Chapter 14 - Surprise!

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Okay, quick authors note, thanks for reading if you have gotten this far. (if anyone's even reading) I Sincerely apologize for spelling errors and for things that aren't even real. SOOO SORRY OMG.

Skipping forward 4 years. (and so May and Sam are both now 22 years old)

*May POV*

Wow, 6 whole years with Sam. I'm so glad we didn't have problems in this relationship.

So, Sam said he's taking me somewhere tonight. I wonder where we're going? Idk. I hate surprises though, because I'm so impatient and my anxiety is just the worst, but, it's Sam. I know it wouldn't be to hurt me.

*Sam POV*

I'm glad me and May moved in to a house together two years ago. Tonight is going to be, hopefully, the best ever.

---------------------Later, at 8pm, sunset-----------

*May POV*

"Sam where are we going?!" It's been 10 minutes in the car already. "You know I hate surprises" I said, and looked out the window. "Yeah, Yeah, I'm sorry. We're here though" Sam got out and opened my door for me. The sunset, it's beautiful.

"Woah, Sam. What is this?" I say, walking down this row of small lights that lead toward a campfire.

"You'll see. Just follow me" Sam took my hand and intertwined our fingers, leading me to the campfire.

"May, umm, I didn't fully prepare for this surprise but, I love you May, I don't have enough words to describe your beauty, or your amazing personality ,or-" He trailed off for a couple seconds. "-Or how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Of course, being the emotional person I am, I was already crying.

"Mayabell Nicole Moran, will you marry me, and be my Mayabell Pottorf" He said after he got on one knee and opened a beautiful ring.

"Y-Yes, of course!" I didn't need a second to think about it. I love him. He put the ring on my finger, and we decided to go visit the rest of the guys tomorrow. Kian and Jc live together (and no they're not dating they each have a wonderful girlfriend), Ricky lives with his wife Cassie, and Connor lives on his own as well as Trevor lives on his own. We decided to go to Kian and Jc's house so we called them up the next morning just to make sure we could go over.



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