Antoine Griezmann // Euro Cup 2016

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You had gone to France a few days before your friends for the Euro. You had managed well on your own so far and had taken advantage of all the time you had had, visiting places you wanted to and basically doing anything you wanted without having to discuss it with anyone else.

You were a bit scared at first, especially since you couldn't speak French but many people did speak and understand English or even Spanish, which you could speak.

But today was going to be different. You were meeting with a friend in a couple of hours at the place where he worked, he had the tickets for the games you wanted to watch but you had never been to the place he asked you to meet him, so naturally, you went to the front desk to ask one of the workers of the hotel how to get there.

"Excuse me sir, do you speak English?" you asked the older man, who appeared to be around forty-five, the man told you he only could speak a bit. "Y Espanol?"

"Un poco," the man replied, but somehow he seemed more comfortable speaking Spanish than English.

You opened the map you had and told him you wanted to go to this restaurant, the man knew where it was but the place was quite far. The man tried to explain to you how to get there but you were having a hard time understanding him, especially when he eventually started mixing Spanish and French.

You kept asking the man but apparently you were more lost than before, you only stared at the man as he kept telling you to turn left, walk a few blocks, then turn right and so on. Then he told you to get on the metro and get out on certain station but you couldn't understand what he meant.

Suddenly, a young man interrupted you, making both of you turn to look at him. He was wearing a cap and sunglasses, and a red T-shirt, he smiled kindly as he offered to help you by translating, both of you agreed with relief.

So, the man kept giving you instructions, but this time in French. The blonde man said them to you in very good Spanish and you wrote them down. When you made questions, the stranger translated them to French and asked the hotel worker.

With his help you had everything you needed in two minutes. You thanked him gladly just after you thanked the hotel worker and was folding your map. He removed his sunglasses and you finally could see why this man looked so familiar, it was a French football player.

You could have recognized him with the sunglasses on but you were too stressed about getting the directions and a bit frustrated you couldn't fully communicate with the man, that you didn't pay much attention until now.

"I can make you company for most of the way, if you want," he told you in Spanish, making you gape a bit. "I'm going somewhere on that part of the city."

You didn't know what to reply, if any stranger would have asked you that, you would have said no right away but this was Antoine Griezmann, you couldn't just say no. You stuttered at first, finding hard to find your voice and not knowing what to say exactly but you nodded at him and managed to say a simple 'yes'.

Antoine put back on his sunglasses and both of you walked out of the hotel. He obviously knew the city very well, he went straight to the closest Metro Station without even checking where he was going. This seemed much easier than what the man had told you.

He tried to make conversation with you, asking question and commenting on your replies. You didn't ask much until you got to another station and changed metros, when you felt more comfortable with him around.

"Why are you going to that restaurant?" Antoine asked you. "Got a date?"

"No," you said with a chuckled, as you slightly felt your cheeks blushing. "Nothing of the sort. I'm meeting with a friend."

"What for?" he asked with sincere curiosity.

"He got me tickets for some of the football matches," you told him. "So I will go there to get them and to pay him."

"Any chance you will go see France against Romania?" he asked you with a smile that made your heart race.

"I'm afraid they were too expensive for me," you told him with a sad expression.

"Which one will you go watch then?"

You told him the matches you were going to see, you were going to three and maybe you would watch a couple of more, depending who was going to be playing the quarter finals and maybe even semifinals, if your budget could allow it.

Earlier you had confessed you knew who he was, when you told him you had been recently to Italy to watch the final of the Champions League, in which he had played for Atletico de Madrid.

Back on the streets, the conversation turned to football again, but you didn't mind of course, you loved the sport, that's why you were in France in the first place.

"Tell you what," Antoine said as he stopped to look at you. "Come see me play against Romania, I can get you a ticket."

"I couldn't possibly accept it," you said, even when you wanted to say yes. "I would love to but I can't."

"Why not? Come on, they give them to me for free," Antoine said, knowing that could convince you, that he didn't have to pay for your ticket. "And honestly, I would like to see you again, you are fun and I think we have gotten along pretty well. Please?"

"You promise you don't have to pay for it?"


"Okay," you said with a huge smile. "I'll go, thank you."

"It's nothing, I will get it by tomorrow morning."

Not much after that you went separate ways but not before Antoine asked for your phone number, so he could text you and arrange to meet again so he could give you the ticket, you couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day.

Two days later Antoine had the idea of being your tour guide and showed you around the city, by sunset he took you to the Eiffel Tower, where you saw how the sun disappeared from view on the very top of it.

The next day you went to the match as you promised and besides, there would be no reason for you to miss it. You even got a France jersey, which Antoine loved, when he saw you back at the hotel later that night.

He was a bit disappointed he didn't score but was glad and very relieved that his team managed to score a second goal and get three points on the board.

You continued texting each other every day for the rest of the Euro cup, you even got to meet again a couple of times. It was hard at first since you already had plans with your friends to go to other cities to watch other matches but you had made it work, somehow.

And at the final of the whole event, right after France won, Antoine ran to you with the biggest smile on his face and without warming he just pressed his lips against yours. You were stunned but you kissed him back quickly.

You both pulled away with big smiles on your faces, that showed nothing else than extreme happiness, except yours, that also showed surprise.

Antoine embraced you this time, just before he kissed you again, making you feel like the whole world around you didn't exist.


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