Manuel Neuer // Crashed The Wedding

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Today is the big day, her big day.

Today is the day the girl I love gets married, but hey, at least she will be happy, right?

For some reason I do everything slowly this morning. Showering, getting ready, eating breakfast, everything takes me as twice as it normally does.

I hear the bell and I get to my feet to open it, I still haven't finished my cereal mostly because my mind has been somewhere else. I open the door to find one of my teammates and good friend, Thomas Müller.

"Manuel, aren't you ready?" He exclaims.

"I just need to finish my breakfast, brush my teeth, my hair, put on some lotion and then I'll be ready."

After I did all of those things, quite slowly, might I add, we go to Thomas' car and he drives to the church.

"Are you really going to do nothing about this?" Thomas asks me, he is one of the few people that know I've liked Y/N for a while.

"What can I do?"

"Maybe just tell her how you feel."

"It won't do any good, Thomas! Besides it's not like a good timing, you know? I will just ruin her wedding day."

"Still, I think you should say something to her. You never know, she might like you back."

"Right." I say, laughing darkly. "She's marrying that loser, she loves him, not me!"

When we finally got to the church, much to my dislike, Thomas chose some seats quite too close to the front, I wanted to sit in one of the last rows but Thomas didn't listen to me, so here I am, maybe four or five rows from the front, sitting next to Thomas, who is talking to some of Y/N's aunts.

From here I can perfectly see her future husband. He's a good-looking man, he's maybe ten years older than her but he's very successful, he's a lawyer and a very good one. I can also see her father for maybe two minutes before he walks away, her father, a man who never liked me, I was just a fourteen-year-old boy when I met him, and he didn't have a problem with me until he heard I wouldn't go to university and instead play football. He was afraid his daughter would fall in love with someone like me, fortunately for him, she will marry a lawyer.

Soon, we all stand up because the bride is about to walk down the aisle. The bride. It feels odd to call Y/N like that, especially when she's not my bride.

My breath gets caught in my throat when I see her walk right past me, she looks beautiful, just amazingly beautiful. She has a shy smile on her lips and for a moment, her eyes find mine. I get stuck in my place right there, if only I could get to her, grab her arm to stop her from keep walking and tell her everything but of course I won't, I can do this to her.

"Doesn't she look beautiful?" Thomas mutters to me, as the ceremony starts.

"She really does."

The ceremony is awfully long, at least I feel like it is. I can't help but look at Y/N the whole time, I guess I am masochistic, because it does hurt seeing here next to her almost husband. Seriously, what have I done to deserve this? This is pure torture. I should leave but I can't move from my seat.

"Manuel, come on you have to do something, it's obvious you love her!" Thomas exclaims to me in whispers. "You can't let her marry him!"

"Thomas, it is too late! Can't you see?" I say, pointing to her. "There's nothing left to do."

"No, Y/N hasn't married him! It's still not too late." Thomas says. "Besides, we all know he is not the right guy for her, is he?"

"She loves him!" I exclaim, raising my voice a bit.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace." We hear the priest say.

"Come on, Manu! You must say something!" Thomas says urgently.

"I won't, Thomas. Y/N will hate me forever."

"Then I guess she will hate me forever." Thomas says, standing up.

"Thomas! What are you doing?" I whisper, feeling my heart beating so fast it hurts. "Sit down, don't do anything stupid! Thomas!"

"Excuse me!" He says as he coughs to get everyone's attention. "Hi everyone! I'm so sorry but I can't let this wedding to happen!"

"Oh, God!" I exclaim, as I bury my head in my hands.

"Y/N I'm so sorry, but come on, I'm doing you a favour! We know he is not the right man for you, even you know that!" Thomas says quite loudly so Y/N can hear. "But my good friend, Manuel, here, loves you with all his heart and you love him too, you told me that a while ago!"

At that everyone in the church gasps and I jerk my head up, she loves me?

"You love him, right?" Thomas continues. "Our friends, you, Manuel and I, we all know he is not the one for you! We all know Manuel and you are meant to be."

"Is that true, Y/N? Do you love him?" The groom asks.

"I'm sorry." Y/N whispers, so only him can hear.

Out of embarrassment I hide my head in my hands again, why did Thomas open his big mouth? He made everything worse.

Then I feel a hand on my shoulder, I know it's Thomas so I don't bother to look up. Everyone must be looking at us. And her father... I don't even want to know what he is doing right now, how will he kick us out? Hmm, we better leave before that.

I look up to tell Thomas to just go but when I look up he' s not there, he's not touching my shoulder, it's Y/N. She must be pretty upset at me, so she came herself to tell me to go and that I ruined the day she dreamt about since she was five.

"Manuel?" she says softly. "Is it true? Do you love me?"

"Yeah." I say in a defeated way. "I didn't want you to know this way, I'm sorry. But well, at least now you know."

I stand up so now I'm looking down at her, we were the same height when we were younger but then I grew up a few inches more than her.

"We'll just go now, I'm sorry for the disturbance." I say to her and walk past her. "I really hope that you will be really happy."

I grab Thomas' elbow and pull him down the aisle but in the direction of the exit, I just want to get out of here, but something makes me stop dead in my tracks. It's Y/N saying my name. I turn around to see her right where I left her.

"Yeah?" I say, not daring to look at her, preparing to hear the worst, like to get lost and that she doesn't want to see me again.

"You are the only one that can make me happy." She says as she walks towards me, the audience once again, gasps.

"What?" I ask out loud, I turn to look at Thomas to ask him if I have heard correctly, have I?

"I love you." She says to me right when she's only two or three steps away from me, only the people that are close to us can hear her.

"Do you?" I ask in complete astonishment. "Do you really love me?"

"You are an idiot! Of course I do."

And then she kisses me. God. Y/N actually is kissing me, in front of everyone, on her wedding day, wearing her wedding dress. Right when she was about to say 'I do' and marry what her father considers 'perfect', she goes and kisses me! Me!

This must be a dream!

Except... it isn't.

"Let's get out of here!" Y/N says, she grabs my hand and pulls me out of the church, Thomas smiles awkwardly at the crowd before running out of there before her father kills him.

We all get into Thomas' car and drive away, I still can't believe what just happened.

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