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Zayn's been gone for about half an hour, Charlie's been put down for her afternoon nap and Niall and Grace are currently sitting in silence- waiting for to see who will speak first.

He's a bite anxious about what he's got to say to Grace, but what also Grace has to say to him. He wonders how she'll react to him possibly moving out of the apartment.

"Me and Zayn are gonna try again." Grace starts, and to be honest he was totally expecting this.

"Yeah?" Niall asks and she nods, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, I finally called him while you were away. Had him come over, explained to him everything- how I was scared that he wouldn't want Charlie so I ran back to Mullingar. He insisted that this was what he wanted, he wants Charlie and me in his life. There were tears, from both of us Ni, mostly from joy. We were just so overwhelmed."

Niall can see the tears forming in Grace's eyes, and his heart breaks a little. He was there for her when she found out, bearing in mind he was still with Darren at the time. He was there when she made the decision to go back to Ireland, he was also there for Zayn when he found out she had left. They were both heartbroken.

"He forgives me, he forgives me for all the shit I put him through. I mean- he missed 9 months of his daughters life, and he's still forgiven me." Grace is full on crying now, her head in her hands with sobs racking through her. Niall is quick to go over to her, immediately bringing her into his arms.

Her voice is muffled in his t-shirt, she sniffles and cries. Niall just lets her, because he knows how horrible she feels, knows she feels guilty for keeping this from Zayn.

"Shh babe, everything's fine."

She nods her head, still tucked into Niall's chest. It takes her a few minutes to calm down before she sits back up again.

"Tell me more about LA then? What actually went down? Apart from y'know Harry winning his award."

"Gave him the best ride of his life didn't I?" Grace gasps and smacks his chest, not too hard but Niall still feigns hurt.

"Niall Horan, you dirty dog, you" She laughs, and he can't help the chuckle that slips past his mouth.

"What can I say? I'm a great lover."

Niall explains to her about the awards ceremony and how Harry had brought Niall over to the interviewer. She claims she didn't see it, but he knows she did. He then talks about their activities when they returned to the hotel, and how Niall was aching until the next day.

"I also told him about Darren, and about how I'm a stripper"

"Oh Ni, how did that go?" She asks softly, knowing it's still a touchy subject to speak about.

"Surprisingly well- well I did cry because I was ashamed. But, Harry took it all well. He was really supportive of it all, threatened Darren until I told him about his passing. Told me to quit my job and-"

"And what Niall?" She eagerly interrupts.

He takes a deep breath.


Grace squeals, and what? How the hell did she understand that?

"He asked you to move in. Oh my gosh Niall, this is serious business right now. Did you accept? Are you moving in together? This is so exciting" she rambles and Niall can't help but chuckle at her.

"We're not moving in to-"

"What?! Why?"

"I've got this apartment with you, I have you to think about and Charlie. I can't just move out and leave you to pay the rent. That would be so inconsiderate and selfish of me. I couldn't do that to you both."

"Nonsense, Niall. This is possibly the best news I've heard all day, you deserve to be happy for once babe. Harry is your happiness and I couldn't live with myself if you stayed here living with me, just to keep us happy."

Niall sits in silence.

"Please don't ruin your chance of happiness because of us, we'll manage just fine."

"But tell me one thing, Niall. What is your heart telling you to do? I know this is scary for you but Harry is no Darren, nor will he ever compare to Darren. You need to follow your heart right now and choose happiness."

"Look me in the eyes and tell me this isn't what your heart's telling you to do."

Niall looks up with watery eyes and a wobbly chin. He gives a small smile with an even smaller nod of the head. She grins in return.

"I think your boyfriend deserves a phone call don't you?"

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