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Nobody said another word on the matter and after the experiment was over they all headed towards the Cheesecake Factory. The minute they walked in Amy noticed one of the waitress was Penny from school. Her stomach twisted but she played it cool. She decided to no longer let the queen bee get to her anymore. The boys noticed her also and quickly paced themselves to the nearest table, all expect Sheldon who took his time not paying much attention to the blond.

The when all 6 of them were finally ready to order Penny walked over and acted as if she never seen them in her life. Amy watched her tiredly take their order and scribble it on a notepad. She looked different. Stressed. Overwhelmed and a bit unsettling, the kind of unsettling that made Amy feel almost sorry for her. It made her want to give her a hug .

The blond finally left and someone else came. The second she looked up from her menu she locked eyes with David. Oh God not David. Not now. "Amy" he smiled towards her and waved his arms.

She gave him a polite smile back but that didn't seem enough for him because next thing she knew he was grabbing a chair by a nearby table and placing it between her and Sheldon. Sheldon ignored him as easily as he did Penny. Amy was a bit hurt that he seemed disinterested in them being separated. "I didn't know you had a posse" he said while looking at everyone at the table.

"Friends" she corrected him "and yes you may remember them from around school" gesturing to each of them. "Sheldon. Leonard. Raj. Howard. and you know Bernadette." He waved to them and turned his attention back to Amy. "What didn't you invite me?"

Maybe Amy was over-thinking his choice of words but he sounded genuinely upset. "I'm sorry" she said before she could think of anything else. "Next time you should come along." Damn it. What has gone into her. His smile turned into a huge grin and he pushed himself forward like he was about to hug her but stopped himself after hearing a loud crash. They all turn around to see Penny on the ground covered in various kinds of cheesecake.

Hearing a laughter coming from the far end they faced him and notice it was Zack, Penny's on-and-off boyfriend. The whole restaurant began to laugh now and she looked as if she would burst into tears at any moment.

Leonard stood up and with a forceful voice none of them have heard before said "Amy, Bernadette get Penny out."

He walked over to Zack and sucker punched him. Amy and Bernie took that as their cue and ran to Penny. Without arguing she let them help her while the crowd watched Leonard And Zack beat the living shit out of each other.

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