Levi Ackerman

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(Eren's POV)

I rolled on top of him and he smirked "Jeez wanna go another round already? I don't even know your name yet"

"Eren Jaeger"

He looked confused "What?" I pulled out my gun I still had hidden in my pants.

"I said my name is Eren Jaeger" I said as I pointed the gun right between his eyebrows. Shock filled his features as I turned off the safety and cocked it, ready to shoot.

His face changed to a one of seduction and he started to grind on me. "Oh come on baby you don't wanna kill your little sex slave do you? Let's go another round"

I was dumbfounded, the great Levi Ackerman is trying to seduce me out of killing him?. I smirked and shoved the gun harder on his head.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here, The great Levi Ackerman trying to seduce me out of killing him. How pathetic" His face never changed.

"Come on baby, lets do it again I know you liked my moans" He was getting annoying with his act so I gave up and took the gun away from his head and got away from him, I sat at the end of the bed and sighed.

I was trying to seem that I had let my guard down to see what he would do, there was a silence, like he was trying to decide something.

Then movement was heard so I turned my head to see him crawling down the bed towards me. I held the gun tighter the closer he got.

"Eren, I know you hate me and my family but I really like you and I hope someday that we can be friends, or even more" He hugged me from behind and buried his face into my neck.

I made him let go and I turned to look him in the eyes, he looked like he meant it but I still didn't believe him.

"Look can we start over?" he gave a little smiled and nodded I stood up and handed him his clothes. "Well I better I get going before my parents get home."

I nodded and offered to drive him he turned me down and walked out of my room, quietly closing the door.

Shit, I think I'm falling for him

(Levi's POV)

I walked out of the Jaeger mansion calling a cab and getting in. Once I arrived to the Ackerman estate my father was standing at the door.

"Well?" I smirked and went down on one knee bowing my head and putting my hand over my heart. "Phase one complete, Stage two in action"

My father smirked and nodded "Good we need that Jaeger brat dead, he is the best of all of them" I nodded and walked through the door.

Just make him love you them kill him. Don't fall in love. Don't fall in love...


Hey sorry for the shortness


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