakfast". "Oh, Thanks Sam" I blush a little, again. Then I try the scrambled eggs on the plate Sam gave me. WOW. "This is delicious!".  "Hey, I owe you. We all owe you" He left and I just finished eating about 6 minutes later. I brought the plate downstairs and did some dishes since I'm living with boys. Might as well do some work around here before I'm asked to.

"Hey!" Connor and Kian said, they were sitting at the table finishing their breakfast. "Hey. Have you seen Sam?" I asked them. "Yeah he should be up in his room. Why?" "No reason. Just wondering"

 I finished doing some dishes then walked up to Sam's room, to see him working on a video for tomorrow. "Hey Sam"

"Hey May. We should film a video together" He said

"What? Really? As long as you're in it, It won't be awkward" I said.

"What should we do? Q&A? Not my arms challenge?" He asked me.

"I don't know. We should probably introduce me to the channel first." I said.

Sam agreed. We went and told the others we'd be filming a video to introduce me to the viewers. That I'm new in o2l. About an hour later, we all got on the couch, Kian and Ricky set up the camera and lights, and I was in my room trying not to go 'too much makeup' as Sam says. I Just did some grayish pale eye shadow and some eyeliner and mascara. I had a bit of concealer on because I was still a bit tired. I brushed out my long wavy, brown hair and walked down to wait for Sam.

"Maaaaaaayyy Whyyyyyyyyy" Sam said, he fell onto the couch to hug me. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaatt" I said, slightly mocking him. "Why are you so perfect" He asked.

Ricky and Kian were confused at the sight. "Sam, do they know??" I asked. "Nahhh, I forgot. I'll say it in the video." Sam told me.

"OKAY YOU SLOTHS HURRY THE F*** UP" Yelled Kian. Trevor, Jc, Connor, and Ricky came down from upstairs and we all were sitting on the couch, well, I was standing until Sam took my hand and pulled me into the full couch. "There's no room, Kian go stand behind the couch!" Jc said to Kian. "No, May come here." Sam told me, and so, I sat on his lap the whole time. Everyone was confused.

Halfway into the video, after talking about me a bit, Sam said this. "Also, one more thing" I started to blush. STUPID FREAKING SHYNESS. Sam went on and told them.. "Me and May, are, together. So we will both be uploading in Sundays. Making the videos together."

"Woah. Dude. You guys are a couple??!?!?!??!" Everyone else was confused and shocked. "Yeah" Sam said "That's why I've been spending so much time with her lately."

We did the outro, then all decided to go get Taco Bell.

"Hey guys, I'll drive with May. Unless" Sam didn't even know yet. "I have a penny board. Let's go.

"Wait you do? You board?" Sam said in shock. "YES! Now let's Go! I'm starving"


The next day, after Sam and Trevor finished editing the group o2l video. Sam called me into his room. I slipped on my ripped jeans and already had my flowy cropped tank top on with daisies on it.

"Heyy what's up" I walked up to him and rested my chin on his head. "We finished editing the video. And you look as beautiful as ever" Sam said. "I wanna watch it" I told him

"Yeah we can go watch it in your room after we upload it" Sam said "just give me a minute"

"K, I'll be in my room." I left to my room. But found a note on my door. "Huh?!?" It said ' Hey, did I say you looked beautiful? Because you do. Go inside.'

I walked inside, and "woah. dude." I said out loud. There was a bouquet of daisies and tulips. My favorite. And then a box. It said not to open until after the video. "Umm, Ok." I said, Sam walked in with his laptop and a huge smile on his handsome face. "Hey, you read the note?"

"Yeah what's all this for?"

"You'll see. Just watch the video" Sam said.

He was hugging me from behind while we were sitting on my bed watching the video. At the end of the video, I started saying messages to me. "Mayabell. I've told you a million times already. You're beautiful. Open your box. And I look forward to making your first video on Sunday. Love you, my May. From Sam Sam" 

"What? IS? This? For?" I asked, blushing.

"Open your box May" Sam said and stopped hugging me to face me. I opened the box and, It was a beanie that had the youtube logo. And it was my favorite color, green. There was also a large sweatshirt. Sam knows I love sweatshirts. And it said o2l. and then all of our names on the back.

Kian Lawley

Ricky Dillon

Connor Franta

Trevor Moran

Sam Pottorff

May Moran

Sam instantly came in to kiss me after I looked at the whole gift. We were there I wanna say for about, 5 minutes. When the kisses came to a stop, Sam and I went penny boarding to watch the sunrise together. We went to get Milkshakes at McDonald's, and basically had a Sam and May day. Yeah.

I look forward to Sunday!

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